Chapter 10

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''Okay, when he comes downstairs you know what to do.'' Sabrina smiled, standing by the steps.

''HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASON!" We shouted as Mason walked downstairs.

''Happy happy birthday! From all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday so we could party too! Happy happy birthday! May all your dreams come true! We wish it was our birthday so we could party too!" Sabrina and I sang, dancing around.

''Please never again dance like that!" Mason laughed, covering his eyes.

''Come on open some presents and I'll make you a big birthday breakfast.''

Mason came to the rest of the way down the steps and hurried into the kitchen. He grabbed the biggest box out of them all and tore open the blue wrapping paper.

''WOW! IT"S JUST WHAT I WANTED!'' Mason yelled, holding up the remote control car set he'd been begging for since Christmas. "THANK YOU!"

''Don't thank us, thank your sister. She's the one who picked it out.'' My dad smiled.

Mason got up from his chair and ran over, hugging me. ''Thanks, Cassie! For this, I will never bother you in your room again!"

''I won't hold my breath.'' I laughed, messing up his hair.


Later in the afternoon, it was Mason's birthday party in our backyard. Every family member and friend we knew was here, except for Braxton.

I was a little bummed out that he wasn't here, but then again I didn't need his negativity at my little brother's tenth birthday party. As long as Aubrey was here with me and Mason was happy, that's all that mattered to me.

''No Ian today?" Aubrey asked as we walked around the backyard.

''I didn't hear from him yet. Also, I think yesterday's blowout with Braxton was enough for Ian and me.''

''What do you mean? You're not going to speak to Braxton anymore?"

''Exactly!" I looked at her, raising my index finger.

''What?! I can understand you being pissed with him for what he did, but in all honesty, he was looking out for you, Cass. I mean, the kid has known you since you were five! That's a long ass time and I can see where the protection and guarding you is coming from, but not talking to him at all? Cassidee, don't abandon him over a stupid fight.''

''It was the best thing to do! I don't have to hear him bitch and moan about Ian anymore! I know Braxton didn't care much for Ian, but last night was where he crossed the line and I'm not dealing with it anymore.''

''I'm just saying, I don't want to see Braxton take a turn for the worse.''

''He won't, he'll learn to live without me.''

Mason opened more of his presents and then it was time to dig into his cake. Everyone got a slice and I joined Aubrey over at one of the tables.

''Milo's here.'' She pointed.

I turned around and there walking with his dad was Milo, but no Braxton. He spotted us and took a seat next to Aubrey, stealing some icing off her cake.

''Hey!" She yelled, slapping his hand.

''You got here late,'' I said, eating more of my cake.

''We just got picked up from our mom's, then we stopped to get Mason something.''

''Where's Braxton at?"

''He stayed home, he feels really bad about yesterday. Braxton wanted me to tell you that he's sorry about what happened and how you like Ian.''

Aubrey raised her eyebrows at me like in an I told you so way. ''I knew those two couldn't stay mad at each other for long.'' She smiled.

''Yeah, I guess.''


Mason's birthday party ended hours ago and I was upstairs in my room, staring at my phone. I still haven't heard from Ian and I was hesitating to text Braxton to say I was sorry.

My screen lit up and I saw it was from Ian. Finally, it's about time he texted me today!

I: Why haven't I heard from you all day??

C: Today was my little brother's birthday. I wanted to spend time with him, Ian why didn't you text me?

I: Don't turn this around on me! That was a selfish thing of you to do Cassidee, you ignored your bf all day for your little brother!

C: Ian!? How was I spending time for Mason's birthday selfish?? My dad wanted everyone to be social with each other, not on their cell phones all day!!

I: Yeah you don't seem to care at all about me! I'm going to bed

C: Ian!

C: IAN?!?!

I threw my phone at the bottom of my bed and covered myself up, staring at the wall. First Braxton flips his lid at me and now my boyfriend did it! What am I doing that's making everyone so mad at me?

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now