Chapter 29

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The next morning I smiled as me and Ian drove over to my house. Today I was headed to the amusement park with Aubrey and the twins, so Ian just decided to drive me over to my parent's house to wait for Aubrey's mom to pick us up.

"Are you excited about today?" Ian smiled over at me.

"I am! It feels like I haven't hung out with those three in ages."

"Well, that's all about to change now." Ian slightly chuckled and patted my left knee.

We pulled up to my parents' house and I immediately jumped out of the car and up to the front door.

I opened the door, smiling to see my parents and brother sitting at the kitchen table having an early lunch.

"Hey, guys!" I walked in, hugging my dad first.

"Well look who came crawling back." My dad joked, messing up my hair.

"And I was so close to turning your room into my gaming room." Mason pouted.

"Like that was ever going to happen anytime soon." I laughed, flicking his head.

"Do you and Ian want anything to eat or drink before you guys leave?" Sabrina offered us.

"I'm good, thanks. I'm just dropping off Cassidee, I'm not going." Ian said.

"I'm gonna grab something at the park anyways."

"Just don't eat before getting on any rides." My dad stated.

"I'll keep that in mind."

There was a knock at the door and Aubrey popped her head in, smiling at me.

"Cass!" She ran up, hugging me. "Are you ready for today?"

"Hell yes!"

"Well, I'll see you when you get home later." Ian smiled, kissing my cheek and walking out the door.

"Cassidee, I'm giving you $60, which I'm sure you'll burn through quickly." My dad said, handing me cash.

"Come on, my mom and the twins are waiting in the car."

"Have fun, you guys." My dad smiled.


Aubrey, the twins, and myself got dropped off and went through the line to give out tickets, and headed to get on the rides.

"So what shall we ride first?" Milo asked.

"How about the Jackrabbit?" Aubrey suggested.

"Sounds good to me. Come on." I smiled and we all headed down to the line for the roller coaster.

"How's Ian?" Aubrey asked.

"Good. Had some bumps in the road, but we're working them out."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Braxton shake his head in disbelief. I turned and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Cassie, I swear he has you brainwashed."

"Next in line." The ride operator called us.

"Don't start, man," Milo whined, jumping into the first car with Aubrey.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat