Chapter 53

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Chris's POV

Last night I stayed with Cassidee after Braxton left and when my wife and I had a big fight in the hallway. Cassidee is currently downstairs getting a CT scan on her head to make sure there isn't any further damage.

It's only been a few weeks with this situation, but it feels like it's been several years. I know I'm exhausted, I mean who wouldn't be? Days and nights in the same place, not doing much like eating, sleeping, or checking in on others at home.

I feel like that's one of the main reasons why Sabrina fought with me. She isn't over here as much as I am because we do have another child, who has to go to school and we can't just keep sticking him with one of our parents, they have work and things to do as well.

Though I will say she was acting like she didn't care about Cassidee at all and that hurt me. Honestly, I don't want to divorce my wife because this will just cause more problems, not only for us but for the kids as well. Mason will probably end up hating me and Cassidee will probably end up never speaking to me again.

Cassidee was rolled back into the unit and I gave her a small smile as she stared blankly at me. I just wish she'd talk, I wouldn't care if she started yelling at me. I just want to hear Cassidee's voice again, but the doctor said she's recovering and we shouldn't press on.

My phone started to ring and I saw Ricky's name appear on the screen. I accepted his call and placed the phone to my ear.


"Hey, how's she doing today?" Ricky asked.

"She kept her eyes open longer today, she just came back from a CT scan and I guess I'll hear from the doctor when he sees the results. What's going on?"

"I'm on my way to get the twins, but that aside...I just got off the phone with Ryan and he told me we're going on tour in a few weeks."

Shit! Normally I am pumped when I get notified that we're going on tour, but I have Cassidee and she just came out of this damn coma and I have to leave her.

"You know how excited I'd be at the moment, but you know what's going on over here and I can't leave Cassidee like this for months."

"I know it's hard for you, but we can't tour and perform without our lead singer."

"I understand, listen, let me get back to you after I make a few phone calls, okay?"

"Sure, later."

We hung up from each other and I sighed,  hanging my head down. This cannot be happening right now just as Cassidee starts getting better there's an upcoming tour. There's no way in hell I can take her along like when she was younger, obviously someone's going to have to watch her.

I looked at my phone and scrolled through my contacts searching for someone who could take my place. I pressed my finger to one of the contacts and waited for them to pick up.


"Hey, Sabrina."

Do you guys think it was right for Chris to call Sabrina? Let me know

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz