Chapter 40

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Chris's POV

After the guys and I said goodbye to each other from lunch, I got in my car and started to drive home.

At a red light, I picked up my phone from the passenger seat and saw I had at least a dozen missed calls from Sabrina.

Just as the light turned green, she starting ringing my phone again.

"Hello?" I answered. "You called like-"

"-GET TO THE HOSPITAL! CASSIDEE'S HURT!" She cried into the phone.

I hung up and sped my car faster down the road, hoping to get to Cassidee as quickly as possible without getting a ticket in the process.

I got to the emergency room and ran through the doors, spotting my wife and a pregnant girl around Cassidee's age sitting in chairs, looking distraught.

"Sabrina, what's going on? Where's Cassidee?" I freaked out, looking around for a nearby doctor.

Sabrina had this shell-shocked look on her face like she'd seen a dead body. Oh no! Please don't say my baby girl is dead.

"She called looking for you to pick her up, she said she and Ian broke up and that she was coming home. I asked for the address and when I honked for her, she never came out, so I knocked on the front door and it opened and that's when I saw her." She closed her eyes, covering her mouth.

"Saw Cassidee what?"

"Laying in a pool of her blood, she was severely beat and looked like she'd been cut across the stomach. I called 911, Camilla and her boyfriend came just as Cassidee was being brought here."

My blood was beginning to boil at the thought of the only person I knew who would do this and I can't believe I never caught on sooner.

"Where's Ian?" I questioned, clenching my fists.

"My boyfriend Trevor's looking for him. Trust me, the police made a report about this and are looking for him," Camilla spoke up.

"Well if they don't find him, I and my five friends will."

"Mr. and Mrs. Cerulli?" I looked up and saw a man in light blue scrubs waving us over.

We shook hands and waited to hear any news on my daughter.

"I worked on Cassidee when she was brought in. There are multiple severe contusions in her face, she has an orbital fracture which may cause permanent blindness to her right eye and a broken jaw. There's a lot of swelling in her brain, her left hip bone was dislocated along with minor fractures to her back, she may or may not need surgery or be paralyzed. I'm stunned your daughter survived these blows as terrible as they are."

"What about the cut on the stomach?" Sabrina asked.

"A lot of bleeding, but it wasn't deep enough for any internal damage."

"Can we see her?" I asked, my voice shaking.

He nodded his head and lead us down a series of white hallways. I felt like I was in some fucked up nightmare, but it was all real.

We walked into the ICU, passing by other patients and that's when I stopped dead in my tracks and so did the air in my lungs.

"No." I bent over, crying. "No, no, no, no."

Cassidee didn't even look like Cassidee. Her beautiful porcelain skin was badly swollen and black and blue. Monitors were hooked up to her frail body left and right as tubes were coming from multiple places assisting my daughter to live.

Sabrina slowly walked up to her bedside and gingerly placed her hand on top of Cassidee's.

"Cassidee, it's Mom and Dad. We're right here, sweetie." Sabrina cried. She looked over at me and beckoned me with her eyes to come over and speak to my daughter.

I carefully pulled a nearby chair to her bedside and softly placed my hand on hers as well.

"Why didn't I intervene sooner? How could I have been so stupid and not know that this was going on? Why did I have to go out to stupid lunch with the guys earlier this could've been avoided if I didn't go out."

"Chris, stop beating yourself up this isn't your fault. Cassidee probably never wanted to say anything because she was afraid that something like this would happen and sure enough it did. Ian probably threatened her if she would tell."

"I should've never let her moved in with him from the get-go. But no she begged and begged for me to let her go and live with him and look what happened. I feel like an asshole and a rotten father. Once again I let her down and it nearly costed her life again!"

"Would you stop beating yourself up this isn't your fault? Ian sent her here, not you. Please don't blame yourself and trust me she's going to get through this I know she is."

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now