In Love With The Enemy: A Lov...

De TaylinJofficial

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24 Year old Alina Maddox, a simple bright girl who lost her father at age 19 to a ruthless Ceo billionaire, T... Mais

Chapter 1: Office Call
Chapter 2: The Stranger (Part 1)
Chapter 3: The Stranger (Part 2)
Chapter 4: His Cousin
Chapter 5: Disturbing News
Chapter 6: Not Convinced
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 8: The enemy in front of me
Chapter 9: Abducted (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Abducted (Part 2)
Chapter 11: The Jet
Chapter 12: New living arrangement
Chapter 13: The Truth (Part 1)
Chapter 14: The Truth (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Pissed Off
Chapter 16: A Lesson
Chapter 17: Drink her Away
Chapter 18: Apperance and Launch
Chapter 19: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 20: Little Girl & Her Brother
Chapter 21: Read Away
Chapter 22: Unpleasant Greeting
Chapter 23: Boundaries crossed and Promise broken (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Boundaries Crossed and Promise Broken (Part 2)
25. The Plan
26. One push is all it takes
27. The family call (Part 1)
28. The family call (Part 2)
29. I saved you...or did I?
30. Accept what is reality
31. Right around the Corner
32. Ready or not, here I go
33. The family Dinner
34. Making a change
35. Twisted choices and Hard decisions
36. The proposal
37. A special night, but maybe too special
38. Try again or fail Completely
39. No other Choice
40. The flight
41. Their stay (Part 1)
42. Their stay (Part 2)
43. One of a Kind smile
44. Those special moments
45. Abducted again - Part 1
46. Abducted again - Part 2
47. Getting her back - (Part 1)
49. Back to New Yrok | The Invitation
50. Drama at the Party
51. Make out - love and confessions
52. Morning Awakening
53. Opening up | A sweet kiss | Nausea
54. Panic - (Part 1)
55. Panic - (Part 2)
56. A comforting hug
57. The lake | Doctor's visit
58. Positive pregnancy | The Theatre | A decision made
59. The Goodbye Letter | Welcome home | The stranger's help
60. Rage, Hurt, & Terror
Author's note

48. Getting her back - (Part 2)

16 0 0
De TaylinJofficial

Alina POV:

"Who is your boss and why is he doing this?" I asked them, surprisingly not stammering my words.

They only chuckled and looked back at me with a weird expression I couldn't make out.

"You don't need to know those details." The man on the right said in a deep voice."Ye-yes I do! If I'm going to be thrown in as some bait for something, I should know why!" I shouted without thinking.

Because of my mistake —which I partially didn't feel bad for — it earned me another hard slap on my cheeks, back to back, including a few punches in my stomach.

I coughed heavily, my face stinging horribly and my stomach knotting up in pain from the impact of the hard punches they gave me.

I could feel the blood in my mouth and the gaging feeling that developed inside my throat.

"Don't you raise your voice at us, you bitch!" One of the men shouted, giving me a headache.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." I mumbled, not wanting to be slapped or punched again.

"And don't question us. Whatever information you need to know, we will disclose to you. If we have not done so already, it's because it's not necessary for you to know." The other guy said.

I closed my eyes and held my breath before asking another question. "W-well...can y-you at l-least...tell m-me wh-where I a-am?"

"Do you even listen to what we're saying?" The same guy shouted again with anger.

I shuddered in the seat and I could feel my body start to shiver in fear and because I was starting to feel cold.

I heard a buzzing sound close by, and the man on the left had pulled a phone out of his pocket.

The man had left out the door, while the other stood in front of me without saying a word.

A few moments later the man had came back and the two of them went to a corner where I couldn't hear what they were saying.

They both left the room afterwards, and I kind of felt a little relief from it. Both of them were really horrifying, and I didn't know how long I would last in front of those men.

But the little relief was short-lived, when I saw the door open again and they strolled inside towards me.

"Well...boss wants to see you." One of the men said with a devilish smirk, which gave me bad vibes.

"Wha-what do yo-you m-mean?" I asked with confusion.

Why did whoever want to see me if I was just some bait of some sort?

