In Love With The Enemy: A Lov...

By TaylinJofficial

2.7K 49 1

24 Year old Alina Maddox, a simple bright girl who lost her father at age 19 to a ruthless Ceo billionaire, T... More

Chapter 1: Office Call
Chapter 2: The Stranger (Part 1)
Chapter 3: The Stranger (Part 2)
Chapter 4: His Cousin
Chapter 5: Disturbing News
Chapter 6: Not Convinced
Chapter 7: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 8: The enemy in front of me
Chapter 9: Abducted (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Abducted (Part 2)
Chapter 11: The Jet
Chapter 12: New living arrangement
Chapter 14: The Truth (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Pissed Off
Chapter 16: A Lesson
Chapter 17: Drink her Away
Chapter 18: Apperance and Launch
Chapter 19: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 20: Little Girl & Her Brother
Chapter 21: Read Away
Chapter 22: Unpleasant Greeting
Chapter 23: Boundaries crossed and Promise broken (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Boundaries Crossed and Promise Broken (Part 2)
25. The Plan
26. One push is all it takes
27. The family call (Part 1)
28. The family call (Part 2)
29. I saved you...or did I?
30. Accept what is reality
31. Right around the Corner
32. Ready or not, here I go
33. The family Dinner
34. Making a change
35. Twisted choices and Hard decisions
36. The proposal
37. A special night, but maybe too special
38. Try again or fail Completely
39. No other Choice
40. The flight
41. Their stay (Part 1)
42. Their stay (Part 2)
43. One of a Kind smile
44. Those special moments
45. Abducted again - Part 1
46. Abducted again - Part 2
47. Getting her back - (Part 1)
48. Getting her back - (Part 2)
49. Back to New Yrok | The Invitation
50. Drama at the Party
51. Make out - love and confessions
52. Morning Awakening
53. Opening up | A sweet kiss | Nausea
54. Panic - (Part 1)
55. Panic - (Part 2)
56. A comforting hug
57. The lake | Doctor's visit
58. Positive pregnancy | The Theatre | A decision made
59. The Goodbye Letter | Welcome home | The stranger's help
60. Rage, Hurt, & Terror
Author's note

Chapter 13: The Truth (Part 1)

53 2 0
By TaylinJofficial

Tristan Pov:

We had walked into the mansion, and the sight in front of her made her mesmerized. She eyed every aspect of the interior inside. Why does she act like someone who hasn't lived in luxury?

She held the same expression she did in the jet, and for a split second, I really think something is wrong with her.

"Nice place," She had commented on the house.

I smiled in satisfaction. Maybe I should enlighten her with some news?

"Yea, well I'm glad you like it cuz even if you didn't, you'd be staying here." I had told her.

She rolled her eyes at me, but had become a panicked mess when my words sunk in.

"Wait What?!" She raised her voice.

Here we go again, I said in my head.

"Yes, you heard me right. You. Will. Be. Staying. At. This. Mansion." I told her slowly, so she'd get it.

In an instant, she became her typical self. Her eyes went big and wide, her lip trembling and her fingers fumbling. I gave her my best smile, showing off my white teeth.

"Don't worry sweets. As long as you obey every order I give you, your time here won't be as bad as you think it will be." I assured her with a smirk.

She was replaying all my words in her head, contemplating on what she'd probably say next.

"I.... I c-can't do t-this," She said the next moment.

All of sudden, she snapped and started to run. This time, she didn't run in the direction of the door, she ran the opposite direction.

I rolled my eyes at her running figure, she was running for what and to where? My mansion had so many corners, and almost every one led to another. She could easily get lost, hence she didn't know where she was going or how to get away from me.

"Alina!" I had called, but she kept running.

Alina was still running but her pace had slowed a little, giving me the thought that she was thinking the same thing I was. She looked around and the next moment, she took a turn in the right corner, leading her to another set of doors and corners.

"You know you have nowhere to go. No matter what you do, you will never be able to run away from your fate!" I shouted to her.

She had no idea where she was taking herself, all she had in her mind was to run, not even knowing where to. I followed her carelessly, this was nothing but a game of chase.

"I don't care o-okay! You might be right, but I..... I will not give in to this. I'll die trying!" She called back to me, not slowing down or stopping.

