Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Rid...


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Life seemed perfect for you, When your mother had died it didn't hurt so much while you were living under the... Еще

Year 1- Cast
Hogwarts Letter
On Brothers and Family
Care And Christmas
Nichloas Flamel and Catch Up
A Day to Relax
The Philosher's Stone
The Battle
The End or is it?
Year 2- Caste
It Is back to Hogwarts
Gilderoy Lockhart
The Flying Car
Dueling what just happened?
The Diary
Voices and Petrified
Voices and Petrified (2)
Polyjuice Potion
Diary OF Tom Riddle
Diary of Tom Riddle(2)
What the Heck Gilderoy?
The Memory and Tom Riddle
Chamber Of Secrets and Questions.
Year 3- Cast
On An Winter
False Claims or is it?
Remus Lupin
Divination and Care for magical creatures
He's been Spotted
Hogesmade -
Wintery Lies
An Patronus to cast
His Daughter and Forgiveness
His daughter and forgive
Werwolves and Dogs
Saving Sirius Black
His Freedom
Year 4 Cast
Year Four Proluge
The Quiditch World Cup
Quiditch World Cup (2)
Problems and Deep thoughts
At School
The Champions Selections
The First Task
An Challenge To Win
Information and Memories
Information and Memories
The Second Task
Warm Night
The Yule Ball
Finally we Talk
The Second Task Underwater
Mad Eye Moody
The Third Task
Return of Voldemort
How could you?
The Ending (Edited)
Year 5- Caste
The Order Of Pheonix Meeting
The Hearing
Dolores Umbridge
Pillow Talks and Comfort
The first DADA class of the year
Forbidden Forest
Dolores Umbridge's Rules
Fight Fire With Fire
The Creators of Dumbeldore's Army
A Rose
The Inqurisitorial Squad
Hogwart's teachers Quality check
Expulsion Of Professor Teralwany
Dumbeldore's Escape
The Best action I ever took
The First Christmas without you
Breaking the Ice
The Most Powerful Black Witch Origins
Getting Umbridge Expelled
Department of Mysteries
A Rose for Love
The Beginning of the war
Year 6- Caste
Professor Slughorn
Narcissa's Tears
Aboard The Hogwarts Express
The Professors of Potion and DADA
Professor Dumbledore's Caution
Luciana's Tears
The Truth Stings
Amour et Nexus
Many Missions
In Voldemort's Lair
The Malfoy's relationship with Luciana Black
The Memories again and again
The Rise Of The Lost Prophecy
Letters To The Malfoy's
An Frosty Christmas
Godric's Hollow Door No.383
A Memory Found
The Secret Of The Tampered Memories
The Words Of The Lost Prophecy
Someone To Remember
White Tomb
Year 7- Caste
Going Away From Home
The Battle In The Sky
Departure Before The Wedding
An Split
A Gift To Cure Hunger, To Stop Death and Escape
One More Chance For The Memories
Finding The Secrets Of Snape
Building Connections
Let The Hocruxe Hunt Begin
A Newly-Found Spark
The Coldest Christmas
Torture At Malfoy Manor
Destroyed Hocruxes and Restoration
Previous Mistakes
Letting Go
Bathilda Bagshot's Trick
Restoring The Hocruxes
The Final Stance
The Battle Of Hogwarts
Rewinding The Past Memories
Rewinding The Past Memories||2
The Epoch Of The Beginning
The Final Two
Marking Of The Prophecy -Part 1.-

The troll

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What you both got in the quidditch team you guys are the youngest seekers in the entire school this has never happened before. Well Ron there is a first time for everything is there not? But what if I can not play? I am not good enough you heard Harry say.

Do not worry both of you it is in your blood. Come follow me Hermione told going away we all followed her then she stopped at a showcase look

Sirrus Orion Black

James Potter

Gryffindor Seeker

Both our fathers were Part of the quidditch team.

Bloody Hell She knows more about you two than yourselves.

You smiled at Hermione thank you for helping my confidence.


You and Hermione went away.

So Y/N you told That you still have explaining to your parents?

