Harry Potter: Raised By Roses

By WinterWolf-99

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What would happen if someone rescued Harry from the Dursley's when he was four? What if those people gave him... More

Chapter 1- Guardian Angels
Chapter 2- Life In Greece
Chapter 3- The Giant
Chapter Four: Diagon Alley
Chapter Five: Platform 9 ¾
Chapter Six: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter Seven: Sorting
Chapter Eight: Meeting the Headmaster
Chapter Nine: First Day of Classes
Chapter Ten: Flying Chaos
Chapter Eleven: Of Trolls and Cerberi
Chapter Twelve: First Quidditch Match
Chapter Thirteen: Home For The Holidays
Chapter Fourteen: A Greek Yule
Chapter Fifteen: Heart's Desire
Chapter Sixteen: Idiot Gryffindors
Chapter Seventeen: Two-Faced Professors
Chapter Eighteen: Ministry Idiots
Chapter Nineteen: A Very Odd Elf
Chapter Twenty: Is That A Car?
Chapter Twenty-One: Greeks Hate Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter Twenty-Two: Voices In The Night
Chapter Twenty-Three: Malfoy Opens His Mouth Again
Chapter Twenty-Four: Of All Hallow's Eve And An Odd Girl
Chapter Twenty-Five: Greeks Really Hate Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Odd Elf Returns
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Olivia Is One Angry Witch
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Raise Your Hand If You Love Olivia Gardna
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Court Is In Session
Chapter Thirty: Yule Time Trouble
Chapter Thirty-One: Secrecy
Chapter Thirty-Two: Victim Number Three And Scolding The Harpy
Chapter Thirty-Three: First Real Defense Lesson
Chapter Thirty-Four: Follow The Spiders
Chapter Thirty-Five: Never Anger A Lion
Chapter Thirty-Six: A Bathroom? Seriously?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Basilisk
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Consequences
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Surprise
Chapter Forty: Charlie Draco... Er... Weasley
Chapter Forty-One: Padfoot
Chapter Forty-Two: Soul Takers
Chapter Forty-Three: Chat With A Moon
Chapter Forty-Four: The Boggart
Chapter Forty-Five: Why Is Halloween Bad Luck?
Chapter Forty-Six: Quidditch In The Rain
Chapter Forty-Seven: Secrets Told
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Hard Truth
Chapter Forty-Nine: Protective Siblings
Chapter Fifty: Hunting Down A Rat
Chapter Fifty-One: Ministry Idiots Again
Chapter Fifty-Two: Olivia Gets Angry... Again
Chapter Fifty-Three: Back To Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ancient Cultures
Chapter Fifty-Five: Fourth Year
Chapter Fifty-Six: Luna Is Right... Again
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The School Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Eight: All Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Worlds Collide
Chapter Sixty: The Goblet Of Fire
Chapter Sixty-One: Not Just No But Hell No
Chapter Sixty-Two: Someone's Trying To Kill Me... Again
Chapter Sixty-Three: Olivia Has Some Fun
Chapter Sixty-Four: A Fire-Breathing Threat
Chapter 65: The First Task
Chapter Sixty-Six: Love In The Air
Chapter Sixty-Seven: An Epic Ask
Chapter Sixty-Eight: It's Going To Be A Night To Remember
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Can I Have This Dance
Chapter Seventy: Back To Business
Chapter Seventy-One: Diving Into A New Problem... Literally
Chapter Seventy-Two: Mount Vesuvius AKA Olivia Gardna
Chapter Seventy-Three: Olivia Loves Throwing People In Jail
Chapter Seventy-Four: Magical Mystic Soul Twins
Chapter Seventy-Five: Final Task
Chapter Seventy-Six: Graveyard Brawl
Chapter Seventy-Seven: The Last Straw
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Home At Last
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Right As Rain... For Now
Chapter Eighty: Wizard's First Demon
Chapter Eighty-One: A Warning
Chapter Eighty-Two: Prepare For Trouble
Chapter Eighty-Three: War
Chapter Eighty-Four: Jungle Heart
Chapter Eighty-Six: It's Finally Over
Chapter Eighty-Seven: We Are Monster High

Chapter Eighty-Five: The Power of Three

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By WinterWolf-99

Harry was a lot of things and above all other things, he was a very protective brother. So, from the moment that Voldemort threatened Krinos and Melody was pretty much the moment that he was really screwed. He was doomed and he did not even know it.