"Bad idea Kooky, bad idea," I had told myself in my head, still chasing her running figure.

She was too busy thinking, she didn't even notice how she had easily slowed down into my advantage. I caught up to her and wrapped my arm around her petite waist, pulling her towards me.

When she was just a few inches away from me, I scooped her over my shoulder, and stalked my way to one of the bedrooms by mine.

She was hysterically crying, my shirt already soaked from her helpless tears. I opened the door and placed her on the bed firmly, but softly.

"I enjoy your efforts, but for your own sake, you should just stop trying here. For as long as I want you, you will be mine. There is no walking away from me, so just let what's what be. Got it? Great! Now rest." I told her and walked out the room, shutting the door behind me and locking it from the outside.

She ran to the door the next moment, with hope that she'd get out. All I could hear next was her sobs, bangs and punches, followed by a few muffled curse words towards me.

I didn't feel bad for her, for her weakness is my strength in this situation. I smiled to myself, turned a few corners and made my way towards my office down the hall.

I sat down in my chair and opened the desktop computer sitting in front of me on the desk. My inbox was loaded with thousands of unread messages from different business associates, friends and family, but one message caught my attention. I opened the message and read the content.

We might have a lead on the current issue. Meet later to discuss? - Trevor

I re-read the message a few times before replying to him.

Good work, we can meet later tomorrow around 5 at the office to discuss it all.  I replied.

There was an upcoming appearance in London that I was to attend in less than two weeks. There were a few details that needed my advised attention, and I worked on them for hours.

The sun was setting by the time I was finished. I got up out of the chair and stretched my body. My head was hurting and it was past 7 pm.

I left my office room and went to check up on Alina, somewhat. When I reached the room, it was dead silent. She was probably asleep by now, but I still wanted to see her face for some reason.

I unlocked and tried to open the door, but something was making it a little harder to open. It was like a weight was weighing on it. When I successfully got into the room, I looked around and didn't see her on the bed.

"Alina, where are you?" I called but got no response.

I started to walk towards the bathroom, but my foot hit something the moment I moved my foot. I looked down by my feet, and was met with a surprise.

Alina was laying on the floor with her eyes closed. I tapped her but she didn't even move. I bent down and checked her pulse, which was perfectly fine.

I didn't even notice I was a little worried for a second, until I let out a breath of relief. She wasn't dead. Maybe she just fell into a deep sleep, or maybe she passed out? Who knows with this strange woman?

I picked her up once again, and placed her on the bed. Her lusciously wild light brunette hair was hiding her angelic face from me, and I couldn't help but smooth it back in place.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked sleeping Alina, but I knew she wouldn't reply.

"That's right, you aren't doing anything because you hate me don't you?"

"You're just as confused as I am," I chuckled and let out a heavy sigh. Turning away from her, I left her room without even locking the door back.

Alina probably won't even wake up to try and escape. She seems to be in a deep sleep, and won't wake up for another few hours.

With the day almost being over, I went inside my luxurious mega-size bedroom and walked towards the bathroom.

A few seconds later, I was already undressed out of my business attire. I stepped into my Led light filled shower and the hot water hit my tensed body.

The water relaxed my muscles, and almost made me forget all the stressful moments of today. I stayed in the shower for over an hour, enjoying the hot water and letting it cleanse my body.

When I was sure the water had cleaned me, I got out the shower. I smoothed my damp hair back and placed a white fluffy towel around my waist, and went into my huge walk-in closet.

I picked out a simple white t-shirt and a pair of simple grey drawstring shorts to put on, and walked out the closet.

A small headache had formed earlier, but now it was gone. I felt relieved, just a little. Walking out my room, I went to check up on Alina again.

When I opened the door, I found her still sleeping where I had left her. I closed the door, and went back to my room.

Just a few seconds after I closed my door, I laid back and hit the bed. My eyes closed almost instantly, all my thoughts vanished, and I was knocked out in less than 5 mins.


Alina Pov:

When I woke up, the sun hit my groggy eyes. I sat up, and got out the bed. I was lightheaded, and a small headache had formed.

I looked around the room I was in, and again I was unfamiliar with everything for a moment. Then everything from yesterday started to flood back into my mind. I remember how I kept profusely crying and crying, until I passed out.