Yes about that since I told I wanted to speak to them Face to Face there will be Quiditch Match my first one. So I can invite them over and talk to them?

Yeah that is brilliant they will be so proud off you yeah bout that I do not know.

Look Y/N they love you so much they just want to see you wind in whichever house you are. She told but remember the sorting hat ceramony what happened why did you feel so light headed? 

I do not know I just saw one boy He was As I believe his name was TOM MARVOLO Riddle.

Anyway let us go outside take a walk for fresh air?

Sounds like a nice idea.

We were just taking a walk chatting and laughing on books, Friends having a great time in general when I saw Ron and Harry walking we both got close I was bout to say Hello. when I herd Ron saying it is LevioHsa on LeviOsa ......She is so boring...... No wonder she has no friends well except Y/n She is so friendly I do not know what she sees in her and gosh That Hermione is so boring.

My eyes widned WHAT! I shouted.

Hermione looked so sad with tears she ran away

Hermione Do not go wait but she did not listen.

Ron Billus Weasly.

How could you say that? She was trying to help you she even casted the charm properly I will tell you what I saw In her Kindness, Compassion, Intelligence , Loyalty and much more she is not boring!!!!

You ran to find Hermione in the washroom Hermione Hermione I know you can hear me. Please answer me. Y/n go from here.

Hermione do not listen to them they do not know what they are saying you are not boring you are a lovely, Sweet, Kind, compassionate friend Please come out.

She came out after some time I went and hugged her,

Now listen Mione there will be brats out there who will throw there pathetic insults unforgivable words but we must stay strong the world out there is brutal we must not give them what they want our tears. Do no think my brother Ron is like that sometimes he can be a bit barsh and I have to go knock some sense into him every now and then,

She laughed thanks n/n I will keep that in mind.


It was dinner time and you and Mione had not yet returned.

You really messed things bad there Ron Harry told.

I know worst off all N/n did not come to knock some sense into him this is one off the indication she is fuming she is ussualy cool and calm she mostly explains it to me when she does not talk she is mad.

You have to appologise before she does no talk to you itself understood Harry replied.

When suddenly proffesor Quirel came Troll in the bathroom He told before fainting.

Oh my God Ron told N/n she is still there and Hermione they were just bout to leave when Draco blocked there way Weaslbee and Pottah where is N/n?

He asked fumming.

Ron a little annoyed with him look we do not know she probably is in her dorm now get lost.

You lie she never goes without wishing a Goodnight.

LOOK WE DO NOT KNOW Ron yelled. then he came sprinting to the bathroom where you and mionie was

Mionie behind you told pointing to the troll she screamed and went under the sink.

She was very panicked and scared. Mionie you said she did not listen. Hermionie Granger Do not panic these creatures are daft with one or two spells we can get rid off this thing.

Then you saw Ron and Harry in the bathroom N/n Ron shouted Oh my god are you alright Ron! What are you doing here you know there would be a troll so why did you come here?

N/n he told How can I not come you both are here besides Harry told how do you both exactly plan to fight this thing? Listen you told Harry and I will help Hermione who was under the sink it will be like a distraction Ron do you see that rod the troll is carying? Just levitate it above the troll's head it will faint by the time the proffesors will be here and we will cook up a story understand?

Ron chuckled lightly but then he remembered the other part N/N I can not do this the levitation one. You were helping hermione you smiled at him yes you can Ron I believe in you, you can now hurry it up.

When you smiled and assured him he was filled with confidence Oh ok he levitated it and it landed on the troll's head and it fainted you pointed your wand and non-verbally uttered the spell which would tie the troll. Is everyone ok? You asked. Yeah much much better.

Then Ron looked at Hermione Look Hermione I am sorry for what I said earlier N/N was right you are not boring and you are a wonderfull friend. I am sorry.

You slowly looked at mionie Thank you Ron. It means a lot.

You then finally went to hug Ron. Ron thank you for saving all our lives.

N/N he said hugging you back if you did not assure me I would not have been able to do it.

Now For the story you told what should we tell them? Ron asked. The Trut--

When Proffesor Mcgonall, Proffesor Snape and Quirrel came you looked at them.