In fact, even as he stared at Harry in his were-lion form, he still looked like he would still win in a fight against him. He was just as delusional about the amount of power that he was as the ministry people were. The fact that they all thought that they could defeat mystic souls when they also had the home-field advantage was truly an example of how stupid they all were.

"You think that you can just come into our home, attack us, and then threaten my siblings, all to get away with it," Harry growled at him. "I think you need to learn that when it comes to mystic souls, you are nothing compared to us. You can cast every spell, every charm, every curse, every ritual that you know and there will never be anything that you can do that would make you stronger than us. You will always just be exactly what you are. Pathetic!"

Even when facing against a were-lion, Voldemort glared at Harry when he "dared" to speak to him like that.

"You are just a child with delusions," Voldemort says back to him. "I have traveled the world and learned the darkest of magic. I am immortal and you will never defeat..."

"Blah, blah, blah," Harry cut him off. "Nobody wants to hear your psycho mumbo jumbo speech."

Harry charged at the dark lord without letting him say another word. It was really something that should have been expected by Voldemort. Gardna's are literally known as one of the most protective families in Greece. And just because Harry was adopted into the family does not mean that he did not inherit the family's protective nature. If those that met Olivia thought that she was scary when she got protective, then they had never met protective Harry before. He was downright terrifying when she got protective. The moment that he decided to threaten Krinos and Melody is the moment that he had officially lost the fight. 

Harry ran up to Voldemort so quickly that he did not even have a chance to think before Harry raised his claws up and slashed him right across the face. He smirked, his fangs showing when he did so. As immortal as Voldemort thought that he was, he was still bleeding.

"I don't think that I have ever seen Harry this angry before," Krinos says to Melody.

"He definitely has the same protective nature that every other Gardna has," Melody said.

"It is definitely more than just us being threatened," Krinos tells his sister. "I think that it is specifically because Voldemort is the one that threatened us. This dark lord wannabe was the one that killed his birth parents and I doubt that out of anyone that could have threatened us, he is the worst one to do it. Harry would never let his guy take away anyone else he loves."

Melody stared at the scene that was in front of them. Harry was not letting Voldemort do anything to him. With the agility and the speed that his were-lion form gave him, there was little that Voldemort could actually do against him.

"Stay still you little brat," the dark lord yelled at him.

He was not even able to get off a single spell because of how fast Harry was and how many scratches he was covering him with. His robes were ripped, his arms were cut, and there were many claw marks on his face and head. Harry's claws were turning red from how much blood he had drawn from the dark lord.

"You are sadly mistaken if you ever thought that you would ever be able to kill me," Harry growled at him. "These claws crave more of your blood."

"Avada..." Voldemort once again tried to use the killing curse on him.

"I have so had enough of that spell," Harry growled at him again.

It was almost like it was a combo of acrobatics and dancing with how easily Harry was able to move around. Even with the added agility from lion legs, it was still very impressive. Harry had obviously really come into himself when it came to his powers. He was one with the animal kingdom. It was very rare for anyone, even a mystic soul, to be able to have this much mastery of their powers before they reached eighteen, the age where their magical core would stop growing. Harry was obviously proving that he really was a very special kid.

Krinos and Melody were both really itching to help their brother, but they also knew that if there was one thing that Harry needed, it was closure. Voldemort had taken so much from him. It was because of him that Harry lost his birth parents, which was what gave the ministry their potential control over him that got him sent to the Dursleys to be abused by them. And as much as Harry was happy to gain a family in the Gardna's, there will always be the part of him that wondered about the life that he would have had if the Potters had lived. Sirius and Remus both certainly always spoke very highly of James and Lily. Frank and Alice Longbottom spoke in the same way about their old friends as well.

Harry needed to be the one that would fight against Voldemort. It was the best way for him to really be able to let go of the pain of his past. There was really nothing more therapeutic than kicking the butt of the person that caused you the most pain in your life. There was very little that Harry was probably not going to do to Voldemort.

"Enough," Voldemort yelled as he slashed his wand.

He sent out a wind blast that was able to get Harry pushed back a few feet. He dragged his claws on the ground in order to make sure that he was not pushed back more than that.

"You can use as much magic as you want, but there is nothing that you can use on me that will actually beat me," Harry says.

