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miso sat down on the piano bench next to changkyun and looked at the notes right away.

"wow, not even good luck?" he asked her while preparing.

"there's no need for that. hurry up and start."

changkyun didn't hesitate to start strong; miso immediately followed where he was on the notes by listening to him play. miso remembered the gist of it, so it was easy for her to turn the pages.

he reached the end of the first page, and she quickly turned to the second; he transitioned very smoothly, which shocked her a bit.

he then approached the end of the third and final page with a nice ritardando¹ for an ending; everyone applauded for the pair, and the two just nodded their heads. he's pretty good. she thought to herself, pleased that he didn't mess up at all.

the two watched hyunwoo write some notes on his clipboard, which was a chance for changkyun to slip a word or two.

"see, i told you i wouldn't mess up," he told her, smirking.

she just smiled. "good job."

"alright, piano three, whenever you're ready." hyunwoo announced. the other contestants had their eyes on them; after all, it was the last group to compete, so they expected a lot from the pair.

they aren't that bad. miso thought to herself as she continued to listen.

everyone clapped for the last group, and the competitors went back to their seats. i expected a bit more, though.

"alright. i will announce the pair that will get eliminated today." hyunwoo looked at the third group who performed. "unfortunately, you two will be going home. thank you for putting in your best efforts!"

the remaining contestants applauded for the group who got eliminated, and the pair exited the room. miso looked at her partner, who was the only one not clapping; he caught her looking at him, and he chuckled.

"i know what you're going to say; they don't deserve applause if they got eliminated," he said, leaning back in his chair. she just shook her head and turned her attention to hyunwoo.

"alright, for this next assignment, you both will have the chance to choose who will be what." hyunwoo explained. "keep in mind that each partner should be both a page turner and a pianist twice to be fair. when i call your name, please come up to get your assignment."

"oh god." miso heard changkyun mumble under his breath.

"what, you don't trust me, don't you?" she asked him.

"no, not really. if this is a hard assignment, i'll be the pianist."

"you can only be a pianist one more time, though."

"i hate this competition."

"im changkyun and park miso." hyunwoo announced, having the notes in his hands. miso was about to get sheets, but changkyun stood up quicker and walked to grab them instead; he came back while skimming through the notes.

"this looks harder than the previous one." he told her, giving her her copy. "can you do it?"

"how about this, we take turns being pianists and page turners. like next-"

"i'm not stupid i know what you mean; that will leave you with the final one, though. i don't trust you with that at all."

"so, what is your plan, then?"

"you will be the pianist next week and the week after. i'll be the pianist for the last one."

miso was getting more mad by the second. her self-confidence was also going down, and she just wanted to prove that she could do it. "why can't we just alternate regularly?"

"as i said before, you'll probably mess up the final one."

"so what am i doing next week?"


"you are all dismissed!" hyunwoo announced to everyone, opening the door; the rest of the pianists exited the room while miso and changkyun were still arguing.

"why can't you just trust me?" she asked, a little disappointed and sad.

"because i can't. see, you're a-"

"a girl, is that why you don't trust me? im changkyun, i don't know what to say, but i'm just offended."

"wait no-"

miso stormed out of the room, negative emotions filling her body; she ignored him, calling her name, and she went to find jooheon.

that's not what i was going to say. changkyun thought to himself, shaking his head and sighing while watching her walk further and further away.

¹ gradually slowing down

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