My body felt dirty, for I haven't had a shower since I left my home. I felt disgusted with myself, and all I wanted to do at this moment was to take a long hot shower.

Looking around the spacious room I was in, I noticed the bathroom. Not too far from it, I also noticed a huge walk-in closet. Everything in the room was huge and luxurious, something I was slightly used to. I was amazed with the interior of the room, but it was nothing I haven't seen already.

Since I was a young girl, I grew up with lots of money because of my parents, but I was the only kid in my family who didn't care for any of it. Call me crazy, but that's just the way I was. All the money I have is mine, and I worked for it. I never asked anyone for anything, for I didn't need what was for others.

Drawing my eyes back to the breathtakingly beautiful bathroom, I walked in. It hit me that I didn't have a thing to wear besides this dress that didn't even belong to me. I was still in the same outfit I was in days ago.

The heels, the dress, the makeup. Looking in the mirror on the wall in the bathroom, I looked like an utter complete mess, and anyone who saw me would agree.

I was in the middle of removing my dress when I heard someone knock on the door. Before I could make myself presentable and open the door, the door had already opened itself.

There standing was none other but Tristan, ogling me up and down. I quickly put my dress back down so he couldn't see my undergarments.

"What the fuck!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He stood there and smirked.

"What's wrong with you? You're supposed to knock dumbass!" I shouted at him in embarrassment.

"Technically I did, but I don't have to. It's my house," He reminded me.

I rolled my eyes at him, he is irritating. Just because it's his house doesn't mean he can barge in and invade my privacy. I don't want to be here anyways.

What if I was naked when he came in? I shook the thought out of my head.

"That doesn't matter, you had no right to just come in here. Your house or not!" I folded my arms over my chest.

"Well I'm here now" He said back.

"You're such an asshole, you know that?"

"And you're cute when you're mad," He chuckled.

Does he think this is a game? I'm so not for this right now.

Why can't I take a damn shower in peace?

He just had to invade my personal space and privacy. It sucks how I can't even shower alone without being bothered after he forced me to leave with him.

"I'm not playing here," I gave him a hard glare.

"Me neither," He grinned at me.

"Arrogant Asshole," I mumbled under my breath with a frown plastered on my face.

"Name calling isn't the best thing to do, you should know that by now?"

I rolled my eyes again at this arrogant bastard in front of me.

"I don't care anymore. You just invaded my privacy, so I have every right to curse you!"

He laughed at me as if I had just said something that was funny to him.

"Did I say anything funny? Hmm?" I asked him.

"You're always saying funny things little girl," He responded.

"I'm not a little girl, and I don't say anything funny!" I shouted.

"Hmm, I doubt that," He snickered.

"Whatever asshole, can I please just take a frickin shower already? If that's okay with you?" I sarcastically asked him.

"I don't mind," He devilishly smiled at me.

"In private!" I noted.

"Maybe?" He replied.

"You are so fucking sick!" I told him in disgust.

"Maybe?" He said again.

"Ugh, get out!" I yelled loudly.

He passed me a wide demonic grin before leaving me alone in the bathroom. I poked my head out the door to see if he was lurking somewhere.

When I was sure he was completely gone out the room, I finally undressed out this sticky dress.

The water sprayed my entire body, cleansing me slowly. I found some shampoo on the side, and used it to cleanse my hair.

I scrubbed my body roughly, to rid all the dirt on my body and all the people who touched me today. I kept scrubbing till I noticed my body turning red.

Letting out a deep sigh, I got out the shower once I finished washing all the shampoo out my hair. I saw a dry towel hanging up in the bathroom, and I wrapped it around my body.

This wasn't my home, meaning there was nothing of mines here. I left my wet hair cascading down my back, walking into the gigantic closet.

When I say gigantic, I mean it. The closet was huge, clothes hanging on every rack. There wasn't one part of this closet that was empty.

I could see a few mens clothes, but most of them were womens. I wonder who this room is for? It has to be for someone if the room is full of clothes.

I didn't want to use anyone else's clothes, but I didn't want to wear that uncomfortable dress again. I miss my home like crazy, and all of this was pure misery for me.

For almost 30 minutes, I was struggling on what to do. I didn't want to get into trouble for wearing anyone's clothes but I really did not want to have to put back on that dress.

