Chapter 49

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Chris's POV

"We need to get back to the hospital now!" I yelled as I ran out the door.

Sabrina and Mason were right behind me as I jumped in the car, turning it on. They got in, buckling themselves in and I sped off towards the hospital.

"What exactly was said on the phone?" Sabrina asked.

I couldn't bring myself to say the words so I ignored Sabrina's question.

"Chris? Chris, answer me!"

"I don't know."

We got to the hospital, parking in the parking lot, and running through the hospital entrance doors.

I furiously pressed the up button to the fourth floor where the ICU is. Of course, the elevator stopped on every single floor!

It finally reached us and we got on. I was a complete wreck. This isn't happening and I'm asleep next to Cassidee.

The doors opened up and the three of us walked off, while Sabrina and Mason did, I ran down the hallways in search of Braxton.

I spotted him sitting on the ground outside the unit doors, knees to his chest.

"Braxton?! What's going on?"

"I don't know! I was just sitting there and all of a sudden the machines started going off, nurses and doctors came running from all different directions. They kept saying: "Code blue! Code blue!"

"That's cardiac arrest! Cassidee went arrest!"

I marched over to the unit door and started pounding my fists on it. Screw the stupid doorbell I needed to get in there quick.

"Sir, you need to stop banging on the doors and use the"

"My daughter is in there! I need to see her, please let me in!" I begged.

"What's her last name?"

"Cerulli, Cassidee."

"The team is working on her at the moment. You can go to the waiting room and we'll call you."

"Nope, sorry, but I am not leaving this unit. I'll stand right here by the nurses' station, call security if you have to, but I am not leaving my daughter."

I walked past the nurse and stood by the nurses' station like I said and watched nearby as I saw nurses scattered in and out of Cassidee's room.

I crept further along as I got closer I saw Cassidee's lifeless body being jolted every few minutes.

"Come on, Cass," I whispered. "Come on, you can pull through, baby girl."

Oh god, I can't lose her now. I just can't, this will kill me if I see Cassidee die right before my eyes.

"Blood pressure and heart rate are back. Go notify the family and-"

"No need to," I said, cutting the doctor off. "Can I see her, please?"

"For a few minutes."

"That's all I need."

I walked into Cassidee's room and pulled up a chair next to her bed. I grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly, and cried to myself.

"Don't scare me like that, okay? Did Braxton forget to brush his teeth and plant a big one on you?" I chuckled. "Okay, maybe this isn't the perfect timing to crack a joke, but I know you'd be laughing."

Two seconds later, Mason popped in and slowly walked over to the other side of Cassidee's bed. He looked at his sister and then at me with an unsure look.

"You can talk to her. Don't be afraid, Mason."

"Ca-Cassie, uhm..i-it's me, Mason. I'm sorry for annoying you all those times." Mason sniffled. "If I hadn't annoyed you you'd still be at the house."

"Hey, hey, you didn't push your sister away," I told Mason as I stood up and walked towards him. "She just she was already a grown-up, but don't worry Cassidee is going to get better."

I wrapped my arms around my son and hugged him tightly.

I just wish everyone would stop blaming themselves for Ian's doing.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now