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miso immediately went to find jooheon and found him sitting by the fountain like the last time; she smiled, her negatives emotions slowly leaving her body.

"hey jooheon," she said, walking in front of him.

he looked up from his phone and smiled. "oh, hey, miso. are you ready?"


the two walked out of the center, sitting outside to wait for his mother to pick them up.

"so, what are you this time?" jooheon asked.

"a pianist. you?"

"i'm a page turner. that's good that the both of us didn't get eliminated."

"yeah, i'm so relieved."

"you heard about the competitors only getting to be a pianist and page turner twice, right?"

"yeah. how are you doing your rotation?"

"the regular, alternating. i'm sure yours is the same, right?"

she sighed, thinking back at the now ridiculous argument she picked up with changkyun. "we're aren't sure about it yet."

"i'm kinda glad that i was a pianist first. then that way, i don't have to play the final piece, you know?"

"ohh, i understand."

"i eavesdropped on the pair next to me. they were talking about how the person that's in charge of your division, he or she made the roles from the start a certain way, to either help you or to make you lose."


all of a sudden, jooheon's mother's car pulls up on the curb in front of them.

"shucks. i'll text you about it if you have time," he told her, walking to the car and opening the door; now, she was a bit excited to text him. she didn't want to admit that she was catching feelings. she knew that she was, slowly.

jooheon and miso both jumped into the car, and his mother started to drive right away.

"so, how was it today?" his mother asked.

"alright." jooheon replied. miso didn't say anything because she was still a bit upset from what changkyun said earlier.

"how about you, miso?"

"oh, yeah, it was okay i guess," she replied, looking out of the car window; she didn't want to say anything, or she'll either explode with anger.

~ time skips ~


hey, miso

i was just wondering if you want to continue what we were talking about earlier today?

miso read the messages while she was doing her homework. she smiled and responded.

MS: yeah, sure

JH: alright
JH: so, the person in charge of your division, i don't know what to call them, were responsible for putting everyone in their 'roles'
JH: and so i don't know if it's true or not, but the reason why they did that was so the people that were page turners would be the pianists at the end
JH: i remember you told me that you were a page turner last week. maybe your instructor wants you to be the final pianist

MS: you think so?

JH: not too sure, but i'm sure you're really great!
JH: it's a little sad i haven't heard you play before

MS: haha, thanks

JH: no problem
JH: wanna switch the subject to something else?

miso kept smiling to herself, screaming a bit on the inside. as she thought from the start, he never failed to make the atmosphere quiet; of course, minhyuk definitely doesn't, but to her, it's too much.

MS: sure
MS: about what?

JH: hmm
JH: do you always drink coffee? like is that your favorite thing to drink?

MS: yeah
MS: i don't know why, but i enjoy the taste of it

JH: how does it taste?

MS: have you not tried it before?

JH: not yet; my mom won't let me drink it for some reason
JH: it's something to do with myths

MS: that's a bummer
MS: you should try it sometime

JH: maybe next week if you're planning to buy it again
JH: shucks, my mom wants me to go to bed

MS: ohh, okay
MS: goodnight

JH: goodnight!

that went so well! miso thought to herself, grinning even more from reading the conversation over and over again.

page turner ; changkyun ffWhere stories live. Discover now