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"so, enough talking about my friends." miso changed the subject. "what's happening next week; who is the pianist, and who is the page turner?"

"if you looked at the sheets, there is no page turner or pianist; it's a duet." changkyun replied, pointing to the papers that stacked by her arm. she picked up the two paged packets and skimmed through them, and he was right. one staff¹ was on top of the other, showing that two people had to play at the same time.

"so, who's the top and who's the bottom then?"

changkyun almost choked on his food, wanting to laugh out loud. miso looked at him, confused, not knowing what was so funny. "what?"

"the way you said that was amazing; for this, it doesn't matter. but for us, i'm definitely the top."

it took a while for her to understand what he was saying, and she finally realized. she rolled her eyes, throwing her rubbish at him. "you dirty-minded freak."

"maybe if you worded it right, then i wouldn't have said what i said. for example, you could have said-"

"yeah, yeah, alright, mr. big brain. i get that it came out wrong; you don't have to explain it to me. and i'm also a top, so you better watch out."

"mhmm. we will see about that."

her eyes widened, and she looked at him. "w-what?"

"you heard me. i'm only saying it once. now, let's figure out who's doing the primo² and who's doing the secondo³, shall we?"

what the hell is wrong with this guy? she thought to herself, not able to concentrate anymore. but for some reason, she was a bit curious herself.

~ time skips ~

after discussing the duet and talking more about themselves, changkyun dropped miso off at her house.

"before i leave," miso said, not opening the car door yet. "could i have your number since we might have to meet up sometime this week?"

"i thought you would never ask," he replied, putting his hand out for her to give him her phone. once it was in his hand, he started to type in a few numbers and gave it back to her. "just text me and say it's you."

"umm, duh, yeah i will. what else would i say?"

"i don't know. you could pull off like those stupid pranks the middle schoolers do when they get new numbers."

"maybe i will now that you gave me this idea."

"that's stupid, i already told you about it. now i know that it's you when i get a message saying some stupid crap."

miso sighed and opened the car door. "anyways, thanks."

"i'll see you soon."

she nodded and exited the car, closing the door behind her. not even a few steps to the porch, the front door swings wide open. a happy minhyuk then ran to her, with his arms out and pulling her into a big and tight hug.

"miso, you're home! i was hoping you'd come home sooner!" he exclaimed, swinging her body from side to side. she tried her best to get out of his arms by pushing away from him.

"minhyuk, you know i'm not a hugger," she groaned.

he frowned. "you know, you need a hug once in a while! hugs are the best!"

she just shook her head and sighed. "let's just go inside already."

miso walked to the door, opening it while minhyuk followed her inside.

meanwhile, changkyun didn't move a bit and was watching the whole interaction happen. knowing what minhyuk looks like, he felt as if he was better in a way; better that miso would rather hang out with him than minhyuk. he smirked to himself, remembering the conversation that he and miso had earlier.

so she thinks she's a top? he thought to himself. i'll show her what it's like to be a bottom.

¹ a set of five parallel horizontal lines in a music sheet that indicates the pitch of the music notes (there are usually two, one that is often for the right hand, treble clef, and one that is often used for the left hand, bass clef)

² the melody part of the duet

³ the bass or lower part of the duet

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