Chapter 19

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sabrina asked me as we packed up my clothes.

"Yes." I smiled. "Besides how bad can three in a half months be?"

"Okay then."

All I needed for moving in Ian's were clothes, my toiletries, make-up, and a few books.

"Cassidee, Ian's downstairs for you." My dad said, biting his lip.

I smiled and rushed out of my room, running downstairs to see Ian standing by our front door.

"Ready to go?" He smiled.


I picked up one of my luggage bags, while Ian picked up the other. Before we walked out to his car, I turned around and gave my parents and brother a quick hug.

"I love you and be safe." My dad smiled. "Take good care of her, Ian."

"Will do."

"Since you're leaving, can I have your room?" Mason asked.

"I'll be away for three and a half months, I'm not dying." I laughed, flicking his ear.

"Well call us whenever you feel like it, even if it's three in the morning." Sabrina smiled.

"I will. See you guys later."

I walked out the door with Ian and put my stuff into the backseat. I got in the front, strapping on my seatbelt, and looked at my house one last time.

"This is going to be so awesome living together," Ian said, pulling away.

"Yeah, great."

"What's wrong?"


"You were all excited about this and now you're acting weird. I'll take you back home if that's what you want?"

"No! Ian, stop. It'll feel different for a day or two, but I'll get used to it. Everything is going to work out." I smiled.


"You have a shit load of clothes, you know?" Ian laughed, dragging my bags across his bedroom floor.

"Hey, I'm a girl so I'm allowed to have tons of clothes. Is it okay if I put my stuff away in the bathroom?"

"Go ahead."

I walked into the bathroom and laid out all my makeup on the sink counter, organizing it. I put all my stuff into a neat line and then proceeded to put my toothbrush in the holder.

"You have a lot of makeup too." Ian giggled, picking up a tube of liquid foundation. "What do you need this for anyway?"

"When I feel my face needs a little color or covering up an imperfection."

"Then you'll need a bigger tube." Ian laughed, putting it away.

"Excuse me?"

"Lighten up! I was only kidding around with you." Ian said, going back into his room.

"That wasn't funny, Ian! Like your comment at dinner, the other night didn't hurt me enough!"

"Cassidee, for God's sake I joke around with you!" Ian turned around and gripped his hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah, and your words hurt."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did at dinner and I'm sorry about the makeup. Besides you don't need make-up anyways, you're too pretty." He smiled.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now