"You think that you are more powerful than me," Voldemort let out a very creepy sound that was probably his version of a chuckle.

"Those scratches and claw marks all over definitely proves me right," Harry smirked as he said that, his claws getting a little longer.

"You are nothing but a bug for me to squash," Voldemort said.

"I've channeled many bugs in my time," Harry smirked. "They are a lot tougher than you think they are. Jungle heart, spider."

His lion features vanished, but he gained a much scarier form in replacement of it. His teeth fanged as he also gained a second pair of eyes with all four of his eyes turning red. His skin turned black as the lower half of his body became a very large version of the back of a spider's body. His own legs were replaced by eight spider legs. His legs, spider body, and human skin were all the same shade of black. His nails were also like claws as well.

"If he was able to do that form back in Hogwarts, he would have so enjoyed using that to scare the daylights out of Ron," Krinos could not help but chuckle.

"That would make Fred and George fall in love with Harry even more," Melody giggled.

"Does not change the fact that Harry is actually looking seriously creepy right now," Krinos admitted as he shivered a little from Harry's spider form.

Harry hissed at Voldemort as he was showing him how much that even "bugs" can be scary and a lot harder to kill than the dark lord thought. After the encounter with the spider demon a few years ago, not to mention when they had all run into Aragon, they were all very aware that spiders could be one of the scariest creatures on the planet. There was a reason why there were a lot of horror, sci-fi, and many other kinds of mundane movies that included giant spiders or even just spiders in general. The American movie "Eight Legged Freaks" definitely came to mind when it came to movies that were about giant spiders.

Harry slowly went toward Voldemort. His spider legs made him look even creepier as he did that. His red eyes did not help with that as well. Voldemort even looked a little scared of him as he did so.

"This so-called bug is more than ready for anything that you have to throw at him," Harry hissed at the wizard. "Let's see how much more you can take when your target can actually fight back."

Just like he was in a Spider-Man movie, Harry held up his wrists and he started firing spider thread and webbing at him. Some of the webbings were able to hit the dark lord around his body, but he was smart enough to use some fire spells in order to burn through the rest of the webbing that was coming at him. 

Harry had to back away because the fire came near him. Having more legs allowed him to move just as fast as he was in his were-lion form. The more legs that he had, the faster that he was able to move. He hissed as Voldemort did not even stop the fire spells. In fact, he increased the flames and actually started to control them. He had nothing on Mason, Viktor, or any other fire mage at Crystal Rose, but his control of the fire was impressive by wand-user standards.

He moved his wand and made the fire have a new form. It collected and then formed into a giant snake made out of the fire. Harry was ready for anything that the dark wizard sent his way. There was no way that he was going to be letting the man that killed his birth parents hurt anyone else. This man was responsible for so much pain and suffering. He was doing this not just for himself, but for everyone that he had ever hurt and killed. He was doing it for Susan Bones, who also lost her parents to his death eaters. He was doing it for Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, and Percy, who lost their uncles to the death eaters. He was doing it for Sirius and Remus, who lost more friends than anyone else in the war. He was doing it for them all.

Voldemort pointed his wand at Harry and the fire snake started to make its way over to the animal mage. Harry got ready, either to shift into another form or to get out of the way through the use of his increased number of legs or his spider thread. But someone else beat him to it.

"Nature's extinguisher," Krinos cast.

Throwing up his hands, the nature mage sent out what was basically a whirlpool of wet leaves. And given that it was a mystic soul spell, the wet leaves were able to get rid of the snake before it even got close to Harry.

"Harmony blast," Melody cast, joining her two brothers.

She placed her hands together and then faced both of her palms toward Voldemort, firing off what seemed to be like a ball of blue energy with small music measures floating around it. Voldemort tried to put up a shield to defend himself, but Melody's music ball easily shattered it and sent him flying into a tree.

Harry looked at his brother and sister as they stood on either side of him. The shock of them suddenly interfering with the fight even when he told them not to was enough for him to change back to his human form.

"I told you two to stay out of this fight," Harry glared at them.

"We know, but we also know that this fight would be better with all three of us taking part in it," Melody tells him. "We would never let you do this alone."

"We are your family, Harry," Krinos placed his hand on his brother's shoulders. "We know that you would never forgive yourself if anything happened to us, especially at his hand. But you know that we can take care of ourselves."

