Chapter 62

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I woke up the next morning, stiff and feeling like extreme crap. I slowly sat up and looked around, noticing Sabrina had shut the TV off at some point in the middle of the night.

"Hello?" I called out.

Nothing. Considering it was hardly light out Sabrina is probably driving Mason to school.

The door opening caught my attention and sure enough, that's who walked through the door.

"You're up early. Hope I didn't wake you up." Sabrina said, placing down the keys.

"No. Just woke up. I'm starving, let's get some breakfast." I used the arm of the couch to push myself up and nearly fell.

"Woah! Let me help you." Sabrina hurried over to my side. She put my arm around her shoulder and assisted me with walking. "You're a little ball of energy."

"Even though I'm stiff and in pain, I have the will to fight through and make a fast recovery."

"That's my girl."

After breakfast, I was back on the couch and connected myself to a little bit of Xbox. Nothing too complicated, just something to beat the boredom over here.

My phone started vibrating and I saw it was dad calling FaceTime with me. I smiled, picking up the phone, and answered it, pausing the game.

"Hey, my gorgeous daughter. How are you today?" He asked, smiling.

"Sore. I managed to get myself off the couch and I didn't fall, well almost. Mom helped me through."

"That's good. Has anyone else checked on you?"

"Aubrey has texted nonstop, Milo and I haven't heard from Braxton. I still talk to Trevor and Camilla, no baby yet."

"We don't go on for a few good hours, but I wanted to call in and check on you, plus see your beautiful face. Did you need any painkillers at all?"

"I'm managing it with Tylenol."

"Well you know if it gets too bad you can always take the"

"Vicodin, yes, I know, Dad."

Even though I was sent home with a prescription for Vicodin, I decided on my own to treat it with good old Tylenol. I'm not exactly all that comfortable with taking pills. Especially since my birth mom would occasionally pop some now and then, I didn't want to be like a drugged-out zombie.

"I know you refused it several times, but the doctor felt it was needed and would help you better."

"Remember I took one in the hospital and I said I felt funny? I don't like that feeling."

"Okay, okay. Did you eat?"

"Yes. Now can I go?"

"Never. I love you to the moon and back, Cassidee."

"I love you too, Dad."

We both kissed our palms and placed them on the screen. It became our little thing for us when I was growing up and when my dad would tour.

"Get some rest and I'll call tonight when we're done."

"Alright, later." We hung up and unpaused the game, getting back to it.

I miss my dad.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now