Chapter 83

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I looked at the clock on the wall of my Geometry class and waited impatiently for it to ring.

Our class was watching a boring movie to pass the time since it was the last day of school. The bell rang and everyone, including myself, bolted out the door.

Papers flew all over the hallway and students headed out the doors. It was finally summer vacation and I was beyond excited.

I was now technically considered a senior since the previous seniors had been let out a day earlier. I smiled as I walked down the hallway and came up to Jace hugging him.

"We're technically seniors now." I laughed.

"I know! So what should we do to celebrate months of freedom?" Jace asked as we walked to the parking lot.

"Go to an air-conditioned house and sleep."

"Deal." Jace laughed, as we got in the car and driving off to my house.


We pulled into my driveway and walked into the house, tossing our bags by the door.

I saw my dad had already put a few of his luggage bags in the living room, I take it he's packing early for the tour.


No answer.

"Hm, no idea where they're at? But I'm gonna grab water, do you want one?" I asked.

"I'm good, thanks."

I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of water. I walked back out and up the steps to my room to see Jace sitting on my bed.

"Stuck between closing this or not," I said, touching the door.

"I-I'd keep it open," Jace said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I placed my water on my nightstand and laid on my bed, pulling Jace down beside me.

"You saw no one's home but us," I smirked. "I can think of one way to kick off summer vacation."

"Does it involve this bed?"


"Involving us?"

"Yeah, so I'd close the door if I were you," I smirked, holding up a condom.

Chris's POV

Sabrina and I pulled into the driveway and noticed Sabrina's car was there, meaning Cassidee was home from school.

We had just dropped Mason off at a friend's house so it would just be us three for dinner tonight.

"Should go out or do take in for dinner?" Sabrina asked as we walked through the front door.

"I'll let Cassidee decide. Hey, Cass?" I called.

I walked up the steps and towards her bedroom door, taking notice it was more quiet than usual.

"Cassidee, what do you- WOAH!" I opened then quickly slammed the door shut.

My eyes nearly fell out the sockets when I saw Cassidee and Jace being a little too intimate with each other. I turned around and knocked on the door.

"You two get dressed, Cassidee come downstairs and Jace get out while you can."

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, nearly drinking the entire bottle.

"Should I ask?" Sabrina asked, looking at me.

"I caught them having sex!"

Jace hurried down the steps and ran out the front door so fast if you would've blinked you'd have missed him.

"Cassidee, I know you're at the top of the steps, come down here."

Cassidee slowly walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. She looked up at me and had the expression of a dog when it gets caught doing wrong. I sat across from her and folded my hands, staring at her.

"Do you hate me?" She asked, looking away.

"No, but it wasn't the smartest thing to do. Cass, I couldn't hate you for doing an uh...natural...thing."

I dreaded this day would come sooner or later, well it happened sooner than thought.

"Jace didn't force himself on you, did he?"


"And were you two safe?"

"Yes. So I take it Jace is shunned from the house?"

"I'm not shunning anyone, just don't do it again. There's no need for you to rush to do adult things."

"You're not mad at me?"

"I'm a little upset, but as long as you promise not to do this again."

"I promise." She said, giving a small smile.

"Pinky promise?" I asked, extending my baby finger.

"Pinky promise." Cassidee smiled, hooking our fingers together.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now