"You never have to worry about us, Harry," Melody comforts her brother. "We are never going to leave you."

Harry had tears in his eyes as he would give his siblings a giant hug. They really were a lot more powerful when they were together. They were the Gardna trio and there was almost nothing that they could not do when they were together. It was the reason why they always stayed together. Because when they were together, they felt unstoppable. Bullies didn't stand a chance, demons were always vanquished, and there were very little people that could actually get in their way.

Krinos and Melody always cared for Harry since the moment that they met him. Krinos, when he had been the first Gardna to meet Harry and caused their parents to adopt him, and Melody when her parents brought Harry home for the first time and she saw the loving smile that he gave her when she was introduced as his new sister.  They had been stuck together like glue ever since they were little.

It had been the three of them against Red and Black. The three of them against powerful demons like the demon of fear and the spider demon. The three of them against the entire world. They would never take any other relationship over the bond that the three of them shared. There was power in the love that siblings had for each other and there was nothing that could ever take it on.

"Avada Kadavra," Voldemort shouted as he pointed his wand at them.

The trio had been so busy with each other that they forgot that they were in the middle of a fight. But since they had been kicking his butt and none of them so much as had a scratch on them, none of them had been giving him another thought. It seemed that was a mistake on their part.

All three of them held each other since there was no time to move and they did not know if any of their own shield spells could stop the killing curse. Especially since there were aware that no wand-user shield stop it, either. If they were going to go out, they would go out together.

Only, nothing happened. The spell never came and none of them died. They all looked up and much to their surprise, there was a bright white shield in front of them. But there was no one else around. They all looked at their amulets, but it was not them either. But they saw that they were the ones that were glowing the same shade of pure white magical light as the shield. They were the ones that had caused the shield to appear.

"Woah," they all gasped.

"Impossible," Voldemort bellowed.

The three of them all looked at the dark lord. They were so not going to be letting this guy go free. They had no idea how the shield had appeared, but they always knew that mystic souls were a lot more powerful when they worked together. They just never thought that they would be able to stop a curse that was supposed to be unstoppable.

"You never really thought that you stood a chance, did you," Melody taunted. "We're mystic souls while you are a pathetic wand-user that is delusional about the amount of power you have."

"You have killed enough people," Harry says. "You think that you are some dark lord that everyone fears. But you hide behind your death eaters and let most of them do the fighting for you. You're nothing but a coward with a snake face and no nose."

"We've faced countless demons and each of them are scarier than you," Krinos said. "Demons that feed on human souls, demons that can literally strangle with a person's good aura, demons that can bring our worst fears to life. You can not even begin to be compared to them."

"And your biggest mistake was thinking that you could kill any of us," Harry says. "Not only are we more powerful than you will ever be, but we have something you never will. We have a bond that Lady Hecate herself has blessed. Something that you will never be able to break."

"And I think we have the perfect spell to deal with a monster like you," Melody glared at Voldemort.

The three of them held each other's hands, making the white glow around them get even brighter.

"Avada Kadavra," Voldemort yelled at him again.

His spell made contact with the shield, but yet still was unable to break through it. The three siblings began their spell.

Krinos- "Here now the words of the witches."

Melody- "The secrets we hid in the night."

Harry- "The oldest of gods are invoked here."

All three- "The great work of magic is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
We call upon the ancient power.
Bring the power to we siblings three

The three of them kept holding each other's hands as they cast the spell. They chanted it over and over again as they faced against the dark lord and his killing curse. And there was no way that they were going to let him win.

The shield soon turned into a beam of white magic that took on the killing curse. And the curse stood no chance as the beam ripped right through it. It hit Voldemort and a massive flash of white magic, causing them to have to shield their eyes. They almost also had to cover their ears as well as they heard the dark lord scream.

In a vault at Gringotts, a cup exploded. At Hogwarts, a diadem melted. At Sirius's family home, a locket shattered. In an old shake, an old ring was destroyed.

Harry collapsed between his siblings as something came out of his scar as if it had been forced out like some type of magical exorcism. Krinos and Melody ran to him as he fell to the ground.

By the time that the light faded, all that was left was a circle of burned grass where the wizard used to be.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," Melody said.

"At least he's dead," Harry mumbled. "The Hitler wannabe is finally dead."

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