In Love With The Enemy: A Lov...

By TaylinJofficial

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24 Year old Alina Maddox, a simple bright girl who lost her father at age 19 to a ruthless Ceo billionaire, T... More

Chapter 1: Office Call
Chapter 2: The Stranger (Part 1)
Chapter 3: The Stranger (Part 2)
Chapter 4: His Cousin
Chapter 5: Disturbing News
Chapter 6: Not Convinced
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 8: The enemy in front of me
Chapter 9: Abducted (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Abducted (Part 2)
Chapter 11: The Jet
Chapter 12: New living arrangement
Chapter 13: The Truth (Part 1)
Chapter 14: The Truth (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Pissed Off
Chapter 16: A Lesson
Chapter 17: Drink her Away
Chapter 18: Apperance and Launch
Chapter 20: Little Girl & Her Brother
Chapter 21: Read Away
Chapter 22: Unpleasant Greeting
Chapter 23: Boundaries crossed and Promise broken (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Boundaries Crossed and Promise Broken (Part 2)
25. The Plan
26. One push is all it takes
27. The family call (Part 1)
28. The family call (Part 2)
29. I saved you...or did I?
30. Accept what is reality
31. Right around the Corner
32. Ready or not, here I go
33. The family Dinner
34. Making a change
35. Twisted choices and Hard decisions
36. The proposal
37. A special night, but maybe too special
38. Try again or fail Completely
39. No other Choice
40. The flight
41. Their stay (Part 1)
42. Their stay (Part 2)
43. One of a Kind smile
44. Those special moments
45. Abducted again - Part 1
46. Abducted again - Part 2
47. Getting her back - (Part 1)
48. Getting her back - (Part 2)
49. Back to New Yrok | The Invitation
50. Drama at the Party
51. Make out - love and confessions
52. Morning Awakening
53. Opening up | A sweet kiss | Nausea
54. Panic - (Part 1)
55. Panic - (Part 2)
56. A comforting hug
57. The lake | Doctor's visit
58. Positive pregnancy | The Theatre | A decision made
59. The Goodbye Letter | Welcome home | The stranger's help
60. Rage, Hurt, & Terror
Author's note

Chapter 19: An Unexpected Surprise

40 1 0
By TaylinJofficial

I had woken up that morning surprisingly with a clear mind. When I got out of bed, I did my usual morning routine and dressed in the simplest outfit I could find in that wardrobe. It wasn't easy to find though. Most of the clothing in the closet was either too showy or over the top. They were all meant to be worn somewhere important.

Eventually after looking for a while, I almost gave up on looking until my eye caught a shirt that wasn't too outstanding, and jeans. I put them on and walked down the stairs to have breakfast.

I was always used to cooking my own food, whereas now I'm not. I was served bacon, eggs, buttered toast, and a small salad on the side of it. There was more to choose from, but I guess they caught on to my eating habits.

I didn't eat much because I didn't have much of an appetite. This morning, I brought myself to eat something other than a small bite of food.

Once I finished my breakfast, I did my usual. Ever since Tristan left, I found myself enjoying the mansion just a little. I grew fond of its beauty, and the workers here were really nice. Well at least some of them were.

I plopped down on one of the sofas in the huge luxurious living room. The tv was big and shiny, taking up most of the wall space in the room. No doubt it was expensive and impressive.

You could turn on the television with just a voice command, and this was very cool in my opinion. I tried it out a few times and every single time, it felt like I was trying it for the first time.

I was a simple woman though, so I decided to do what every normal person does when they want to turn on the television. Grabbing the remote off the glass table in the middle of the room, I cut on the tv and started watching netflix shows and movies followed by videos and music on youtube.

Hours passed like this, me sitting comfortably on the sofa watching various shows and movies. I hummed, sang and moved to the beats of the music, including laughing at the corny jokes that were made during videos I watched.

