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~ time skips ~

the toot trio!!! :DDD

MH: wait miso, did you win?

MS: kinda?
MS: i won second place

JH: that's awesome, miso, congrats!

MS: thanks

MH: wait, why not first?

MS: well, changkyun and i have to compete against each other
MS: there's no way i can win in the condition i'm in now, so i'll let changkyun win

JH: what? c'mon, you have to try at least

MS: no i will
MS: it's just that i know that he will win anyways

MH: well, whether you win or not
MH: me and joo will give you a party to celebrate!
MH: right, joo?

JH: oh, yeah, definitely!

MS: thanks, guys

MH: not even a "you guys are the best?"

MS: how about second best

JH: why, who's the first?

MS: haha, guess ;)

MH: oh dear, it's im changkyun, isn't it

JH: we should've known you talk about him like every time we text here

MS: now, that's false
MS: but yes, that's the right answer minhyuk

MH: smh, you two should just date already

JH: agreed
JH: there's no way he doesn't like you back; you two are literally flirting with each other

MH: confess to him soon, or we're doing with for you

MS: pfft, and how are you two going to do that?

MH: we have our ways
MH: right, joo?

JH: yes

MS: you two are always teaming up on me, i feel offended

MH: that's what happens when we aren't your favorite

there was a knock on her bedroom door, and she looked up to see her mother with the music sheets she gave her earlier. her mother slowly walked up to her, showing the sheets to her.

"you're joking; this looks intense." her mother told her. miso took the sheets out of her hands to look them over good.

"it seems like the whole piece is full of scales. it's not that bad."

"didn't you say once that your wrists cracked once when you were doing them?"

"scales? no, you probably mean arpeggios, right?"

"or was it that, i forget. anyways, you promise me that you are going to take a break from the piano after this competition."


"pinky promise?" her mother put out her pinky, wanting her daughter to do the same. miso just sighed and put hers out as well, interlocking it with her mother's.

"how's changkyun?" her mother asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. hearing his name made her a bit excited, and butterflies started forming in her stomach.

"i mean, he's good i guess." earlier of the day flashed through her mind, making her face red.

"you know, now that i see him, he isn't that bad as i thought he would be."

"same here."

"well, you have school tomorrow. i better let you sleep, goodnight miso."

"wait mom, i have something to ask you."


"so, changkyun wants to take me out for like. i don't know, lunch? i was wondering if i could go sometime this week."

"i mean, yeah, sure! just let me know when you go, though, alright?"


"yeah. i mean, changkyun seems like a sweet and honest guy, i'm sure you two won't do anything stupid, right?"

pfft, sweet guy. miso thought to herself, smirking to herself a little. "yeah, pretty sure we're going to eat something, and he's going to bring me home."

"alright. goodnight miso, love you."

"goodnight mom, love you too."

once her mom left the room and closed the door, miso started to punch the air, excited about the approval. she went to changkyun's contact and immediately texted him.

MS: are you still up?

CK: yeah, i'm just doing homework
CK: you?

MS: i already finished, i'm about to go to sleep
MS: but i asked my mom if i could go with you somewhere sometime this week
MS: and she said yes

CK: that's nice
CK: so, when are you free?

MS: whenever pretty much
MS: i'm not going to lessons on wednesday, so i'm free this whole week

CK: hmm, how about wednesday?

MS: i thought you have piano lessons on wednesdays?

CK: ehh, i can skip one
CK: after all, i'm going to get something good out of it anyways

MS: something good?
MS: wdym?

CK: don't worry about it
CK: do you want me to pick you up at school or your house?

MS: at my house, please
MS: i need to change and take a shower, i have gym as my last period that day

CK: why, do you stink like a pig?

MS: yes.

CK: okay, see you then
CK: goodnight

MS: goodnight

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