Chapter 92

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I got up on my feet and took my luggage bag, throwing whatever clothes I had taken out of it back in. There was no way I was going to stay on this tour with the twins now that Ricky wants me away from them and I'm not staying after what my dad just did.

My wallet was buried underneath a pile of clothes and I opened it, counting to see how much money I had saved from my birthday last year. I counted $175 and was sure enough that would cover bus fare back home.

I grabbed my luggage and walked off the bus, walking down the street, and dialed for a cab to pick me up. Within thirty minutes, a yellow vehicle pulled up and I got in, telling the driver my destination. We arrived at the bus terminal and I went to the front desk asking for a bus ticket to Scranton.

The clerk had told me it was an hour wait, so I paid for my ticket and sat down in one of the chairs in the lobby. I took out my phone and stared at my contact list, not sure who I should call. Sabrina, Jace, or my dad? I decided with neither and put my phone back into my pocket.

An hour had passed and the bus arrived, I got on and took a seat far in the back and put my headphones on, and listened to some music on the way back home. I knew leaving without telling anyone wasn't such a smart idea, but neither was my dad slapping me across the face.

Sure I shouldn't have said what I said, but it was out of anger and frustration. He could be mad at me all he wants, I apologized and said it was a mistake, but I also wasn't all at fault here. Braxton was the one who came over and though letting him in the house out of consideration, he still made the first move.

I was so frustrated I couldn't focus on the music playing in my ears, so I took off my headphones and tossed them down in my lap. I laid my head back against the headrest and looked out the window as the sky was starting to get darker.


I looked up and saw an older woman about Sabrina's age with black hair, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. She had on dark blue skinny jeans, brown ankle boots, and a black jacket with a purple scarf around her neck.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Was picked up at the last stop and everyone else is full, do you mind if I sat with you?" She asked with pleading eyes.

I moved my bag from the seat next to me and lightly smiled. "Go ahead."

"Thanks." She sighed, sitting down. "I'm Leslie by the way."


"That's a very pretty name. So going to Scranton to visit or moving?"

"Going back home."

"Me too. I had some relationship problems back in Ohio, so I decided to leave him and go back home."

"Smart choice. Long story short, got into with my dad and I'm going back home to my mom and little brother."

"Does your dad know you going back to Scranton?"

"No, though I should've told him."

"Are you a Scranton native?"

"Yes, born and raised. It was me and my mom for a few years until she dumped me on my dad and I've been with him ever since."

"She just left you?"

"My mom was a heavy drug user and if she didn't do something soon, I would've probably ended up in foster care."

"I'm sure your mom was only looking out for you and your safety."

I laughed a bit and shook my head disagreeing. "If she cared about my safety she wouldn't have abused cocaine and let her junkie boyfriend beat me in the first place. That's not looking out for your own child's safety, no way."

"Your mom probably feels sorry."

"No, she doesn't. She caused one too many problems with my family and nearly cost me and my father's life, she doesn't care or feel any empathy."

"Life is too short to harbor hatred."

"I'm not saying I hate her, I just don't want anything to do with her."

"You're just going to end ties with your mother just like that?"

"Lady, why do you give a damn so much about my life and my mother? This is none of your business and I shouldn't have told you anything, to begin with."

She turned in her chair and looked me straight in the eyes. "Cassidee, I'm your mother."

:O How do you guys think Cassidee is going to react to this? And do you think her mom is looking to cause trouble? Let me know in the comments

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now