To say I was not worrying about anything was completely true at this moment. My mind wasn't thinking about a thing, I was at ease and a bright smile stayed on my face the entire time. When the movie I was watching finally ended, I called the binge watching a day.

I got up from where I was sitting and instantly felt pangs of pain shooting through different parts of my body. Sitting in one spot for hours without stretching caused this, and I mentally scolded myself. I stretched my body and rubbed my muscles to ease my tense body that was hurting.

It wasn't too bad, but it definitely wasn't anywhere close to good. After a while of massaging the places where my body was aching, I walked out the living room.

The day was still bright, and only a few hours passed. My head wasn't thinking about a thing, and I continued to walk in the direction of my room for no absolute reason.

When I closed the door to the bedroom, I laid my body on the bed and sharply inhaled the air around me. That's when something clicked in my head and caused me to shoot up from my spot I was in. I slapped my forehead and let out a loud groan.

How could I forget that this place was still a hellhole for me? I was so busy making myself comfortable that I forgot about my work. Since I came here, I haven't done anything but sulked around. I couldn't even start to comprehend how many days of work I've missed so far.

Guilt rushed through my veins as I completely realized how my boss would react to my absence. Mr. Black would totally kill me when I got back.

I didn't let my boss know about my leave or anything, for my phone was taken and I haven't seen it since the gathering. Not that any of it was my fault, it was entirely Tristan's, but it still wouldn't justify anything.

I opened the door, and ran out towards where I came from. I looked around for any phone to call, but didn't find one. Searching the premises, I looked for someone to ask for a phone. Eventually, I heaved a sigh and went back into the direction of my room.

I halted my movement when my eye landed on one of the maids I grew fond of over the few days. Walking up towards the lady who I learned to be Marla, I stopped right in front of her.

Her eyes darted to me and a warm smile came upon her face at seeing me. "Hello dear, is there anything I can do for you?" She softly asked me.

I returned her gesture and gave her a smile that barely reached my eyes. " I... yes. I need a phone to call from?" I was hoping that she'd understand me, I was a desperate woman at this moment.

After a few moments, she replied. "I..I don't think that Sir would like that..." Hesitation and a slight fear was shown on her face.

I thought about who exactly I wanted to call in the first place, and then I decided on the person I hated the most. Not that I could call anyone else without suspicion, so maybe this idea would work better. I could just ask him myself for my phone.

"Don't worry about won't get in trouble. I want to call Tristan..." I said next, hoping I was right about her not getting in trouble.

After all, she was the kindest lady I've met here and she didn't deserve to face anyones wrath for helping me, even if I was in need.

She didn't respond, her eyes wandered around and she appeared to be in deep thought about what I just said. After some time of waiting for her reply, she answered me. "Ye-okay, I guess you can call...." She meekly said, and a half smile appeared on my face.

The smile would have been brighter if it was someone else I was calling instead of the devil himself, but it would have to do...

She led me back to my room and later came back with a phone in her hand. I guess she didn't want me to see anything regarding the whereabouts of the phone. I can't blame her though. If I even had a clue of where it was, I would have been already on a wild goose chase searching for it.

Marla handed me the phone, and I thanked her. She was a kind woman I had to say, and this was actually a huge risk on her part. For me, I didn't give a damn about the outcome of any of this..except for her part.

Once I diverted my attention to the phone, the call was already pulled up. 'All I had to do was press call,' I thought. I inhaled deeply, and closed my eyes before tapping the button on the phone.

The moment I did so, I could hear the phone ringing. After a few rings, the person answered, and the next thing I heard was a voice on the other line.

"Yes, Ms. Yadetch?" There was a masculine voice on the other end of the call, deep but soft at the same time. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

This wasn't Tristan, I knew his voice by now...surely this wasn't his voice though. I wondered who I was speaking to then?

"Who are you?" I asked the man straightforward, not caring how my question came out.

"If I may ask, who are you? This isn't Ms. Yadetch..." The man said back without answering my question.

"I am Alina, and I want to know who you are...I called Tristan right?" I wondered if Marla gave me the correct number....