Without answering my question, the men walked to me and released my feet from the rope, followed by my hands after warning me not to pull anything.

I had it in mind to do so, kind of. But one terrifying glare from them, I decided not to. Besides, there was no chance for me to escape these people. They were way too strong for me to fight them off.

Once the rope had been untied from my hands and legs, both the men had grabbed either one of my arms and brought me towards the door.

In instinct of feeling something wrong about to happen, I suddenly started to panic and struggle in their strong grips.

I shouted and screamed out, my legs trying to move on it's own accord and my arms uselessly trying to be freed.

"Help!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, but my voice echoed across the room.

"Shut up! No one can hear you anyways." One of the men said loudly as he jabbed his elbow into the side of my stomach with a harsh force.

I yelped out in pain as my legs gave up on me and I was about to fall down onto my knees. Though, because of their grip on my arms, I did not end up falling down.

My eyes watered with tears and they fell down my cheeks. I could feel them dropping from my chin.

I didn't stop trying to get away, though. My arms and legs continued to weakly move, making the men even more angry.

The guy on my left raised his hand in attempt to slap me, making me flinch and turn my head to the other side, but the slap never came.

Instead, he grabbed me firmly by my hair and pulled my head back to stare into his eyes.

"Stop this nonsense before I really hurt you." He seethed with a low voice, that was even more daring and dangerous than when he was shouting.

I looked at him with terror as I opened my mouth to protest, but I didn't get a chance to, before I felt a cold needle invade the side of my neck.

I screamed once more before my vision became blurred and my head started to fuzz up. Before I knew it, I had passed out again.

************Tristan POV:

"I will not play jokes with you, goddamnit! Tell me where the fuck she is!" I yelled on the phone.

"Not so fast, young man. If you want her back, you will have to follow the rules here. No shortcuts." Leonard said.

I didn't pay attention to what he was saying, because in the background, I heard the most horrifying thing.

An ear-piercing scream could be heard over the line, but the scream sounded so familiar.

A few moments later, I instantly knew who that scream belonged to.

"Alina! What the fuck have you done to her?!" I shouted loudly, my face burning with rage and my heart tugging painfully in my chest.

"Oh that? Nothing much..." He started.

"You're just asking for the worst now, huh?" I asked him, my tone bitter.

Without responding to my words, he started to speak to someone. I couldn't hear all of it, since the conversation was quiet, but I heard a little of it.

Hearing him tell someone to bring "her" here, had me curious of whom he was talking about.

"Bring who and where?" I suddenly asked.

A few moments later, I could hear a man in the distance speaking.

"The bitch wouldn't stop screaming and moving around, so we put her to sleep for a little while." The unfamiliar deep voice of a man, said.

I thought about what he said, trying to put the pieces together, and instantly shuddered. I knew exactly who he was speaking about.

"What did you do to her? I swear if anything happens to her, I will make all you suffer so badly, you'll yearn for death!"

Leonard nor the other man responded, and it only made me more eager to know what the hell was going on with her.

"I will call you back, later for the details. Make sure you pick up by yourself, or your precious woman will be mines tonight." Leonard said abruptly, and cut the call immediately afterwards.

The moment I heard what he said, my heart felt like it was slowly dying out.

I knew what he meant by that, and it meant nothing good. Sick bastard! "I dare him to touch her!" I seethed angrily out loud, and punched the dashboard.

Going to my call log, I dialed my private investigator again. He answered on the first ring.

"Sir?" He asked.

"I need you to track down a phone number and get its location." I tried my best to sound calm, but it wasn't coming naturally. I was a crazy mess inside.

"Sir, has leonard contacted you?"

"Yes, he has. And I will need to know where he is. Please, do hurry before he gets a chance to discard it." I said.

"Okay, sir. What's the phone number?" He asked and I immediately gave it over to him.

Typing could be heard in the background while he went to give me the information. My leg was shaking uncontrollably while I impatientally waited.

A few moments later, he came back to the phone. "Sir, the phone number which leonard has called you on, its a burner phone. It was a little more difficult to track, but the location seems to be at a warehouse in barsbüttel." He informed me.

"How far is barsbüttel from hamburg?" I asked him, and he replied immediately. "By car, it would be a 35-minute distance away."

