Chapter 32

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I woke up the next morning to hear someone knocking on the door. I looked down at the floor and saw Ian was gone.

I got up from the couch and hurried over to the door, answering it to see Trevor's girlfriend, Camilla standing there.

"Camilla? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me? Trevor dropped me off."

"Come in," I said, stepping aside, closing the door. "Do you want something to drink?"

"No thank you." She smiled. "Where's Ian?"

"I don't know? I woke up and he was gone."

I looked down at my thigh, freaking out, and stood behind the counter. I hope Camilla didn't notice.

"He doesn't tell you where he goes? Jeez, Trevor constantly gives me a five-minute update on his whereabouts. Drives me crazy!" She giggled.

"It's what they do," I said, looking down at my arm.

Camilla pulled out the kitchen chair and sat down, looking up at me with mournful eyes.

"I know what happened, Cassidee. You can trust me."

I looked over at and raised my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"I saw your arm when you opened the door. Ian hit you or hit you with something."

"What is this an investigation?!"

"Cassidee, it's not right! Sit down, I want to tell you something."

I sighed, pulling the chair out across from her and sat down.

"Remember at my shower how the girls were talking about Ian and his ex-girlfriend? He used to hit her too and when her parents found out, they had to relocate her because Ian kept stalking her. That's why her dad threatened him with a bat because Ian walked onto their porch one night."

"We're working on things. He wants to get help and change."

"He won't change! That's why I gave you my number at the shower. Trust me, Trevor has seen Ian go into rages where he almost blacks out. You're a friend to me and I don't want to see you coming out here in a body bag."

"What do you want me to do?! Anything I ever say to him starts a fight and look what happens! I don't want to leave him because I'm afraid of what that'll do, it will make things worse! If I tell my parents, my dad will most likely get arrested."

"For protecting his daughter? Your dad going to jail beats you ending up dead."

The door opened up and in walked Ian and Trevor. Ian raised his eyebrows at me and pointed to Camilla, which I just shrugged my shoulders.

"What are you doing over here, babe?" Camilla smiled, kissing her boyfriend.

"Ran into him at Walmart. My mom keeps pestering me with buying enough formula and diapers." Trevor laughed.

"He said you wanted to hang out with Cassidee, so he dropped you off here. I said come back and hang too." Ian explained, going upstairs with a Walmart bag in hand.

"What did you need at Walmart?" I asked, turning towards Ian.

"Stuff!" He called back.

"I guess he ran out of tampons?" Camilla teased.

I quietly laughed and shook my head at her joke. I regained my composure and smiled when Ian came back downstairs.

"How about we all chill? I'll order some food later in the evening and we can watch a movie?" Ian suggested.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें