Chapter 31

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Later that night, I made a makeshift bed on the couch and laid there, thinking about what just happened an hour ago.

I was in tremendous pain, so I popped two Tylenol before making myself on the couch. It was easing the physical pain, but not the emotional pain.

I remember when my mom first started to abuse drugs and that's how she ended up with William.

Her second love. Her first being cocaine.

When she was in an angry, doped-up state, she'd blame me for something stupid, not have the guts to punish me, and have William do it.

The belt was his signature object, along with his fists and feet.

Even when he wasn't high himself, he'd still beat me. I was being too loud or left what toys I had in the hallway.

Now my boyfriend does it. History has repeated itself.

"Cassidee?" I turned and saw Ian standing in the archway of the living room. The lights were out, but I could still make out his frame.

"Get away from me."

I heard a thud against the wall and saw Ian leaning his forehead against the wall.

"I'm sorry."

"No, you're not. You always say you're sorry, me being the "moron" kisses your ass and the cycle repeats itself. I'm tired of this bullshit. Specifically your bullshit."

Ian turned on the light and gasped when he saw the welts on my legs and arms. Half of them had a coat of dried blood on them.

"I can't believe I cause this." He swallowed hard, walking towards me.

"Don't come near me and most importantly don't you dare touch me or try to butter me up so I can forgive you."

"I am rotten and an asshole, I'll admit it. You just know how I can't stand Braxton because he is a trouble maker, Cassidee, he busted my nose remember?"

"Because he can see right through your bullshit lies. Braxton has known me since we were very young and he sure as hell knows when something isn't right with me. That's what a best friend does, they care and protect. That's also what a boyfriend does too, but mine could give two shits about me!"

"That's why I want to talk and ask if you'll go to a counseling group or therapist with me?"

"So you can say I'm the root of your problems? If you want to go to some meeting or whatever, go. But you're not dragging me with you."

"I want you to go too! When we were in the bathroom you screamed out someone else's name. Something triggered it."

"Wow! Thanks, Dr. Phil! I would've never known!"

"Cassidee." Ian sighed. "Just let me ask, who was he?"

I closed my eyes and hesitated for a while to talk about him and my mother.


"He was my mother's boyfriend, okay? Remember after bowling you asked about my biological mother?"

"You said you hadn't seen her since you were five."

"Because my mom is messed up. A few months before my fourth birthday, she started to abuse drugs, cocaine being her favorite. Her "medicine" she'd make me call it. After my birthday, she met William, who also abused. If my mom was too high or passed out, she'd send William to hit me. Even when my mom was out getting her fix, he'd get pissed because I disturbed him or left my toys out. I'd get beat with his belt and my mom never stopped it."

"Are they arrested or what?"

"My mom left me at my dad's hotel doorstep, he got sole custody of me and she flipped her lid, causing her to kidnap me. She's arrested and no one knows where he's at. Hopefully, he overdosed or got a bad batch of coke."

"Sounds like we've both had a rough childhood."

"Rough doesn't even come close to my predicaments."

"I wish you would've said something about this earlier in the relationship. Do you feel better that you told me?"

"Don't think you're special because I told you. I also know."


"Yes, but we don't bring it up just to talk about something. It mostly comes up when we see a mom and her kid at the park or something like that."

"I'm sorry you went through all that. No kid ever deserves a life like that. I'm surprised your mom never got busted and you weren't put in foster care."

"I think she knew that's where I'd end up if she never found my dad. My mom's family didn't want me around because I was out of wedlock and they were putting her through rehabs and..mental wards. She found my dad and I've been living in a wonderful, loving home. At least I thought I was."

"You're very lucky you know that? You could've been killed living with those two. Abusing drugs, especially with a young kid around is some risky living."

"Well, I'm here. It's just too bad the abuse cycle continues."

"I want help, need help."

"Then get help! I can't tell you what to do, Ian. Yeah, I'd love it if you got help and pushed all this pent-up hatred away, but all this is your decision. Because if something happens and it doesn't work out, don't blame me."

"Okay. Now would you please come upstairs with me?"

"I'm too stiff and sore to move."

"Then I'll grab a blanket and pillow from my room and I'll sleep down here with you. I'll take the floor."

Ian ran right upstairs and right back down with a blanket and pillow in his arms. He turned off the light and laid right beside the couch.

"Night, Ian."


Oh God, I hope I don't accidentally roll off the couch and on Ian during the night. Then I'll be killed.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora