Chapter 42

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Braxton's POV

I saw my dad standing there and threw my arms ups, walking down the hallway.

"Braxton." He called, following me.

I ignored him and kept walking, coming towards one of the many big picture windows of the hallway.

"Braxton Cole Olson, stop ignoring me."

I sighed and stopped, looking out the window as the sky became darker as nightfall was approaching.

"Dad, just leave me alone with this. I don't want to discuss this at the moment."

"Did you mean what you said back there?"

"Of course I did! You think I'm an idiot and Chris wants my head on a platter, right?"

"No, but I think you're not old enough to know about love yet."

I whipped my head so fast I heard my neck crack.

"Don't say that to me. I know exactly how I feel towards Cassidee and I love her! I've known her since we were toddlers, she's the only girl I know who hasn't given me some type of grief, she makes me happy."

"I think you just said it out of fear."

"You're wrong, Dad, so wrong. Yes, I'm scared shitless about Cassidee, we all are! But if she takes a turn for the worse and leaves us, then what's the point of me living? I'll die right alongside Cassidee! And you say I don't know anything about love, good one. I'm going to the cafeteria and please don't follow me."

I walked away from my dad and headed to the elevators, pushing the down button.

The doors opened up and I got in, pushing for floor 2, and had a crying fit once the doors shut.

I reached my destination and walked down another series of hallways, coming up to the cafeteria doors.

I walked in and saw it was pretty vacant, except for the cashier and a janitor mopping the floors.

I bought myself a bag of chips and an iced tea and walked into the dining area.

"Aubrey?" I whispered as I saw her sitting at a corner booth by herself.

She noticed me and waved for me to come over. I sat down across from her and noticed multiple wads of tissue on the table.

"You okay?"

"Oh, Braxton." She cried, placing her hand over her face.

I took her hands in mine and held them tightly, rubbing my thumbs over Aubrey's fingers.

"Don't cry, don't be sad."

"It's hard not to. Cassidee's upstairs severely hurt and she could die, Braxton! We're her best friends and we should've done something about this sooner."

"You don't know how bad I wish I could go back and stop all this."

"I had a weird feeling about her and Ian's relationship when she randomly asked me if I thought she was fat. That would be the last thing to go through her mind."

"The sick bastard probably made her think like that. I warned Cassidee that I didn't like him, but she was head over heels for the guy."

"If she..dies, can you imagine what that'll do to Chris?"

I shrugged my shoulders and opened my iced tea, taking a few sips.

Imagine what that'll do to me.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now