Chapter 78

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Braxton's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" My dad yelled as we got in the car. "Do you have any idea how hurtful that was?"

"She started it and I ended it," I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"Start what?! You followed her upstairs and then all hell broke loose, that tells me otherwise. Look, I'm tired of this bullshit and I'm tired of it affecting work with her dad, so until this dies down I'm sending you to your mother's."

"WHAT?!" Milo and I both said.

"Milo won't be going, you will. Every time you and Cassidee are around each other something always happens. You need to be separated."

"I'll kill myself."

My dad slammed on the breaks and smacked me upside my head.

"Don't you ever fucking say that to me, do you hear me?"

My dad put his foot on the pedal and continued to drive back home.

"He's acting like this all because Cassidee rejected him and refused to be with him! Stop taking it out on her and everyone else because you're so miserable with Kamryn." Milo said.

Sometimes I wish I was an only child, but nope my parents, my creators had to make me a double.

"You have such a big mouth."

"What do you mean miserable with Kamryn? Don't you like each other?"

"Kamryn likes him, but it's a whole different story with Braxton."

"I am going to tape your mouth shut when we get home."

"So why are you dating Kamryn if you don't even like the poor girl?"

I wasn't going to answer my dad's question. He should get the gist of what's going on by now.

"You're right, Dad. I don't like Kamryn, I love her." I lied.

"Can't fool me." I heard Milo mutter from the back.

"Cassidee is the one who's acting all jealous. That's why she went upstairs at dinner and that's what we fought about because I told her I'm in love with my girlfriend."

"Kids." My dad said, shaking his head. "Alright, I won't send you to your mom's, but it would be best if you and Cassidee just kept your distances."

"Fine by me."

"Oh Dad, you have no idea what you just started," Milo said, patting our dad's shoulder. "I'll pray for you both."

"Fucking idiot." I chuckled.

In all seriousness, Milo was right when he told my dad he had no idea what he started. I don't know who's going to be more miserable: Cassidee or myself.

But I guess we'll see what happens. Maybe this will be better for us and we can try working things out?

Do you guys think Ricky is right for separating Braxton and Cassidee? Do you think separation will be best for them?

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now