Chapter 96

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I woke up the next morning and the first thing I did was see if I had any messages on my phone. Sure enough, there were three from my dad, two from Braxton, and two from Jace.

Dad: Give me a call or text when you wake up

Dad: I won't yell at you

Dad: We just need to talk

Braxton: I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now

Braxton: I'm sorry about all this

Jace: Are you feeling better today?

Jace: How was the show last night?

Well, I knew I couldn't ignore my dad's or Jace's text messages. As for Braxton, he can go screw himself.

I tapped on my dad's contact and waited for him to pick up the phone.


"Hi, Dad."

"You have no idea-"

"-Dad, I'm sorry for running off like that and not telling anyone. It was a very stupid act and I know I could've been seriously hurt from it. You must hate me because of this."

"I don't hate you, Cassidee and I could never hate you. Oh you could imagine how scared and angry I was at you, but I'm your father and that comes with forgiving you no matter what. I'm beyond sorry on my part, I should've never put my hands on you, to begin with. But so you know you are going to be punished because of this."

"I know, Mom already told me, extra house chores."

"And I'm going to allow you to hang out with Jace and Aubrey, but you'll have a curfew for ten."


"Alright, well I have to do some stuff with the band and I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head even though my dad couldn't see it.

"I love you, Cassidee."

"I love you too, Dad."

We disconnected from each other and I buried my face into my pillow, letting out a muffled scream. God, I am so damn stupid! Why do I make stupid choices with my life and the guys I choose to bring in it. I looked down at Jace's message and tapped the phone icon, ringing him shortly after.

"Cassidee!" I could hear the smile in Jace's voice.


"So how's the tour going and how was last night's show?"

"Yeah about that, there was a fight between my dad and me and I left."

"What? How-how did you get home?"

"Took a taxi to the bus station and got a bus back to Scranton, I had money for the ticket."

"You could've been seriously hurt!"

"I know! You're starting to sound like my parents." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"There's a lot of maniacs out there who could hurt you, Cassidee! Are you home?"

"Yes and don't worry I'm getting some sort of punishment for this. I have extra chores around the house and my dad just gave me a curfew for ten."

"I know I'm your boyfriend and everything, but I agree with your dad."

"That makes me feel so much better, Jace!"

"Look I have to run some errands for my mom, do you want to come along? It'll help take your mind off all this."

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें