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~ time skips ~

MS: i'm going to sleep already

MH: you haven't been up past midnight before?

JH: we have an amateur up in our hands min

MS: i have
MS: it's just that i'm tired
MS: after all, i had to spend a whole 3 hours with an idiot, right?

MH: you right, you right

JH: yes, get some sleep. you wasted your energy on that dumbo

MS: alright
MS: goodnight, everyone

JH: goodnight, miso!

MH: give us any more updates on kihyun!
MH: and i'll see you in your dreams!

MS: yeah, you definitely won't be in my dreams, minhyuk.

she exited the group chat and saw that changkyun's contact was just below it; seeing his name made her feel a bit sorry about what happened earlier. should i apologize? she thought to herself. if he doesn't reply, i'll look stupid.

miso then decided to talk to him on sunday; although she knew it was a bit risky, she didn't want anything to do with him at the moment.

~ a few days later ~

"thanks, mom." jooheon told his mother as he helped miso out of the car.

"yes, thank you." miso added.

"no problem. good luck!"

the two teens watched his mother drive away.

jooheon looked at miso. "you didn't forget anything, right?"

she shook her head, holding up her sheets. "nope. maybe you shouldn't take them this time."

he chuckled. "i agree."

the two of them walked to the coffee shop, where they always went; she sat down at the table while jooheon ordered the same thing as always.

going on her phone, she saw something in her peripheral vision; miso looked to her right and saw kihyun walking towards the area where they usually get checked in.

"jooheon!" she called, but not too loud. jooheon looked behind her and saw her signaling him to come over.

jooheon quickly walked to her, confused. "hmm?"

"look over there. you see that boy?"

miso pointed to the boy, who was walking with his phone in his hand, wearing an oversized black shirt with matching pants.

"yeah, what about him?"

"that's kihyun."

"huh? really?"


"damn, i can't believe that guy isn't a virgin anymore."

"is that the only thing you think of when you see him?"

"one of many thoughts."

miso hit his chest, laughing. "my goodness."

"number fifteen!" the barista called.

miso looked at jooheon, who didn't move. "isn't that your number?"

"no, my number is after."

miso so happened to look behind her to see who had the number that got called; her eyes widened, seeing that it was changkyun, who got a paper bag. changkyun nodded to the barista and walked away, not looking anywhere else but the ground.

"i like his outfit, not gonna lie." jooheon said, still looking at kihyun from afar. "miso, you think-"

he finally turned around to see miso looking at changkyun; she looked at jooheon, a bit embarrassed. "sorry, were you saying something?"

"no, no, it's fine. it wasn't important anyway."

"number sixteen!" the barista called. jooheon stood up from the chair and quickly walked to get the drinks; miso just sighed, thinking how mad changkyun must be for taking the joke seriously.

jooheon walked back with the two coffees in his hand, giving one to her. he noticed the changed expression on her face. "miso, don't feel bad; he'll eventually talk to you later today."

"you think so?" she asked, looking at him.

he smiled. "yes. after all, boys cannot hold grudges for long."

that smile is the death of me. miso thought to herself, grinning as well.

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