"Okay...give me the address to the warehouse and notify some of my men to be close by." I told him.

He handed me the address over the phone and I set it on the gps in the car. It took a lot of effort not to go there by myself right now.

"Also, is there any other information on Alina?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir. The blue car had went east, in the opposite direction of where the warehouse is located. I am still yet to find out the location of where she is, but I will give you updates until I find out more. Though, I don't think she is being held in the warehouse, sir." He said.

I didn't understand what games Leonard was playing now. I could have sworn I heard her screaming in the background when he called. So how can she have been taken in another direction to somewhere else, but could be heard from the warehouse?

"Did the car ever take any u-turns?" I asked.

Moments later, he replied. "Not that I see, sir. I have checked nearby camera and video footages throughout the city, and have not found the car anywhere near the location of the warehouse."

I fisted my hand in my hair with annoyance and frustration. "Well, hurry up and provide me the location on the car." I said and cut the call without waiting to hear his response.

Behind me, I could see multiple black cars which I already knew was my men.

Starting the engine, I left and followed the directions on the gps, while my men followed close behind me.

About thirty-five to forty minutes later, we arrived at the warehouse. I made sure to keep a distance from it for security and safety purposes.

I made a call through to my men and told them to check the premises for anything suspicious or dangerous.

Once they came back and informed me that it was good, I immediately left my car and walked with a swift pace to the warehouse.

I made it inside and ransacked the entire place, so did my men. But to my utter dismay, Alina nor Leonard was here. No one was, actually.

Going back to my car, I drove around the warehouse to find anything, but found nothing.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I was in complete distress right now, not knowing the whereabouts of Alina.

Almost immediately, the ring of an incoming phone call had disrupted the depressing silence.

I picked the phone up and found it was the same number which Leonard called me on. I answered and shouted lines of curses.

He chuckled. "You really thought I would make this easy for you? It's pretty frustrating and difficult to put the pieces together, no?" He asked.

I gritted my teeth in anger. "Just tell me what you fucking want, and it's yours. But you better hand her over this instant. She's mine!" My possession was taking over my anger as I got more and more terrorized for her safety.

"What I want? I want 50 billion dollars, including you. But maybe that's not all I want now. She could come to great use, don't you think?"

My eyes widened on hearing that. "You will get the money and you will get me, but what you will not get to do is touch her! I mean it you piece of trash of an asshole! You better not even thinking about it!" I shouted possessively.

"Well that all depends on your actions, you see. Any sign of your men or any fishy moves, and I will know. Her safety lies in between my fingers and yours. Hope you don't do anything that will...make her not safe."

He was yet to understand that while she was in his clutches, she was not safe one bit. My fury grew stronger every single second, and I was holding on to the rims of my sanity before I completely lost it.

This is what he wanted. I bet he was enjoying every moment of my distress and fury. I tried not to give him the satisfaction, but my attempts were of no use.

"Give me the location." I said immediately.

Leonard had gave me many warnings not to tell anyone what the location was, regardless of whether he'd be there or not.

I told him that I wouldn't, though I most definitely would. I knew Alina wouldn't be there, but I hoped he would be there.

If he was there, it would be way easier to beat the shit out of him and collect the information.

He cut the call immediately after. I told my men to continue following me, but to keep a safe distance so they wouldn't be discovered.

Once they promised to do so, I put the location he gave me in the gps and drove there.

**************Almost an hour and thirty minutes later, I made it to the location.

The money was in my private bank account. I didn't intend on giving that sick bastard a penny of my money, but like I said, I would do anything for her. Not almost anything...but anything to keep her happy, and to keep her safe.

So, if thats what it would take to get her back to safety and be happy, then so be it. I would even exchange my life for hers, because she deserves that much. To live in peace and harmony, despite the wicked things that make this world a chaotic disaster.

I got out of the car a few minutes after waiting. My shades on my eyes and my phone in my hand, I walked up to what looked like a barn house.

An unfamiliar bulky man came into view the moment I walked up to the gate.

I was patted down for any weapons, which I wasn't carrying. He told me to wait there while he left to take a phone call, which was most probably Leonard.