"Alina....hello! Tristan is occupied at the moment, so he isn't available to speak. Please, if there is anything you need to say to him, I will gladly forward the message..." He replied.

I thought deep for a few moments, but the thing that lingered around my mind was the fact that he said my name as if he knew who I was. "How do you know me?" I asked him seconds later.

"Don't worry about that. Any person Tristan knows, I know too..." He said simply.

Oh so that's how he knows me? I let the thought pass me, and then focused on his next reply.

"Is there anything you need to say to him?" The man asked me again.

There was a lot of shit I needed to say to him, but could I honestly expect this man to carry on my message to him? My head processed his words, and I decided to do so.

"Yes actually there is. Tell the bastard that I need my phone back. He can't hold it forever, I have a life too....My boss has no idea what situation I am in, therefore I'm dead meat when I get back. It's all that shithole's fault..." I snarkily said in one-go.

Silence covered the line for some time, making me wonder if the person was still connected. My question was answered when after another minute or so, I heard the voice again.

"Okay...yeah I will tell him," He responded cooly. "Is there anything else?"

"No, that's all..." I said back and cut the phone call.

I know I was rude speaking and the name-calling was unnecessary, but I couldn't help but get mad that he took my phone without a care in the world of how it affected my life.

Marla reached for the phone, and I gave it back to her. She passed me another smile before leaving my room. The moment the door closed, I slid down to the floor, my back on the wall. I stayed like this, deep in thought, for a long time.

When I left my thoughts, I turned my head to face the window. Getting bored again, I got up and opened the door. Walking out the room, I decided to stroll around and find something else to occupy my time and keep my busy. If not, my mind would run wild and I would start thinking again. I didn't want to stay in a trance all day.

The security guards were literally everywhere, so it was hard to go anywhere. Surprisingly, I found a way to pass through them cautiously without them noticing. I snuck out of their view and turned a few corners.

After turning so many corners and walking down different hallways, I stopped. The interior was a little less in this area, and it looked like someone lived here. I kept walking until I saw doors on each side followed by a huge door. "Where am I?" I asked myself sheepishly.

Hesitation creeped into my body as I took slow steps, looking around my surroundings. It was eerily silent, I could hear a thing. I continued to walk towards the door but with caution. My head was running a mile in a minute about what would be on the other side of this door.

Without thinking about my next motive, I slowly pulled the metal latch on the door and stepped in. On one side of the hall were many doors that all seemed different. They were luxurious, but not like the other rooms I have seen back on the other side of the wing.

I didn't know what part of the mansion I was at. I turned another corner and found a long hallway that seemed never ending. I was now realizing I had no idea where I was and - I WAS LOST!

There were so many things I didn't understand. I understood the fact that this was a mansion, but why so many rooms and hallways? Where does it lead? I asked myself but found my mind blank.

I took more steps and found myself in another path that went left, right and straight. I kept going straight, and after a few minutes I turned my head right. I turned again and continued walking until I saw a brighter light.

My head turned in that direction, and I knew it was the outside. I turned the knob to the door and walked out. It wasn't the same place I was at outside a few days ago.

There was a playground and so many statues. I could see a huge water fountain and a trail that led to only God knows where.

I started feeling reluctant and had a feeling I should try and find my way back to the room. I'd rather know where I was than being lost. I turned back around and was about to reach the door, when I heard someone.

"Hii...who are you?" A small melodic voice said somewhere.

I stopped and turned to face the small voice, and when I eyes got wide. It was a little girl with a cute dress on that had roses and flowers printed on it.

Her auburn hair was in a ponytail, with a few curly strands out. Her eyes were green, and they seemed to be brighter as the sun hit her beautiful face.

The little girl seemed to be around 5 or 6, just a guess. My eyes were stuck on her, literally gaping for some reason.

Never would I have thought that a little girl would be here. Then something in my head snapped.

Who was this little girl and why was she here?

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