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~ time skips ~

miso's phone rang while she and her mother were having dinner. she picked up her phone, which an unknown number was calling her.

her mother also saw the number and looked at her daughter. "answer it!"

miso hesitantly answered it, putting it on speaker. "hello?"

"hello? is this park miso?" a voice on the other side responded.


"oh! hi, i'm kim hasseul, part of the yeongnam piano competition, the people who judged your audition today saw potential in you, and they think that you made the cut; congratulations, you've made it into the competition! is it possible if you can come back to the convention center next weekend on saturday?"

miso looked at her mother, who nodded. "yes, i can, thank you so much."

"not a problem. i'll see you then, goodnight!"

"goodnight." miso hung up the call, then looked at her mother; she just smiled and hugged her daughter tightly.

"see! i knew you'd make it; congratulations, honey!" she hugged her even tighter, to the point miso couldn't breathe.

"thanks, mom."

"ms. kim's reaction will be priceless; she's going to flip!"

"haha. sure."

"i can't wait to brag to all of my friends at work about how talented my miso is."

"mom, don't."

"i wonder if jooheon got in. should i call his mom now?"


all of a sudden, her mother's phone rang. she answered it, putting the call on speaker.

"hey! i was thinking of you!"

"same here, we got the phone call. did miso make it in the competition?"

"yes! how about jooheon?"

"what a coincidence! he also got in; this is the first year, so i'm very excited for him."

"us too! i'll see you tomorrow at work!"

"yes, you too. goodnight!"


her mother hung up the phone, grinning.

"he got in miso!" she told her, nudging her shoulder.

"yeah, i heard. congrats to him i guess."

"this is so exciting! i think you and jooheon would get along very well."

"enough to become minhyuk's replacement?"

her mother shot a glare at her. "stop it, he's a nice boy, miso! he's not your type i guess."

"the total opposite if you say."

~ a few days later ~

"i have something to say." miso told her piano teacher before packing up her books.

"oh? what is it?"

"you know the competition, right?"


"yeah. i got in."

"what? that is amazing, miso! congratulations, i'm so proud of you!"

her teacher pulled her into an embrace, swinging her body from side to side.

she then let go of the hug and put her hands on miso's shoulders. "i promise, i'll be there every step of the way. trust me, alright?"

miso nodded and slightly smiled. "thank you."

"see? i knew you would make it!"

watch me get eliminated the first round, and see how you would react to me then. miso thought, smirking to herself. she then started to pack up her piano books and walked to the door.

her teacher then stopped her. "do you have to bring anything to the competition?"

miso thought about it. "no, i don't think so. they just said to report to the competition this saturday."

"alright. tell me how it goes next week!"

"will do; goodbye, ms. kim."

miso exited the studio and walked to the bus station as always. she smiled to herself, the words her teacher told her got stuck in her mind. she was happy for herself of everything that was happening.

although she was a bit nervous for the big first day, she was a little excited to see what was in store for her. 

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