Explain yourselves Professor Mc Gonall Told.

Before I could tell my story masterpeice.

Hermione spoke faster it was me I read about trolls and wanted to fight one.

I am so dissapointed in you Miss Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryfindoor. now as for you three many off you would not have lived to tell the tale 10 points will be awarded to each off you.

Harry and Ron smiled but you looked to the floor and your face was stoic. How could I let Hermione take the blame?

You guys went to your dorm Good night Harry Ron. Good Night Hermione N/n they went away.

You started rumaging through your case and pulled out a clock.

You put it on and you became invisible. N/N Hermione told beside you where are you going?

To the Slytherin room specifically to see Draco. I could not speak to him properly besides I have to write a letter to my Parents It has Been a few months I am really nervous.

I am going to invite them to my Quiditch match tommorow I may be late so you go to bed.

But N/N it is past midnight it is forbidden to go so late at night Yes I know Mione but this can not be delayed please?

Ok just be safe. You smiled at her I will Good night mione. Good night Y/n.

You went and creeped to Draco's door and knocked twice. and after some time two more it was your signature knock. He opened the door you came in and took the cloack. N/n He smiled Hi Draco congratulations sis on you making the quiditch team and where were you I thought you wanted to write to mum and dad? Yeah got caught up in the troll and all. Before that You said taking a seat on his bed he came and sat beside you what is on your mind? You know it has been a while since I wrote to Mum and Dad. Just a bit nervous. Do not be he told getting up getting a parchment and the quill with the ink pot here take this.

You sighed and nervously took the quill and the parchment-

Dear Mum and Dad-

I know I have not written in a while it is because as you know I got into Gryfindoor

I am so sorry I know I should have told you, But I did not know how to break the

news. I got into the quiditch team a few days back. Tommorow I have a match Gryfindoor vs Slytherin. If you want to come I will explain. You do not have to come if you do not want to.


then you got your owl and sended it.

( If you do not like it just imagine any one you like)

Here Blaze you told lightly stroking it's feathers. Your Heartbeat a million miles per hour.


At the Malfoy manner-

Did you get any recent owls from Draco? Lucius it has been almost 5 months and she has not sent one owl.

Probably upset since she could not make it to Slytherin. She thinks it is going to stop us from loving her. But, We aldredy know this was to happen Y/n should be in Gryfindoor she is the heir to Gryfindoor. The dark lord?

I herd that ollivander has aldredy divulged her a little. This can be very dangerous when the Dark lord returns he would want Y/N by her side? When we put Tom Riddle's diary and if she is to find it they will have an instant connection.

When suddenly The owl was there Narcissa went to the owl gently patted it and took the letter Lucius come here Y/N she has written. What does it say dear? Lucius asked. She wants to talk to us and she got into the Quditch team. There is a match tommorow and she wants us to come to watch her and then she told we can talk. She still looks uncomfortable talking to us and I can see her nervousness.

But tomorow we need to go to Knockturnen alley? Narrsisa said. No Problem that can wait. She is more important. Lucius said thank heavans she replied If she had not I would have gone myself.


Back to yours and Draco's Conversation-

Do not worry sis they must be so relieved you wrote to them and must be proud just rlax will you?

No. You firmly replied.

Before he could say something your owl came back with the reply.

Oh gosh the reply.


We are so relieved you finaly wrote to us. I know you got sorted to Gryfindoor but darling we can never stop loving you and 0fcource we will be there for your Quidich match Tomorrow . Darling if anything like this happens please inform us we have been worried sick off your wellbeing. We got letters from Draco but we wanted to hear it from you. Send us a letter everyday. Please do not hide anything.

Take care Love.

Lucius and Narrssia Malfoy

You saw the signatures below which proved even your father approved. See all well Draco said from beside you. You know sometimes you care too much on what other people think and you overthink you think bout being perfect you know sis just relax. Rich coming from you Dray anyway I will be heading out now I really want to sleep Good night Dray you said as you hugged him and kissed his cheek. Good night sis he told hugging and kissing your forehead.

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