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I rubbed my belly when he kicked again. He had been more active since Travis was around.

It doesn't hurt but it was very uncomfortable. Travis came into the room after taking a shower and got dressed right in front of me.

He smiled at me before getting into bed. I had the urge to pee so I went to the bathroom. It's been 7 times under an hour.

I flushed the toilet and washing my hands,before strutting out the bathroom. I met Travis in my bedroom with a laptop placed on his lap.

"What you doing?" I asked getting comfortable on the bed with him.

"Just working" he mumbled as he typed on the keyboard.

I bit my lip staring at him. He looked sexier when he was focused on something. His jaw was set and his lips pursed.

I kissed his cheek,making him stop typing. I trailed kisses from his jaw to his soft pink lips.

"I'm working Mona"he groaned on my lips.

"Fine" I grumbled pulling away from him.

I pouted,folding my arms like an angry toddler. He sighed audibly before shutting his laptop and placing it on the nightstand.

I bit my lip to stop my victory smile.

"What do you want Mona?" He asked softly.

"I want you" I answered.

"Really?" He laughed and I frowned.

"I'm serious Travis. I'm horny and I need you for that" I stated.

"Are you saying you're just using me for sex?" He feigned hurt.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes now give me some sugar, daddy" I said pulling him towards me.

"Eww. Don't say sugar" he scrunched his face and I laughed.

His lips landed on mine and eagerly kissed back. As usual Travis turned the lights off.


"We decided to wait till the birth to know the gender" I smiled at doc Samantha.

"Ok. So you're almost at the end of your pregnancy and I suggest you guys start getting ready. Make sure you don't really stress your self out as of the coming weeks. Start buying baby clothes if you haven't yet. No sex till the baby is born" she shot Travis a look and I held back from laughing " that would be all. You don't have any other appointments till you're due" she finished.

"Thank you doctor" Travis shook her hand.

"You're welcome Mr Travis" doc smiled.

Travis and I left the clinic driving to the airport to pick his mom up. I was nervous.

I was finally meeting the woman who raised the perfect man. I hope I raise my son as good as she did hers.

With him by my side I know I can. I stared at him while he drove and I could just get lost in him.

How did I fall in love with him? It feels surreal. We're from completely different races but he still fell in love with me.

"I can feel you staring" he chuckled.

"I know" I sighed in contentment before Looking out the window.

He entwined our fingers together,trailing circles on my knuckle.

He raised our entwined fingers so he could kiss my knuckle. I smiled at the sweet gesture.

He took a glance at me and smiled at him. He smiled back.

What I saw as Travis's mom wasn't who,or what I expected at all. I honestly don't even know what I was expecting but I sure as hell didn't expect to see Claire Belle. The Claire Belle.

I almost screamed. He should have told me who is mom was! I so wasn't ready or dressed the part!.if I was panicking I didn't show it.

Travis looked nothing like his mother they only had Same green eyes and lips, and god was she beautiful.

She looked so young you'd be surprised she has a son as old as Travis. You'd think she's his sister!.

"Hi" I waved lamely.

"Hello" her British accent flowed.

She got into the car and all I could do was stare in slight amazement which made Travis chuckle. He helped with her bags.

I got in before Travis and we drove in silence. The air was awkward. For me I think cause Travis and Claire look totally relaxed.

Travis drove into my driveway and quickly got out to open the door for me before doing the same for his mom.

After we had settled into the house I decided to break the silence.

"It's so great to finally meet you" I said to her.

"Likewise" she didn't smile and I didn't either.

She just stared intently at me and I stared back not backing down. She was intimidating no doubt but she doesn't scare me.

After our staring contest she slowly smiled and it looked like Travis smile.

"You're just as bold and beautiful as Travis says" she stated and I blushed.

"I wouldn't mind you being my daughter in-law" she said.

I blushed again.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

"You look like you could just pop any moment" she commented looking at my bump.

"I know right? I'm almost due and so ready for this baby out of me" I said.

" Ughh I know how you feel. When I was pregnant with Travis I had sleepless nights because he wouldn't stop moving" she laughed.

I giggled along with her and making eye contact with said person. He blushed and awwed

"So are you having a baby shower?" She asked hopefully.

Travis rolled his eyes at his mom.

She looked so hopeful I almost didn't want to break her heart but I did anyway.

I definitely didn't want a baby shower. I hardly have any friends

"No I'm not" I shook my head.

Her shoulders slumped and I sighed

"I really wanted to plan the baby shower" she admitted sadly.

"I don't have that many friends so it's really not necessary" I said.

"It could be just our family members. We could introduce the two families as well"

I thought about it. I looked at Travis and he shrugged. I gave a deadpanned look and he shrugged again.

He wasn't helping!.

"Fine. We can have a baby shower. But i don't even know my baby's gender yet and I really wanted to wait till birth so it could feel more special" I explained.

"Oh I totally understand" she looked sincere and I sighed in relief.

"Really? You're not angry or disappointed?" I asked.

"Well I am disappointed but I'm not angry. Honestly I didn't even have a baby shower myself and I wanted to know how it'd be"

We are stopping here. I'm not having a baby shower period.

*****Please guys I need your comments on this. Please

Tell me if you like the book or if you hate it just please comment

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