I shook my head, before deciding on wearing an outfit out of the closet. I hope this doesn't have a rebound later.

There were so many outfits to choose from, all of them seemed to be over the top. I was a simple girl, so I kept looking until I found the simplest outfit I could find. I chose a white long sleeve v-neck crop top and denim jeggings.

Leaving the closet, I went up to the mirror and examined myself in these clothes. I wasn't used to wearing these types of clothing, but it looked okay.

The only thing that bothered me was the crop top. In the mirror, the v-neck looked a little too deep, while it showed a little of my stomach. I let out a deep breath out of anxiety.

I pray no one notices this, for I'd be so embarrassed. I'd be even more anxious and embarrassed if Tristan were to see this.

Who am you kidding? You would have to see him at some point today, you can't just avoid him. My subconsciousness reminded me.

I took one more look in the mirror and prayed for the best. Well technically, my life is nothing but the worst, but I pray things don't get worse for me.

I adjusted my top, trying to cover as much as possible. When I realized that I can't do anything else with it, I gave up and walked to the door of the bedroom. Fortunately, when I turned the knob, it opened with no problem.

When I looked out the room, it was like a maze, or puzzle or whatever. Yesterday, when I was running from him, I could see there were so many hallways. Now that I am registering and looking with concentration, I feel so small.

I took one step forward, and tried to figure out where I was going and how I would get there. There were rooms around, and I ended up opening a few of them.

I found nothing but bedrooms in each and every one, and almost every single one were fancy but plain at the same time.

Well like I said, almost. Turning a corner and walking past a few rooms, I stopped. I could sense movement in one of them, and for some reason I got curious.

I walked towards it, and slowly opened the door. The moment the door had opened, I instantly regretted it. I gasped when the first thing I saw was a man, and of cos that man was Tristan.

He wasn't wearing anything besides shorts that hung dangerously low on his waist. His chest was in plain sight, and the view was distracting me.

Sensing someone's presence, he looked up at me. I was still staring at his breathtaking body. He had toned abs, and built biceps.

I wouldn't hold any girl accountable, who got swept off their feet and found themselves on his bed. His body was like a god, proving his power and dominance even more.

He knew I was staring, and he proved it by speaking. "Like what you see kooky?" He asked me with a raised brow and a smirk on his face.

I shook my head to get rid of the sick lusty thoughts in my messed up head.

"No!" I scoffed, my cheeks redder than a tomato.

"Yea right," He replied with that look.

"I really wasn't!" I tried to defend myself.

"Honestly, you're a horrible liar," He laughed at me.

"No I am not!" I tried again.

"Your flushed for fuck's sake, can't deny that kooky," He said back in amusement.

"Just please shut up already, I didn't mean to come here," I fumbled.

Tristan gave me an unreadable expression, and before I could figure out what it was, it was gone. His smirk returned with no failure.

He looked me up and down from head to toe before speaking. "Nice outfit, where'd you get it?" He asked me.

My breath hitched, and my words got stuttered.

"Oh I..... I had f-found it in t-the cl-closet in th-that r-room," I tried to explain.

Hopefully he doesn't get mad at me for wearing these clothes, I had no idea who these were for in the first place. All I know was I am borrowing them, for that dress was too uncomfortable for me.

"I figured so..." He replied casually.

I creased my eyebrow in confusion at his calm tone. Well maybe he won't be mad.

"That dress was uncomfortable, I.. I am j-just borrowing i-it," I spoke again.

"Don't stress on it, it's fine. I'm not upset, feel free to wear whatever you want from your wardrobe," He informed me.

My mouth hung open in shock with his words. My wardrobe? What does he mean?

"Mines?" I asked in need of clarification.

"Yep, all yours." He smiled at me.

"Oh.. Thanks I guess," I said in an almost inaudible tone.

"No need, but your welcome," He passed me a wink and went inside his own closet.

I was stuck in the same spot, completely astonished. All those clothes were for me? Wait how does he know my size, or even if I would be able to fit them?

The outfit I am currently wearing was just too showy for me, but I was usually like that. My favorite clothes mostly consist of things a little too big, or something that fits me but doesn't fit me to the point where the parts of me that should be hidden, are somehow visible.

