Chapter 98

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Well, the weekend came sooner than expected and that also meant Mason's birthday party. Sure he and I were a little bummed out that our dad couldn't be here, but we know when he gets back he'll make up for it, he always does.

I was sitting outside on the patio with Aubrey while Mason and his friends chased each other around with water guns. The damage was already done to me as my brother had gotten me earlier in the day. Normally I would kill him for that, but since it was his birthday I'll let it slide.

"Your mom makes the best food ever!" Jace said walking towards us while stuffing his face with his third helping of mac and cheese.

"Why don't you marry her then?" I teased.

"One, your dad snatched her up and two, I prefer this little devil here instead." Jace smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Please, Jace, I'm trying to save my appetite for cake." Aubrey laughed.

"You're just jealous Cassidee's got a hot babe."

"Pfft." Aubrey laughed. "String bean arms don't turn me on."

"Cassidee likes them."

"Yes, I love your string bean arms, Jace." I laughed, poking Jace's arm.

"Who's that?" Aubrey pointed behind us.

Jace and I turned around and I could've fainted when I saw who was standing in my backyard.

My birth mother!

"I'll be right back," I said, rushing over to her. She gave a small smile and I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her behind the side of the house. "What the hell are you doing here?! If Sa-"

"Cassidee, I wanted to give this to you the other day." She said, handing over a silver key. "This is a spare house key, I'm going out of town for a few days."

"So why would I need it?"

"In case you want to be alone, you're more than welcomed to let yourself in."

I took the key from her and slipped it into my pocket. "Alright, but you need to leave now," I said as I noticed Sabrina walk out with Mason's birthday cake.

I opened the gate to our backyard and pushed my mom out before anyone or worse Sabrina spotted her. I ran back to where everyone was gathered and sang Happy Birthday to my brother and tried to focus on the special occasion. Sabrina cut the cake after Mason blew out the candles and distributed pieces of cake to everyone. I got mine and went back to my original seat on the patio.

"Can I ask what the hell was that all about?" Aubrey asked.

"Who was that?" Jace asked, biting into his cake.


"How the fuck does she even know where you live?! She had some nerve showing up here at Mason's party!"

"Can someone please explain this to me?" Jace said looking confused.

"Sabrina isn't my biological mother, she's my mom by marriage," I said.

"So she's your stepmom."

"No, idiot, Cassidee prefers to call Sabrina her mom because she's more of a mother than her actual birth mother. Cassidee's birth mom was addicted to drugs and never took care of Cassidee."

"I'm so sorry, Cassidee, I didn't know."

"What did she want anyway?"

I pulled out the key and held it in the palm of my hand. " She gave me her spare house key, she said she's going out of town and said if I need to be alone just let myself in."

"I say go in and trash that bitch's place," Aubrey smirked. "She trashed your life up, get even and trash her house."

Part of me wanted to agree with Aubrey and the other part wanted to disagree. I was mad as hell for the shit my mom put me through during my childhood and I wanted to get back at her, but then I could never intentionally do something like that to someone's property.

"I can't do that, plus if I got caught do you know how pissed my dad would be? He raised me better than that, it's better to just turn the other cheek."

"Smart choice." Jace smiled, pecking me on the cheek.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