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miso then felt a pair of arms go around her, and she knew right away that it was changkyun. he covered her face with kisses and kept whispering sweet compliments to her.

"you did such a good job!" he kept on repeating over and over again. she got embarrassed and pushed him away, quickly wiping her tears at the same time.

"nice job, park miso." hyunwoo complimented, smiling and her and silently clapping to her. "since changkyun is here, should you go now?"

changkyun nodded and patted miso's head once before taking a seat on the bench. she smiled at the little action and sat in the chairs, where she looked for her brace; she found it on his chair and quickly put it on, holding her wrist in pain.

she sighed, realizing that she didn't take any medication, and looked out of the room. should i go to the car and take a pill real quick? she thought to herself. she then looked in front of her and saw changkyun finishing his introduction for his video. crap, i'll just wait until afterward.

"whenever you're ready." hyunwoo told the pianist, smiling.

changkyun took one last glance at miso and smiled; she returned him with a smile and a thumbs up.

he took a deep breath before starting. once his fingers pressed the keys, beautiful melodies began to develop.

miso never really had a chance to sit down and listen to him play, leaning back in her chair with one leg crossed on top of the other.

while listening to him play, she began to fall more in love with him; she loved how his fingers glided smoothly throughout the piano and how he nodded his head at the parts he had to stretch his fingers to the far keys.

obviously, i've been living under a rock. she thought to herself. i can't believe i thought kihyun was the best pianist in this competition.

almost going to the last page, changkyun felt a bit pressured. this is the last page, but i feel like something is missing? he thought it himself, wanting to stop. he just shook his head, ignoring the thought.

however, the thought clouded his mind, but not fast enough; he finished the piece with the last cadence, making everyone clap for him.

miso stood up from her seat and clapped for him, smiling the biggest she could; she was really proud of him. she could not even put all her emotions into words. she was so distracted she even forgot what happened a while ago, when she felt weak and anxious.

"nice job, changkyun; that was flawless!" hyunwoo complimented, finishing some notes on his clipboard and putting it down. "before i announce the results, please excuse me for a bit. i'll have to discuss with the group of the people in the back for a while outside."

hyunwoo escorted the group out of the room, and they left with a wave and a closed door. once everyone disappeared, the two just looked at each other.

"play more!" she cheered, putting her fist in the air.

he just smiled at her. "sit here, and maybe i will."

miso quickly stood up and walked up the front, sitting by her lover.

"you know, something was just bothering me while i was playing today," he told her, pressing random keys on the piano.

"really? what?"

"i don't know, but it's gone now. i think i just missed playing with you by my side."

she blushed. "stop it, you're joking."

"no, i'm actually serious."

he slowly started to play an unfamiliar but subtle melody, glancing at her once in a while; out of nowhere, he began to mumble that turned to sing. it surprised her a lot since she didn't know that he could sing.

show me your pain,

and even your beautifulness,

my baby, i can't stop loving you.

i miss you, what do you think?

he ended it with a chord and looked at her. "that was a little something i've slowly been working on; it's still a work in progress, how was it?"

she could not believe how deep his voice could sound when he sang; it was so attractive to her. "i didn't know you could sing. that was amazing."

"fun fact, this song is inspired by you."

she widened her eyes. "really?"

"of course, silly. who else would it be for? after all, park miso is the only girl i love."

"not even your mom?"

"we don't talk about her."

she tilted her head, getting more curious about the subject.

changkyun seemed to notice and interrupted her thoughts. "it's the same way as you and your dad if you're wondering."

she nodded, relating to the situation. "sorry, i shouldn't have mentioned it."

"it's no problem; you didn't know anyways. that song is actually a project for one of my classes. i'm taking a music production class. you think one day, you can come over to my house and record some vocals with me?"

she gasped, shaking her head while covering her mouth. "i'm not a singer. but, i will watch you, though."

he frowned and pouted his lips. "i'm not a singer too, but i tried."

"shut up, that was amazing."

he slightly smiled and looked at her wrist. "how's your wrist?"

"i'm in so much pain you don't understand. i shouldn't have taken it off."

he just put his arm around hers, pulling her closer to him while rubbing her arm with his hand. "you did well today. you need a break once in a while anyway."

the door opened, startling the two. changkyun immediately put his arm on his lap and looked behind. hyunwoo entered while wiping his hands on his shirt, smiling at the two.

"alright, ready for the results?" hyunwoo asked, grabbing his clipboard from one of the pianos. the two slowly nodded, scared of what will happen next. changkyun slipped his hand into miso's, squeezing it because he was the most nervous one out of the two of them. miso, on the other hand, knew who was going to win. she knew she could have done better if it was not for her crippled wrist.

"and the winner of the yeongnam piano competition is," hyunwoo announced, looking up from his clipboard, seeing the competitor's faces.

please hurry up. miso thought to herself, feeling that the moment was taking longer it should be.

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