I got questioned a lot after announcing my relationship with Y/N, but I answered them patiently.

After taking a shower, I dived into my comfy bed and checked my phone from the nightstand since I was busy for the whole day.

I quickly sat up when I received a few texts from Y/N.

r u done with ur rehearsals?
text me when ure done :)

im sorry i just got home
is there anything wrong?

there were just some articles abt us
and some photos of us
are u okay with it?

shouldn't i be the one asking u that?
hold on for a sec

I didn't even need to search for my name. Once I typed in J in the search engine, it popped up a bunch of articles like, 'Jungkook BTS dating?' 'Jeon Jungkook's new girlfriend' and many more surprising creative titles.

I clicked onto the first one and I jumped up from my bed when I saw photos of us at the park and there were photos even when we were at Busan.

Hesitantly, I scrolled down to the comments section and felt my body burning when there were some mean comments about Y/N.

I stormed out of my room and put on a coat, getting ready to go to Y/N's apartment but got stopped immediately by Yoongi who shook his head with a sigh.

"I need to go to her."
I said firmly, practically begging him to let me go.

"Jungkook, now is not a good time. The annoying paparazzis may be outside now waiting for you to come out and harass you."
He said calmly, tightening his grip on my wrist.

Soon, Jin came out from his room as well.
"Suga is right. You'll see her at work tomorrow. I'm sure she wants some time alone as well."

I bit onto my bottom lip anxiously and thought for a moment before nodding. After drinking a glass of water, I went back to my room and texted Y/N.

are you okay :(


no like srsly r u okay? :(
abt the articles

im fine
i should be asking u that

but there were some mean comments abt u
im sorry i wasn't careful

don't be sorry
i was the one who brought u to the park

i should've worn a mask :(((

im perfectly fine jk
no more sad faces please

if u say so :))

im going to bed now
sleep early

okie goodnight
ily ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I set down my phone on the table and let out a huge sigh.

"Who the hell is 'moao'?"
I flinched when I saw Jimin standing behind me, reading my texts with Y/N.

"Hyung! When did you get in here? You're invading my privacy!"
I whined and pushed him out of the room as he stumbled back.

"Sorry, I tried to call you but you were too focused on texting, you didn't even answer me. So who's 'moao'?
He leaned his body against the door and folded his arms in front of his chest with a small smirk.

"My one and only."

"Why did you lie?"
Jinyoung raised a brow at me as I let out a heavy sigh and threw my phone to aside.

I looked at the boy who was sitting crisscross applesauce beside me on the couch. Hae Na couldn't come since she was busy doing stuff.

"I don't want him to worry about me. He already has a lot of pressure and concerns especially with his busy schedule. I'll just be a burden to him."
I said, leaning back on the head rest leisurely.

"Still, you shouldn't lie. What would your boyfriend think when his girlfriend told him that she was going to bed and here she is watching dramas with her guy friend?"

"Can you not interrupt the kiss scene?"
I rolled my eyes and pressed rewind since I missed what the male lead had said to the female lead.

"Can I talk now?"
I nodded to Jinyoung when the romantic scene ended.

"Are you really okay with all those comments about you? Are you totally fine with the articles about you and Jungkook?"

I gulped hard before taking a deep breath in and exhaled sharply, turning to face Jinyoung who had a concerned look on his face.

"I have to be okay even if I'm not, right? It's not like it's the end of the world just because of some hate comments on the Internet."
I mumbled out loud enough for him to hear.

He rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently before pulling me in for a warm hug

"Y/N, it's okay not to be okay."

To Be Continued

i love that drama hahahahhahahahah anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS ILYALL💜💜💜

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