Ch. 39

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Hound POV
Something feels off about Cogman. Cade tells me Cogman was an aft when he met him and Berton, but even Cade feels something is off with Cogman. I'm up early, scanning Energon signature. One way to tell if something is off with Cogman. My other option would be to put him in stasis and examine his processor. Trying to put Cogman in stasis is going to be a challenge.  I don't have to work for long before I find something unusual. It looks like we're going on a little mission today.

I didn't think I'd find Lightning sleeping on the floor in Drift's room. I walk in as she's waking up.  We hear Drift moaning in his sleep, but he didn't wake up.
"Why did you sleep in there?" I ask as I close the door.
"It's my fault his girl is gone."
There's guilt in her voice. It's hard to know if we should be thinking Jamie is gone or believe she's a fighter and will recover. It's only been two days. I fear it will be at least two weeks before we're told Jamie is no longer critical.

I find Crosshairs slept in Drift's room, also on the floor like Lightning. I'm not even going to ask why he didn't have Rangeblade sleep in Drift's room.  These two are close, to the point one would think they're together.— until they find out about Jamie.  He, too, is waking up, but I don't think he got much sleep.
"We should be happy Drift can get any sleep, but it's filled with nightmares," he tells me.

By ten, everyone is up. Crosshairs and Lightning get Drift to come downstairs for breakfast. Even though most of us watch Jamie have days like this, it's not easy seeing Drift too depressed to eat. Lightning is trying not to cry while Rangeblade is crushed seeing her friend depressed. 
"What did you find, Hound?" Prime asks.
"It's going to be hard to believe, and I double-checked. We have an imposter Cogman," I explain.
Even I feel like this is impossible, as I tell everyone. What's more troubling is the location of the real Cogman's Energy signature.
"This will not be easy," Prime points out, "Lightning, Rangeblade, Hot Rod, and I will investigate and find Cogman."

Crosshairs POV
"Something doesn't feel right, Crosshairs," Drift whispers.
I know what he means.
"I'm coming!" I declare.
As much as I want him to, there's no way I'll convince Drift to come with us. How can the others not see this problem? What is the fragged-up plan that involves an imposter Cogman?

I still worry about leaving Drift alone as I watch him get back in bed. He didn't eat much either. I fear there's something new on his mind.

"I'll stay behind," Rangeblade tells me.
I see her hands shaking. 
"What did you do!" Hot Rod rages as he hugs Rangeblade.
She's freaking out, thinking I'm pissed she showed Lightning my Photoshop work. Hot Rod will not let me talk to her. I wanted her to come, to show her I trust her. She's trying to help repair all this shit. A con would let this get to the point the team splits up, hoping Drift does go through with suicide.

Crosshairs: she wanted to stay here. I was going to tell her to come with us, and then she freaked out.

I sit on the platform in Drift's room. It's creepy seeing him stare at the wall, knowing depression is causing him to do this.  Everyone feels uncertain about how to think; is our friends gone or in critical condition? How likely is she to survive if she's in critical condition? For Drift, it's also did he lose the one he loves? Or will he?

Twenty minutes pass before I hear snoring.
Rangeblade waits in the hallway when I open the door. She says nothing as she walks into the room. I close the door behind me.
"You trust her with your friend?" Hot Rod sneered.
"I was going to have her come with us. Something doesn't feel right. I worry Lightning is in danger."
"Then why would imposter Cogman talk about Jamie?"
Shit, I think I figured it out.
"Long story, I have to go!"
I rush down the stairs out to the barn to inform Prime. 

Lightning POV
Crosshairs thinks he figured out who's behind this and worries I'm a target.
"If it's the sane aft who captured me, I'm coming. I want to know why this human is targeting me.
"You're not the target," Crosshairs argues.
"Then I'm safe and coming!" I argue and walk out of the barn, ignoring Crosshairs calling my name.

We're ready to roll an hour later. Crosshairs is angry I'm not staying behind as he wants. It's not like I've been in stasis all this time. Like the others, I've had to fight off Cemetery Wind and even the TRF. I can handle one human. Hoping it's the same aft as before so I can get a little revenge as we rescue Cogman.

Everyone is not pleased Drift isn't coming. It's hard to see a mech who's always positive in a deep depression to the point Prime leaves him out of a mission. How the hell is Crosshairs this strong watching his best friend like this? Knowing his other best friend is likely dead, and his own sister is the murderer? How is he not enraged at me?  How can anyone have any hope Jamie is — or will be — ok?
"Keep him safe, Rangeblade," I tell her as I hug her.
I get this feeling in my heart as I walk down the stairs Drift is going to be difficult.

"Hound, I need you to be around Drift's room," I whisper.
"I can't; why do you think I'm staying behind? I need to guide the team here."
"Use your laptop!" I argue, "I-I have a feeling Drift is going to think h-he's alone and...."
"Ok, I'll see what I can do."
I'm such an idiot; there's nothing I can do to take everything back. Please make things the way they should have been the day we reunited, Primus.

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