A few minutes later, Tristan came out of his closet in his business attire. He looked a little less intimidating in regular clothes.

I was still where he left me when he came back. "If you're wondering how I got your size, I gave you the dress and I think it fits fine." He told me.

"You were the one who sent that? I thought that was from Arthur?" I had a slight frown on my face mentioning his cousin.

They were both complete assholes in my point of view. Arthur proved it for himself by doing what he did. His actions were almost the entire reason I was where I am at right now.

"It was a gift from me, handed over to you by him," He explained.

"Well you can have it back, I don't want it." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Keep it Alina, I don't want it back. When I give a gift, I don't intend on hearing them try and return it." His face hardened along with his tone.

"Fine, then I'll keep it, but don't expect to see me wearing it."

"Whatever you say, Kooky," He said to me.

"Why do you call me Kooky?" A deep frown formed on my face hearing this ridiculous nickname he gave me come from his mouth.

"Because....." He smiled.

"Because what?" I asked.

"Because you're strange and mysterious, but unique at the same time." He explained.

I looked at him with no expression visible. No words left to say to him.

Strange? Mysterious? Unique? He's the strange one here, I can never get him.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and turned to face the door.

"Do you know where you're going?" He asked me.

"No," I honestly told him.

A few moments later, he had come towards me and led the way to somewhere. Corner after corner, hallways and doors was the only thing I saw until the kitchen and living room became visible. I remembered seeing this when we came in.

I strolled to the living room and sat down on the comfy leather couch. The television was huge, and my view from here was amazing.

I could hear Tristan murmuring something to someone, but I couldn't make any of it out from where I was sitting. Moments later, Tristan had come back into sight, coming towards me.

"Eat Breakfast," Was the only two words that came out his mouth when he was standing in front of me.

"Yeah okay." On cue, my stomach rumbled in hunger.

I got up from where I was sitting on the couch and followed him into his enormous elegant-styled kitchen. I sat down in one of the seats. When I say this mansion was beautiful, I meant it.

"Hello, Miss. I will be serving you your breakfast today, you can call me Meredith." A beautiful lady who seemed to be in her late 40's came up to me and smiled.

"Oh, Thank you Meredith. You can call me Alina," I told her, genuinely returning her smile.

She gave me another smile, before placing a tray in front of me. The tray was filled with eggs, pancakes, waffles, bacon, bagels, toast, and salad with avocados in it.

For a moment I think I was in food heaven. There was so much food in front of me, and all of it looked so delicious.

My stomach rumbled again, and that was my cue to dive right into this mouth-watering breakfast. I ate almost everything off of the plate, with just a few leftovers.

My stomach was full, I felt like I could explode at any moment now. My hunger and taste buds were fulfilled and satisfied.

I wonder if Tristan ate yet? He probably already ate earlier. I shrugged my shoulders and got down from where I was seated in the kitchen.

"Thanks again, the food was amazing," I complimented and thanked Meredith before leaving the kitchen.

I sat back down where I was in the living room, and watched tv for some while to pass time. I decided to take a little tour around, but I ended up getting lost in this gigantic mansion.

I don't know why no one has showed me around yet?

I was exhausted with the walk-around, and when I found the room I slept in, I went straight into it and fell asleep.

A nap will do for now, since there was literally nothing else to do now.

Tristan Pov:

I went to my office, leaving Alina to eat her breakfast. I had already eaten a few minutes after I had woken up. The bickering between me and Alina was amusing, and I couldn't help but smile at how annoyed she was.

I picked up a few documents and walked out of my home office. I paid Alina a visit in the room she was in, but I found her knocked out on the bed.

A small smile formed on my face, hearing her soft snores. Closing the door back, I made my way to the door. At exactly 5, Trevor had walked inside the mansion in his suit.

"Good Morning," Tristan gave me a smile.

"Good morning, shall we discuss in the office?" I asked him.

"Lets go," He nodded.

The moment the office door closed, we didn't waste a minute getting straight into business.

"Speak," I said to him.

He nodded again, and started speaking.

"I did even more digging and I think I have a lead exactly on who's behind it, but it isn't Alina." He told me, catching my undivided attention.

"Well if it isn't Alina, then who is it?" I asked him.

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