Ch. 29

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Vivian POV
While Lightning is in her room, I go to talk to Crosshairs, Drift, and Rangeblade in Drift's room. I didn't think Rangeblade would want to go with the others to talk to Jamie, but we need to do everything we can to make sure Lightning doesn't know. I know Lightning had a completely different idea of what it would be like when she reunites with her brother. Even if she knew Jamie was a part of N.E.S.T., I don't think she was expecting to find out her brother is close friends with a human, let alone find out the human is Jamie. Even though we've only been together six months, I still have much to learn about everyone; I feel like we're a family. Though this family consists of nine Cybertronians, a human who travels across dimensions, my boyfriend and his daughters. Even if Lighting and Rangeblade have only been here two months, they are part of this family. 

A few hours later

Crosshairs POV 
We waited until after dinner to go to Jamie's dimension in hopes Lightning wouldn't get suspicious. We know we'll be dealing with Jamie not liking being in her dimension. 

I didn't expect her to be afraid to see us. At most, I was expecting anger towards Hot Rod, who insisted on coming. Jamie quickly insists we all go back. 
"Easy, she doesn't know we're here," I assure Jamie, hating she's at the very least afraid my sister will hurt one of us because we came here. 
Optimus tries to convince Jamie to come back. It hurts hearing her repeatedly say no even when Drift asks her to come back for Christmas.  
"Just bring her back," Hot Rod urges. 
"No, bad idea," Prime replies. 

Jamie POV 
I'm not telling you the message she sent me, Crosshairs. That's all I need; for you to question your sister. It's just going to cause more problems. Let her have the perfect reunion and life with you she always dreamed about. 
I let myself cry once they leave.

Crosshairs POV
I went with Drift to his room. I know he's having a harder time with this than the rest of us. I hug him as he cries as we sit on his bed. It's hard not to cry myself. 

Lightning POV 
I thought the others would have joined us. I went to find Crosshairs once the movie ended. I didn't think I'd find him in Drift's room, lying on the bed with Drift. That was quick. Another way that bitch ruined my brother's life. I take a picture before going to my room. 

The next day, Crosshairs told me sort of what I wanted to hear. I am relieved to hear that bitch isn't dead and will no longer be coming here.  Oh, I still want her dead, but now no one will have the slightest clue that's my goal.

Lightning; smart choice, but you're a fragging selfish bitch. 
I send her the picture I took.

Rangeblade POV
It's one of those days when we're all up and eating breakfast together. I feel the depressed energy, except for Lightning. Even though I've only known her for two months, this feels like she did a 180° in the past three days.  
What have you thought that changed your mind? Dare I ask, or will I just ruin our friendship?  
I don't understand what this holiday called Christmas is, but I already feel like it's ruined. 

I join Drift as he attempts to meditate; he's unable to, and we sit quietly in his meditation room. 
As if he knew Drift wouldn't be able to meditate, Crosshairs walks in ten minutes later and sits with us. 
Please, Primus, let things turn out for the better. Let Crosshairs and Lightning have their dreams come true. End this scrap and bring happiness to everyone. 

Cross In The Light ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora