Chapter 91

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I stood there completely frozen as my dad looked at me and then down at Braxton. I couldn't process a single thought in my head and I knew if I could, nothing would come out.

"When did you sleep with Braxton?!" My dad asked, walking further into the room.

I took a few steps back from my dad as he towered over me and looked up at him with sorrow and guilt in my eyes. My dad stood there and looked at me with a 'well I'm waiting look' on his face.

"A few weeks before that big fight at the house."

"Where the hell was I when this was going on?! Did you sneak out of the house or did you-?" My dad gasped, growling with frustration shortly after. "Sneak him into the house?"

I looked down at my feet, biting down on my lip, and tried like hell to keep the tears from falling from my eyes. No use trying, they fell quickly from my eyes and straight to the floor.

"I-I did."

I looked up and saw my dad close his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He sighed and looked at me and then over at Braxton, who had the deer in headlights expression. There was no hell in way he could escape from my dad now.

"Cassidee, go to my bunk."

"But, Dad-"

"Now!" He sternly said, pointing his finger towards the bunks.

I dragged my feet across the floor and slowly made my way to my dad's bunk. I pulled back the curtain and laid down in it, my back facing the opening. If my dad is smart enough he won't or shouldn't cause any injury to Ricky's kid.

I hope not.

"Rick!" I heard my dad call and shortly after footsteps making their way towards the back. I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears trying to block out the talking going on in there. Sure, talking had started but soon I know it's going to turn into screaming.

"Then keep her away from my sons!" Ricky shouted.

I heard the door slam and someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped a bit before turning around to see my dad standing there. I sat up and wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"You disobeyed me, Cassidee. How could you do something so careless like that?"

"It's not like it was a stranger? It was only Braxton, Dad!"

"That's not the point! The point is-" My dad and I both looked over at the guys and raised our eyebrows. They immediately took that as a cue to get off the bus before it got even uglier. "-my point was you did something behind my back and you lied about it the next day too!"

"It was a dumb mistake, Dad! Braxton was the one who came over at two in the morning, throwing stones at my bedroom window in the pouring rain! He asked to come in and I wasn't going to let him stand in the rain, so I took him in because he wanted to talk. He instigated it, not me!"

"And you could've stopped it, Cassidee, but you didn't!"

"Dad, I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake! Don't lecture me like you didn't make any dumb choices when you were young, like meeting my mom and knocking her up for instance!"

The back of my dad's hand collided with my right cheek and I gasped, carefully placing my hand to the newly reddened and tingling flesh. My dad's eyes doubled in size and he bolted off the bus, leaving me there frustrated and hurt.

I have to get off this bus now!

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now