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~ the next day ~

miso woke up on the couch, not remembering how she ended up there. she sat up and looked around, seeing empty pizza boxes and pillows all over the floor. did we really play that much yesterday? she thought to herself, picking up the boxes.

grabbing her phone, which was on the ground, her phone flooded with messages from the group chat she was in with minhyuk and jooheon.

the toot trio :D
we left last night; in case you were wondering, miso

yeah, you were like passed out

if you don't remember anything, it's nothing serious i swear

we didn't drink; you just fell asleep

yeah, you ate a lot, actually

probably fell asleep because you ate a lot?

wow, didn't know miso could eat so much

c'mon min, can't you be at least a little kind to her? lol

she deserves it

miso just ignored their little conversation and decided to go back to sleep.

a knock on the door then startled her, making her walk to the door and look through the peephole; believe it or not, changkyun was on the other side of the door. she facepalmed herself, realizing that she forgot that he was coming over.

"one moment!" she yelled, running upstairs and quickly brushing her teeth, then running downstairs to open the door.

opening it, changkyun looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow. "seven minutes, that is how long you make a guest wait for you?"

she got a bit distracted at the new style changkyun wore: a gray hoodie with matching color sweatpants; usually, he was the type to wear oversized flannels with ripped jeans, but today, to her, he looked a bit of boyfriend material.

"huh? oh, sorry." she replied, moving out of his way so he could enter her home. "come in."

miso accidentally hit her wrist against the door, as a rush of pain came through; curses filled her head, but out came groans.

changkyun stopped taking his shoes off and looked straight up at her. "are you okay?"

"y-yeah." she held her wrist and walked away, going to the kitchen. she got herself a cup of water and took a couple of pills out of its bottle. the pills the doctor prescribed for the pain to go away temporarily.

"what are you doing now?" he followed her into the kitchen after closing the front door.

"taking this." she swallowed the tablets that were in her hand with water and scrunched up her face; fresh toothpaste and cold water was not her favorite taste.

the two then walked to the couch, sitting down sideways. his eyes then go to the braced wrist that was on her knee.

"a brace?" he asked, leaning toward her and gently grabbing her wrist.

she pulled it away from him. "y-yeah."

"what did the doctor say? tell me everything."

"he said that i have to wear this for about a week if i remember correctly."

"what about the piano? it's not going to get in the way, right?"

she did not say anything, remembering what the doctor told her. tears started to fall from her eyes, her pride crumbling.

"so, what did he- miso, are you crying?" he tilted his head and looked into her eyes, seeing that they were slowly getting red. he sighed and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back. once her face made contact with his chest, she started to sob, her tears getting all over his hoodie.

"h-he s-said t-that-" she could not speak well as she was sniffling between her words.

"shhh, i know what you're gonna say." he told her, still rubbing her back. "just calm down first."

she continued to cry, disappointed in herself. i let him down so much. she kept on thinking to herself. he must be so disappointed right now.

as more negative thoughts started to roam around her head, changkyun's hand made it's way to her head, rubbing it in circles to calm her down more.

the action made miso feel a bit more calmer, and she pulled away from him, wiping her leftover tears on her sleeve. "i-i'm sorry."

"sorry for what?" he asked, chuckling.

she finally quieted herself down and took a deep breath. "i'm sorry for hurting my wrist. the doctor said that i can't play the piano for a long time now because i cracked some bone."

"miso, it's alright, we can make modifications-"

"i know how much you wanted to win, but because of me, you can not; i have to drop out of the competition. i feel like i disappointed and let you down, and i am sorry."

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