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after changkyun played the ending of the piece, everyone applauded for the two. the pair then quickly stood up and walked to their seats; once they sat down, changkyun let out a small chuckle, hitting miso's arm softly. she continued to look at him, very confused.

"why are you like this?" she asked, slowly getting irritated.

"the way you said it," he calmed down a bit. "it sounded wrong in so many ways."

"what did i say again?"

"let's just do it how we did it at my house."

realizing that what she said indeed sounded wrong, she rolled her eyes and hit him as well. "when will you stop with the dirty jokes?"

"speak for yourself; you're the one that makes it sound wrong."

"nice job." hyunwoo told the two, looking up from his clipboard. "last but not least, kihyun and hyungwon, please come up."

kihyun and hyungwon stood up from their seats to walk to the middle piano where everyone was playing.

once hyunwoo gave them the signal to start, hyungwon started to play. miso knew that hyungwon was playing her part in the duet, so she began to focus on him. because she was always so captivated with how kihyun could play, she never focused on hyungwon's skills that impressed her a bit.

after kihyun finished the song, everyone applauded for them, except for changkyun.

"why do you even clap for kihyun?" changkyun asked her.

"just because i'm clapping doesn't mean i'm clapping for him." she replied. "i can clap for hyungwon too."

the pair then walked back to their seat, and kihyun made eye contact with miso, who glanced at him as well. he smiled at her and did a little wink, which made her giggle. changkyun didn't notice, as he was too busy stealing a sip from miso's cup.

"great job." hyunwoo told the two. "i have the results, finally. unfortunately, group one will get eliminated today; thank you for participating in the competition, and nice job today!"

the remaining contestants clapped and watched the eliminated pair exit the room.

"they deserved it anyway." changkyun mumbled, loud enough for miso to hear; she just rolled her eyes, wondering why he was always so negative.

"that leaves miso and changkyun, and kihyun and hyungwon as the remaining people." hyunwoo announced, making eye contact with the two of them. "nice job on making it to the top two!"

"for next week's assignment, you will be having another duet. you thought this week's duet was hard? good luck with this," he explained, laughing at the end and getting the sheets out. "miso and kihyun, please come up to get your assignments."

miso stood up and walked in the front, standing by kihyun to get assignments.

"look over these for the next few minutes before i excuse you." hyunwoo told the two as he walked away after giving the contestants their assignments.

she was about to walk away but was stopped by kihyun calling her. "hmm?"

"i plan on texting you tonight. you won't be busy, right?"

"no, i don't think so."

"good. talk to you later!"

he grinned at her and turned to his partner while she walked away from him, smiling too; she then sat next to changkyun, who was on his phone.

"here are the notes." she gave him half of the sheets; he took it from her, turning off his phone.

"so, we'll have another rehearsal at your house, right?"

"i guess so. promise me it won't go bad like the last one."

"as long as you get my jokes, yes, it won't be too bad."

she rolled her eyes. "jokes? alright, clown."

"what did you call me?"

"alright, you are all dismissed!" hyunwoo announced to everyone. she stood up and grabbed her drink, trying to exit the room as fast as she could. however, she got stopped by changkyun, who got a hold of her wrist.

"no, no, what did you just call me?" he asked her, tilting his head.

"a clown? take a joke, changkyun," she replied, smiling. he chuckled and let her wrist go while she took a step back, so he had room to stand up. "see, those are jokes, not acting so aggressive to me."


the two exited the room but got stopped by kihyun, who was standing outside of the classroom.

"nice job today," kihyun told miso, high-fiving her.

she high-fived him back, smiling. "not bad for you too."

"let's go." changkyun grabbed her wrist again and dragged her away from kihyun.

"wait, i have to see jooheon!" she told changkyun, who continued to pull her.

once they were at a pretty good distance, he stopped her let her go. "you, having interactions with him? what's that about?"

"what? he was just telling me that i was doing good."

"are you-"

miso soon caught sight of jooheon, who was sitting by the fountain. "i'll be back!"

she quickly ran to her friend, making sure that none of her sheets flew away.

"jooheon!" she called to get his attention; he looked up from the ground and smiled when he heard her.

"hey," he replied, standing up. he seems so down for some reason. she thought to herself, realizing that he wasn't so enthusiastic like he always was.

"is something wrong?" miso asked him, her expression slowly softening.

"i got eliminated."

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