Chapter 85

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Cassidee's POV

That night I didn't get one ounce of sleep, I kept thinking about what Jace had said and I was conflicted between going to tour and not going to tour. If I go, yeah I'll have the best time of my life, but if I don't go I'll know how hurt my dad will be.

I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly five in the morning. I sighed, getting up, and walked myself down to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and took out a small container of yogurt. I set it on the counter and grabbed myself a spoon from the drawer, opening the container.

"You're wide awake."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Sabrina came walking in. I nodded at her statement and dug into my yogurt, playing with it mostly instead of eating it.

"I couldn't sleep."


"No. I just- can I ask you something?"

She pulled over a chair from the kitchen table and sat down, smiling at me. "What's on your mind?"

"Should I go on this tour with Dad?"

"You've been looking forward to it for a while now, you should go and I'm sure the guys miss having you around as well. Why are you having second thoughts?"


"He doesn't want you to go, does he?"

"He told me the other day he had something planned for us the day we leave for tour. Part of me feels bad, but then I also feel like he lied just to keep me back."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, but I know Dad-"

"This may sound harsh, but don't worry about Dad. This is all your decision, Cassidee."

Sabrina did make a good point there. This was my choice and my choice alone. It was just the other people's feelings I was taking into consideration, but either way one of them was going to be hurt.

"Thanks. I'll have my mind made up later in the morning."

"You're welcome. Are you going to eat your yogurt or no?"

I chuckled and slid the container over to her. To be honest, my stomach was too knotted for me to be eating anything at all. I walked back up the steps, going into my room, and slid back under the covers of my bed.

"Let's try this again."

He's going to hurt like hell, but I know he'll understand.

Ooh! Who do you think is going to be hurt and what do you think Cassidee's choice is going to be? Let me know in the comments.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon