Chapter 56

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Cassidee's POV

"S-s-stop." I managed out, holding onto my dad's hand. Man, he was starting to annoy me with that overprotective dad mode again.

"Cassidee, you talked!" He smiled. "Yeah, it was a command to quit my rambling, but I'll take it. Do you remember anything or anyone?"

"Yes, you're my dad and just the argument with.."

"It's ok, don't worry about that person. I'm just glad you're alive and recovering." My dad smiled.

"I was pretty out of it, huh? How long was I like this for?"

"Weeks. We had to spend Thanksgiving in the ICU, but don't blame yourself for that, this is nobody's fault. I'm glad you're awake and alert for Christmas, all your gifts are over there on the table." He pointed.

I looked over and noticed there was a small mountain of gifts sitting on the table as he said. I was extremely lucky to have wonderful, caring friends and family members.

"Dad, I know I'm kind of getting back to myself, but I'm starting to feel tired again." I yawned.

"Don't feel bad, you need your rest."

I gave a small smile and got myself into a somewhat comfortable position and closed my eyes. Hopefully, I can get out of this place quicker and go back to being my fun self again.


The next morning, I woke up and saw I had a tray of hospital food in front of me. Something that looked like what their version of oatmeal was, two hard-looking pieces of bread and a cup of fruit. Yeah, not eating that crap.

"They brought that in while you were still asleep," Braxton spoke, walking in. "I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to eat that, so I grabbed you a blueberry muffin."

He placed it on my tray and stole a grape, popping it in his mouth only to quickly spit it out and have a pure look of disgust on his face.

"I'm not sure how your appetite is, but don't eat the fruit."

"I won't."

Braxton scurried over to me and gently placed both of his hands on my face, smiling. "Cassidee!"

"Hi, Braxton."

"You're talking again!" Braxton sat on the edge of the bed, his hands never leaving my face. "When did this start?"

"Last night. No surprise that it was my dad who got me to talk again with the nagging."

"He's only looking out for you, but it's good to hear your voice again. Do you have much of an appetite?"

"Not really, but I would like to open some of my gifts!"

"Okay!" Braxton got up and grabbed two small wrapped gifts and gently placed them on my lap.

"Where's my dad at by the way?" I asked, tearing open the shiny red wrapping paper.

"He's running some errands and my mom dropped me off. Milo said he was going to stay in, but he told me to tell you he's thinking of you and Aubrey said the same, plus she may stop in."

I unwrapped the gift and saw it was a silver handheld antique Victorian mirror. I knew whose gift this was.

"This has Ryan Ashley and Balz written all over it." I smiled, inspecting the mirror's features. The silver was so pretty and shiny and the designs of floral print etched into it was breathtaking. I loved this gift.

I brought the mirror up to my face and almost threw it to the ground when I saw my reflection. My face was a disgusting greenish-yellow color from the fading bruising, my hair was partially cut and shaved with a massive gauze bandage sticking out from the back and my lower lip and nose had small scabs forming on them from the skin being broken from being punched in the face.


"Take this away from me now!"

Braxton took the mirror from my shaking hand, placing it back on the table, and sat next to me. He reached for my hand, but I moved it away from him.


"Please leave."

"What?! Why?!"

"I just want to be alone, that's all."

"Alright then."

Braxton got up, hanging his head, and walked out of my room without saying a word. I lowered myself deeper into the bed and closed my eyes as tears were slowly starting to run down my face.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now