Minutes later, he came back and led me towards the entrance, where I found Leonard hiding.

"Well...well...well. If it isn't the big bad guy. You know, I actually wanted to have a civil-like conversation before I dispose of you." Leonard said with a disgusting smirk.

I so badly wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and choke the living daylights out of him till he could only see stars, but I couldn't just yet, since he was surrounded by different men.

"Civil conversation? Are you fucking kidding me right now? From the moment you betrayed me for your own greed, you brought us to odds.

You might have had a chance to speak with me civilly if it wasn't for you abducting my woman! All you could have said was for me to meet you, and I would have done so. Why her?" I gritted out bitterly.

"Why her? Because I can see how much her being in danger affects you. And that's exactly what I want. I want you to feel like this, helpless and distressed. You didn't give a damn about anything else up until her." He said with calmness.

I so badly needed to break a bone on his body to relieve some of my pent-up anger which he has caused.

"Let them leave. You want a civil conversation? We'll have one, but only after we're one on one." I said, trying to suppress a calm expression.

He only laughed. "Do you honestly think I'm so stupid to let you be alone with me?" He laughed again, holding his chest.

"Why? Are you scared I might put your old ass 6-feet under the ground?" I asked him.

He stopped laughing and eyed me with amusement. "Nope, not at all. I just think it's best if we hold this conversation here and now. Besides, civil means coming to an understanding. How can we do that if you kill me?"

"Civil my ass!" I thought loudly, but held back on saying it to him.

"Fine, then. I won't kill you nor will you kill me. But in order to have a civil conversation with you, I will need it privately." I said with new-found calmness.

Even though my every word was a lie, I would need to say something convincing in order to get us alone. Then I would plan on taking my revenge and getting my girl back, while my men handled his.

After scrutinizing me closely and contemplating over it for a while, he finally nodded.

"Ten minutes. If you don't get a text from me in the next ten minutes, come back." Leonard told them.

They put up a small protest, but he called them off. Once  we were finally alone, I walked closer to him.

"Speak!" I said, holding back a little from banging his head on one of these walls.

He chuckled. "You're still the same old you, huh?" He asked with fake curiosity.

I mentally rolled my eyes and glared at him, not bothering to respond to him.

Walking closer, I looked him in the eye dangerously. "Where. is. she?" I gritted the words slowly.

He didn't respond, making me angrier. "Where is she, Leonard!" I said a little more loudly.

"Oh! Your not playing fair here. Lets have our civil conversation first." He said, still calm.

"I have nothing to say to you, but you have lots to say. Starting at where the fuck you have her hidden!"

I attempted to surge forward and attack him, but the next moment, he retrieved a gun from his back pocket and pointed it at me.

"Another step closer, and I'll blow your brains out." He said with dark eyes.

I didn't feel intimidated by the least, though. I continued to walk forward without a care in the world.

His finger rested on the trigger while he we held daring gazes.

"I wouldn't if I were you..." He started.

"Where is Alina? Where is she!" My anger came out the moment my mind replayed that scream I heard over the phone.

"What the fuck did you have someone do to her?" I yelled and ran towards him with full on rage.

Due to this, he pressed the trigger in attempt to shoot me in the chest, but I changed direction at the last minute, and it ended up grazing my arm instead.

I groaned a little from the pain, but didn't hold back. The bullet gave me more adrenaline rush to hurt him despite getting hurt myself.

I kicked the gun out of his hand, and it landed on the ground a few inches away.

He attempted to get it, but I pushed him back onto the wall and punched him persistently.

His face had started to bleed in multiple spots, his eye starting to turn purple as I continued to punch him.

He groaned out in pain, making my insides start to feel a little satisfied, but I wasn't done with him yet in the least.

I threw hard punches in his stomach, causing him to throw up blood, which I didn't care about.

"Tell me where the fuck she is!" I screamed, my eyes only seeing red, him being the target of my anger.

"I-I won't." He said, while trying to hold his stomach and attempt to fight me off, which was useless.

I left him for a moment and walked to get the gun, while he slumped down on the wall.

After clutching the gun in my hand, I walked back to him and pointed it at his knee.

