Chapter 43

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Chris's POV

"You're sure this surgery is safe?" I asked, looking at my daughter then back to the doctor.

"Your daughter is in good hands. This is a common procedure with head injury patients."

I put my hands over my face, rubbing it, and let out an exasperated sigh.

This whole situation was becoming a complete nightmare to me.

"Just..please-" I started as tears formed in my eyes. "-take care of her."

The doctor smiled, nodding his head, and began to unlock the wheels on Cassidee's bed.

"Can we have a quick second before she leaves?" Sabrina asked.

"Of course. I have to grab some nurses and then I'll come back."

I gently placed my forehead on Cassidee's chest and cried my eyes out. I felt Sabrina place her hand on my back, rubbing it in small circles.

I lifted my head and placed my hand on Cassidee's cheek.

"You go in there and fight, you hear me? Fight like hell." I sniffed, placing an elongated kiss on her forehead. "I love you. We all love you."

Sabrina lightly held her hand and placed her lips to it.

"You're my strong, beautiful daughter and you're going to get through this. Listen to your dad and fight."

Just as we were finishing up the doctor returned with three other nurses and proceeded to push her out of the unit.

We followed until they reached the automatic double doors and said we could go to the waiting room.

I saw Cassidee become more distant until I didn't see her anymore. At that very moment, I became extremely scared because honestly, deep down in my gut I don't think Cassidee's coming back.


I was pacing back and forth in the ICU's waiting room, trying to keep myself sane as Cassidee was in surgery.

"Chris, you're starting to make tracks in the floor," Ricky said.

"Please sit down." Sabrina pleaded.

I sighed and sat down next to my wife, now starting to shake my leg. Sabrina placed her hand on my knee and patted it.

"I can't help this. This shouldn't be happening right now and it is! I need to go check myself into the psych ward here because I'm going fucking crazy."

"Chris, come take a walk with me," Balz said, standing from his chair.

We walked out of the waiting room and headed down the hallway.

"I feel so helpless and I can't do anything for her! I just have to let Cassidee lay there and now...I feel even worse because she's back there getting her skull open!"

We sat down on a nearby bench across from the elevators as I placed my head in my hands.

"But you just being here night and day, staying by Cassidee's side that's doing something. Whatever the outcome, you know myself and the band will be there for you, we're here for you now. Cassidee's a niece to me I never had. I loved that little girl from the moment I met her, Ryan and I adore her. We're all here for Cassidee and your family, Chris, remember that."

I nodded my head and tightly hugged one of my best friends.

"Thanks, man. You guys are keeping me from having a serious breakdown."


I looked up and saw her standing there with a grief-stricken look on her face.

"Oh no," Balz whispered.

Daddy's Little Creature (Sequel to All That We Have Left)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now