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~ time skips ~

the toot trio!!! :DDD

MH: soo, how did the date go?

JH: yeah, miso, you didn't even update us at all!

MS: how about you all guess

JH: it went well?

MH: he's your boyfriend now?

MS: pfft, wrong
MS: it went horrible

JH: really? it was that bad?
JH: it was probably just awkward because you two haven't been together alone before

MS: he wanted to have sex with me.



MS: nope, not joking at all
MS: i even cracked my wrist; my mom made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow

MH: okay, how did that happen

MS: he dragged me towards the couch, and i resisted
MS: i felt my wrist crack, and it started to hurt

JH: did you see that coming, though?

MS: honestly no, it was pretty unexpected, actually
MS: he invited me to his house after lunch, and i said yeah
MS: then he caught me looking at his piano
MS: we played on it
MS: then he wanted to kiss me, but i had no idea he was going to do that
MS: and then he came with this bull crap saying, "whatever i start, i finish" and then he started to do whatever

MH: to be honest, you should've caught the hint something wrong was coming up when he invited you to his house

JH: yeah, i gotta agree with min
JH: no guy invites a girl to his house on the first date or outing

MS: shucks, sorry i haven't been out with a guy before

JH: but miso, just know this isn't your fault at all. he was wrong in every way possible

MH: okay, but did he pay for the food though

MS: of course he did
MS: and thanks jooheon, i appreciate the kind words

JH: no problem, miso!
JH: but hey, if you have any problems, you can always come to us
JH: especially me, i'm happy to help
JH: idk about min though

MH: of course i'll help! i want in for the drama too!

MS: yeah i'll just keep jooheon in mind
MS: anyways, i'm going to sleep
MS: goodnight, everyone

JH: sleep well, miso!

MH: goodnight, miso!!!
MH: make sure you tell us what happens at the doctors as well!

JH: seriously, min, you had to ask that?

MH: what, i'm curious too!

miso shook her head and chuckled, putting her phone down. she looked at the sore wrist that was now in a brace her mother uses when her wrists hurt.

im changkyun

hey miso, just want to check in

how's your wrist?

for the first time, she smiled when she saw his name pop on his phone. she replied:

it still hurts

i'm going to get it checked tomorrow at the doctors

CK: oh, really, it's that bad?

MS: yeah, it still hurts a lot

CK: when i get the chance to see him, i'm punching his face.

MS: relax, everything's over now
MS: you don't have to do anything to anyone anymore.

CK: yeah, but what if you can't participate in this duet?
CK: i really don't wanna lose, but your wrist is so much important to me right now

MS: i'll be fine, don't worry
MS: i'll update you on how it goes

CK: please

MS: alright
MS: anyways, i'm going to sleep
MS: goodnight
MS: and thank you for today.

CK: no problem, get better soon
CK: goodnight

at this moment, miso started to blush; she never knew how soft and kind changkyun could be. imagine if he was like this all the time. she thought to herself, smiling. if he were, then i think he's my new favorite boy.

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