Ch. 13

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Lightning POV
I don't like how Crosshairs had to be drugged, how he would have taken the fight further. Even if we all used holoforms for some time; Crosshairs can still harm Rangeblade. Heck, he'd protest the idea is letting us be vulnerable to Rangeblade's planned attack. I fear there are going to be many physical altercations no matter what we do. I must talk to Prime about what we can do to keep Rangeblade safe.

"...I'm sorry, but we have to do this," Prime finishes.
In all honesty, I'm amazed he didn't think to build a brig in the barn already. No way there hasn't been issues; even a team that gets along well can have issues. I assume then that the punishment was being confined to the bots' chosen bedroom in the house. Which will not work in this case. I hope we're wrong, and Crosshairs will not attack Rangeblade further than he did earlier today.

I'm glad to see Rangeblade spending time with the others, though it's only been with Drift and Hot Rod. At least most of the others don't hate her as they did when we first brought her.
"Are you ok?" I ask, unsure what Crosshairs might have done once he accidentally knocked me out.
"I'm fine...this time."
I hate how she already thinks Crosshairs will fight her again as much as I know it's very likely.
"What are we going to do about this, sir?" Hot Rod asks.
"It's going to be a challenge. We can't keep Crosshairs locked up, even if it means Rangeblade'will be safe."
This made Rangeblade afraid.
"Then I will protect her," Hot Rod declares.
"I can't believe we're going to have fighting among teammates for a while," Bee frets.
"This is going to make the plan a challenge to do," Hound frets.
"The plan is a challenge even if Crosshairs didn't fight Rangeblade, even if we didn't think he would fight her," Prime explains, "I am not sure how to go about this, but something needs to be done."
Drift walks away, which confuses all of us.

Hound POV
It's unusual for Drift to be this down about Jamie being gone. The more I think about it, I think he's worried about how things will be when she returns, which could be months from now.
"Leave him alone for a while," Prime instructs us.

Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Lightning, and I find a movie to watch in the house.
Rangeblade had a hard time relaxing. I still don't know if this is a good idea, but I'm not going to fight her. I doubt Bee will fight her.

Rangeblade POV
I know Bumblebee and Hound don't trust me, but I know they're trying. They're relaxed watching the movie while I worry Crosshairs is going to find me in here.
"I'm sorry I can't stay here," I tell them before running out of the house and into the woods.

Optimus Prime POV
I left Drift alone for an hour before going to talk to him. I never thought Jamie would be together with an Autobot though I know she says she and Drift aren't in a relationship, I know she has reasons for thinking that way.

This isn't the first time Jamie has left since the fight with Unicron and Quintessa, but it's the first time I've seen Drift this unhappy she left. I understand his concern about how things will be when she returns. I didn't know he feels Crosshairs' relationship with her is on thin ice, nor did I not know she's trying to return for a couple of weeks before Christmas.
"...I want her to stay for Christmas, but it's looking very unlikely." Drift finishes.
"This situation is a challenge, but I believe things will be ok. Unfortunately, things will be rough before that."

As I finish talking to Drift, Bumblebee, Hot Rod, and Hound Rush towards us. They tell me Rangeblade has left. I don't like what happened before she ran into the woods. Every day she becomes more frightened, and being attacked by Crosshairs today didn't help. Drift, and I go to find her while the others stay behind.

Hot Rod POV
If this is close to what Drift dealt with before the Autobots trusted him, I believe things will get better, but I worry things will get a lot more challenging. I'd rather not see Crosshairs fight Rangeblade. I'd rather not see Crosshairs think his friendship with Jamie is over, but we all know this isn't going to be easy. I will protect Rangeblade, even if it means fighting Crosshairs.

Five hours later

Crosshairs POV
Lighting is by the berth I lie on. I feel groggy and don't know why. The last thing I remember is fighting that con. Lightning hugs me once I sit at the edge of the berth.
I hate hearing the fear in her voice as she pleads with me not to fight Rangeblade. I don't want to argue with her, but that con needs to go. I'll kill her if I have to.

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