"Tell me, you bastard!" I yelled again.

"No." He refused to tell me. Immediately after hearing his denial, I pulled the trigger and shot him directly into his kneecap.

He bellowed out loudly in pain. I picked up a phone and dialed one of my men, telling them to take care of his men outside while I deal with him.

I pointed the gun at his other knee and looked at him incessantly.

"Tell me." I gritted, my finger resting on the trigger.

"Why, should I?" He asked me in a low tone.

I glared at him. "Because, you life depends on it."

"We both know I don't stand a chance regardless. Plus, I should take some satisfaction in seeing you so helpless for your love." He smiled through his bloody teeth.

I shot him in his other knee, making him bellow out again. I could see the slight water forming in his lacrimal glands.

I rolled my eyes. "You're vexing me on purpose, no? Well then, I'm going to hurt you on purpose." I said and pointed the gun at his shoulder, pulling the trigger once again.

I moved to his left hand and shot him directly in the centre. He cried out in pain as his body was bleeding severely.

Just as I was about to go towards his right forearm, I heard the buzzing of my phone.

With my other hand, I took the phone out of my pocket and saw it was my private investigator.

I answered immediately. "Yes, what is it?" I asked urgently, my gun still pointed at his forearm.

"Sir, I have found her location." He said, making something inside me settle a little.

"Give me the location." I said, my tone coming off desperate.

"She is in the basement of a warehouse in the outskirts of Berlin. It is about an hour or two away." He said.

"Thank you for your hard work in finding her location. You will most definitely be getting a pay raise." I said, my mind diverted towards Alina, while my eyes was fixed on Leonard.

"Oh, no need Sir. It's my duty." He said in a rushed tone, but I ended the call after he gave me the address.

I called one of my men to see if his so-called bodyguards had been dealt with.

"Sir, one had ran away, but we have gotten the rest." Carlisle spoke.

"Whatever. The bastard will get his death sentence some other day.

Please bring in a few of the men to carry this disgusting man out." I said.

"Yes, sir. We're coming in now." He said and I hung up.

"For now, you're going to cry out in pain while I tend to get my girl back. Once I do, I will make sure you don't die till you feel what hell on earth is like." I gritted and left the room.

The men had walked passed, going into the room and dragging him out. I could hear his screams as they brought him towards a one of the car's trunk.

I sat back down in my car, tapping in the new address. Once the location and directions came up, I immediately drove towards in the direction it assisted me in.

"I'm coming to get you, my kooky." I whispered out loud as I drove the car into the direction she was located.

**************Alina POV:

When I had woken, my limbs were paining and I couldn't feel my neck. Perhaps it was numb from whatever the injection had in it.

My lips trembled when I opened my eyes and found myself in a different location.

It looked like a basement, resembling what I had found myself captive in before I black out again, but it was different this time.

With much difficulty, I looked down at myself to find that I wasn't in my jeans or my shirt anymore.

My eyes filled with horrified tears seeing what I was wearing.

I had been changed into a black lace corset, and my arms were tied from what looked like the ceiling.

Seeing my vulnerable and helpless state, I let all the tears flow out of my eyes.

I looked disgusting in this outfit and I was held against my will somewhere I had no idea.

"What did I do to deserve such a life like this?!" I shouted loudly, my voice echoing across the place.

I bent my head down and let the tears fall down as I sobbed to my hearts content.

I was in the middle of crying when I heard the door open and the sound of hard boots could be heard.

Hearing them, I started crying some more. I just couldn't help it.

"Stop crying, you bitch. I don't want to fuck you in such a pathetic state." He looked at my face with disgust.

I turned my head the moment I saw it was the same guy who stuck the needle in my neck.

"Pl-please n-no..." I stammered out as I understood what he meant.

"No, what?" He asked with an evil grin on his face.

I started to cry again, my sobs becoming muffled. He walked closer and fisted my hair in his hands as he pulled my head back to have me look at him.

I turned my eyes away, closing them. His hand grazed my cheek roughly, and the next thing I felt was another slap.

My body had somewhat become immune to the slaps in the short span of time and also because of the numbness I felt in my upper body, but that didn't stop me from crying out.

It didn't matter if it was a person I knew or a complete stranger, my confidence and self-respect had become tainted with the maltreatment I was receiving from these people.

"Ple-please st-stop hi-hitting m-me." I sobbed and tried to look him in the eyes, but couldn't.

"Then be a good girl and stop crying like a baby." He whispered in my ear as he clutched my neck firmly with one of his hands, while the other squeeze my left breast, causing me to yelp.

I felt disgusted and cheap as well as ashamed to have a stranger touch me in this way, but it was out of my control.

I fought back the tears that was on the verge of spilling out endlessly at this assault.

His lips met the corner of mines, his hand still firmly on my neck so I could move it.

"N-no, st-stop it." I stammered loudly, making him back away from me and give me a glare.

"Shut up." He said, moving back towards me after discarding of his shirt and pants.

I turned away and closed my eyes, trying to drown out reality, but I couldn't do so.

A tear escaped my eye when I realized what would come to me today.

Why is my life so unfortunate? I've been nothing but innocent my entire life, so why do I have to suffer? I can't think of one thing I've done wrong, except for doing someone else's homework back in 2nd grade.

I sensed his presence near me and knew he was there the moment his hand found my body again.

He started to pull the strings at the back, loosening the only coverage I had stopping him from seeing my bare body.

Just before he could pull it off, the door had opened once again, but the air felt different.

The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up and I opened my eyes to find the person I wish to see.

"Alina!" He called and ran towards me, but stopped in his tracks when he saw the predicament I was in.

"Tr-Tristan...please s-save me!" I said as courageous as possible.

The man had walked behind me as he body rubbed against mine, his left hand covering my mouth while his arm wrapped tightly around my neck.

I struggled to breathe, but his arm started to cut my airway off.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Tristan yelled at him, surging forward with a gun in his hand.

The man pressed my neck harder, making me feel like I'm suffocating.

"Leave. You don't belong here." The man said with hostility.

Tristan grew angrier with that. "I don't belong here? You're right. I don't, but neither does she. And you're gonna let her go or else."

I could see the gun in his hand, going upwards and pointing at him. But it felt like he was pointing at me, though he wasn't.

Suddenly I felt a cold metal press against my temple, making me gasp with familiarity. It was a gun.

"I die, she dies..." The man said, pressing my neck further.

I could see my vision start to blur again, but I wasn't about to pass out again.

Next, I heard the sound of a gun shot and the hold around my neck had been released. I no longer felt the gun on my head nor did I feel anything at all.

"Alina..." I heard the soft voice of Tristan.

I fought hard to keep my eyes open and I softly smiled. "Y-you ca-came af-after a-all." I mumbled, the tears glistening in my eyes once again.

Even though I claimed to hate him, I couldn't be more happy at this moment to see his face.

"Of course, I did. I couldn't leave you like this." He said to me.

He hurriedly came to me, untying my hands and engulfing me in a bear-crushing hug. I hugged him back, wrapping my weak arms around him.

"I am so sorry. It's my fault." He whispered softly.

"Damn right, it is." I smiled a little, the tears falling from my eyes onto his blazer.

"Don't cry. It doesn't suit you." He smiled at me, bringing his thumb pad on my face and clearing the tears.

He kissed my forehead, making me close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his lips on my forehead. He was the only one who surprisingly had this effect on me.

Taking off the coat he had on, he wrapped it around my body to cover me — which I was very much appreciative of— and picked me up bridal style.

He brought me out of that place and the moment I felt the sun hit my face, I squeezed my eyes shut even more.

He walked to his car and sat me down in the passenger seat, buckling me up.

Once done, he shut the car door and got on his side before turning on the car.

We left the place and back to what I supposed was the house we were staying at for now. To be sure, I asked.

"Wh-where are we go-going?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Well for now, we're going back to that house. Tomorrow, we'll be leaving to go back to New York."

I smiled back. "Okay..." I said and ended up falling into a deep slumber.

But not before I heard the sweet words that made my heart flutter, which I'm sure he didn't mean to say, or maybe he did and thought I was asleep already.

"I love you with my entire being, Alina. I didn't know it until now. I hope you feel the same."

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