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"oh, really?" changkyun asked her, pulling back and leaning back, tilting his head. "elaborate."

"well-" miso was about to explain, but then her mother came out into the living room. she looked at the two teens, who were now sitting across each other on the couch, facing each other.

"did i interrupt something?" she asked, walking to the counter, sitting down on a stool.

"no." the two replied, shrugging their shoulders.

"we were just talking about ourselves." miso added.

"is that so?" her mother raised her eyebrows. "well, the pizza should come soon. just keep an eye out while i clean up the kitchen a bit."

the two nodded and looked at each other again, both being relieved because they almost got caught.

"so, would you like to elaborate?" changkyun whispered to her, smirking. "where your mom could probably hear you."

"are you crazy? no!" she whispered back. "let's keep that for another time."

"changkyun, did you know when miso sleeps, she tends to sleep talk a lot?" her mother asked, looking at the two teens again. what the hell, mom? miso thought to herself, putting her face in her hands.

"oh, really?" he asked, looking behind him and saw miso, embarrassed.

"yeah! miso, do you know-?"

"do you really have to embarrass me like that?" miso asked, annoyed.

"why, what's wrong with that?" changkyun asked.

"right changkyun; it's normal for some people." her mother added on.

"i just, i, whatever." she stood up and walked away into the bathroom once more; again, changkyun and her mother were left alone.

"i know this is a bit of a big subject change," changkyun started another conversation. "but is it alright if i take miso on a little date after the competition's over?"

her mother stopped what she was doing, then turned her head to look at him. "a what?"

"or like a short lunch. it's fine if you reject it, i understand."

"i mean, i suppose you can. i know you now, and we've had a conversation before. i don't see why not. are you planning on confessing or something?"

"probably, and hopefully."

"ooh, that sounds fun! what are you planning on doing?"

"hmm, i still don't know yet."

"just letting you know ahead of time, she hates flowers."


"yep, big shocker, right?"

"from her? not really. she seems like the type to not make such a big deal about things."

"that's her, though." her mother stopped talking, thinking about something that seemed so familiar. she couldn't think of what it was, but it had to do with him and her daughter. i swear she said something about her having somewhat happy thoughts about him. she thought to herself.

"should we check on her or something?"

"maybe you should. i feel like she might explode if i go there."

he just nodded and started walking, then stopped. he turned around, chuckling. "where's her room? i've only been in the living room and kitchen."

"oh, it's upstairs, the room on the first left."

"thank you." he walked up the stairs and saw a closed door when he looked in the direction. this is probably her room. he thought to himself, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"what?" he heard an annoyed voice shout.

"it's changkyun."

the door then opened, and he saw her look either very tired or very irritated; he couldn't tell the difference.

"what do you want?"

"just came to check up on you. you just stormed off."

"i'm fine, just go." she went to close the door but was stopped by him.

"are you really?"

"yes, now go."

"just letting you know, i'm pretty sure the pizza is almost here. your mom told me to tell you to come downstairs."

she just came out of the room and closed it, walking downstairs without waiting for him. girls are confusing, i swear. changkyun thought to himself, shaking his head and following her.

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