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"Monachim" my mother shook me awake.

I murmured incoherent words and tried swatting her hands away. I was not ready to wake up yet........the smell of egusi(melon) soup wafted into my nose and I immediately got up.

I hadn't had breakfast yet.

"Is that egusi soup?" I asked lamely already salivating.

"Yes. I know it's your favorite" mom chuckled amusedly at me.

I sat up from the love seat I had fallen asleep on. adjusting my top,I stood up walking to the dining table.

"Thank you Mommy" I thanked while kissing her cheeks before sitting down and opening the food.

Gosh it smells Devine.

I washed my hands before digging into the pounded yam and coating it with the soup. I swallowed the first lump and moaned in delight.

"You didn't even pray?" Mom scolded,with an playful tone.

I honestly forgot.

I paused my eating saying the quickest prayer I had ever said in my life then smiled at mom before continuing with my food.

"Aren't you eating?" I asked her after swallowing another lump. She sat across from me with her phone, probably on Instagram and a glass of juice in front her.

You'll be surprised how much that woman loves insta.

"I'll eat later" she said sipping on her juice,her eyes still trained on her phone's screen.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

When I was done I washed the dishes myself instead of bothering Maria. Mom went upstairs. I had just finished with the dishes when my phone rang.

Wiping my hands with a clean towel, I quickly walked to my bag that sat on one of the chairs in the living room.my jacket was covering it.

I rampaged through my bag looking for the phone that was ringing non-stop.

Finally I found it buried deep inside my bag. Bringing it out I checked the caller ID. It was Amara.

"What?" I answered.

"Don't tell me you're still mad at me?" She asked. Her tone was laced with surprise.

"No I'm not" I said truthfully,while shaking my head as if she couod see me.

"Ok. I really am sorry"She sighed,sounding genuinely remorseful.

"And I said it was ok. Now what do you really want?" I asked taking a sit on the love seat I had slept on prior.

"Ok. I know this is unexpected and you probably won't agree but I'll try anyway" she rambled.

"Just spit it out" I hissed.

"Will.....you...come to a party with me?" She asked and i blinked several times.

"No" my answer was straight and there's nothing that'd change my mind. I wasn't goung to 'party' with amara ever again no matter how sorry she was for ditching me at the last one.

"I thought so. That's why I have a plan b." She chuckles.

"And what would that possibly be?" I asked already bored.

"Michael is gonna be there" she blurted and i could just imagine her biting her lips waiting for my reaction to that.

I perked up at the name. That familiar name that used to make butterflies erupt in my belly.

Now it just made me sick to the point i wanted to throw up.

The hell?

How in the world did she think this was gonna make me go with her?. When did he even come back to Nigeria?.

You know what? I don't even care.

"Still no. Why would you even bring that up?. You know I don't EVER wanna see him again. You know what he did. How in the world did you think I would still wanna go to a stupid party with him there? Huh??" I was pissed, Beyond livid at how she thought it was a good idea.

"I--I--" I hung up.

I stood up while I took deep breaths. I was heaving with rage. Why would she do this?. Even if he was in Lagos right now there was a 50 percent chance I was gonna see him.

At least I didn't know. And now that I know I'm gonna make sure I don't run into him ever.

Let's see how that's gonna last.

Gosh I hate Amara right now.

I grabbed my things deciding to go home. I came here to relieve some stress and I actually did untill Amara completely ruined it. I felt my headache coming back. This time in legions.

This just added to my stress.

"Mommy I'm leaving!" I called as i grabbed my heels and putting them on then I grabbed my bag and jacket.

I left the house before could reply.

I slammed my car's door still pissed. I angrily drove out of my parent's estate. It was almost evening. That means I had slept all day.

I had managed to drive carefully in my angry state and When I got home I sighed heavily. Feeling burned out.

I locked my front door and strutted  into my bedroom. I relaxed on my bed,while cuddling my pillow. It was just me,the silence and my raging thoughts.

My phone rang again making me hiss in annoyance at the unexpected sound.I picked up the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I bit out,sorry for whoever called me while i was in that condition. I didn't want to channel my anger to someone else but The vioce that answered back made me go completely numb...

"Hi Mona. It's been a long time"


******Honestly I hate drama but what's a novel without drama right?.

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LOVING MUNA[COMPLETED] •16+•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora