Ch. 48

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Lightning POV
I can't leave Jamie alone with the pain and nightmares. I have been able to get out before she knows I've been watching her. Crosshairs and Drift don't know I've been doing this. To them, I hear her from my room. At least it's not a lie with holes in it like the one about me not going near her unless she wants me near her. I come to the room and kiss her good night. Crosshairs tries to keep me away when she has nightmares, but I watch, wanting to help. What bothers me is Jamie has not left the room even when Drift said he'd carry her downstairs. He's been keeping on top of her pain — but the last infusion finished six hours ago. Where are you, Drift?

Everything is fine for twenty minutes until Jamie moans in her sleep. I should text Drift to rush here, but I'm going to deal with this myself. I've noticed there's a process that helps Jamie calm down and will try it.
"You're ok; I will not hurt you."
I don't know if I should consider the fact she didn't scream as she pushes me away with her legs a good thing — until she miscalculated getting off the bed and fell on the floor. This bed is lower than everyone else's, but with her injuries, a fall still hurts.
Jamie hugs herself and cries, in too much pain to move.
Lightning: Drift, I have a problem.
No reply, which might be a good thing. I get off the bed and sit on my knees by Jamie.
"Shh, it's ok; Drift is coming."
I don't know if I'd rather her yelling at me rather than crying. She moves to her side, though I'm certain any movement is painful. Both Crosshairs and Drift rush in, not liking the scene. I know both are pissed. No way I can say Jamie accidentally rolled off the bed.
I didn't think Crosshairs would force me up and out of the room.

"Sit!" He orders once the door to my room is closed. I sit on the bed, hating he's pissed, "we told you to leave her alone!"
"I'm tired of knowing she's afraid of me. I hate waiting...," I can't finish before crying. Crosshairs sits next to me and hugs me.
Rangeblade walks in two minutes later.
"Um, Crosshairs, there's a problem."
This isn't good.
Rangeblade sits next to me as Crosshairs rushes out of the room.
"What's happening?!"
"I don't know, she's shaking, but her eyes are closed."
Scrap, that's how terrified she is. I don't understand how when Jadin has been her enemy for years; this is concerning.
"Either she's trembling or having a seizure from fear," I explain.

Rangeblade POV
This isn't good, and Lightning is already having a hard time. I don't know why Primus thinks I deserve a chance to do better, but Crosshairs can't have a nice reunion with his sister, to have Lightning and Jamie friends.

Lightning is asleep by the time Crosshairs walks in.
"I will not hurt you," he says as he sits next to me.
For now.
"What happened?"
"She's terrified; I don't know if I should be happy she was only trembling... but it's from fear. I don't know what to do."
"What would Jamie think if I told her if she trusts me — a former con — to change, then she can trust Lightning to understand she made a mistake?"
"What are you going to do if that backfires?"
"Well, you don't trust me, so I'll just add two people don't trust me — unless the others don't trust me enough on a mission."
I run out of the room before Crosshairs can say anything. Lighting doesn't need to see us arguing.

Drift is holding Jamie as I walk into the room. She's calm but not asleep. I hate he's uncertain what to do to end this scrap.
I'll wait until she's asleep or distracted to tell Drift. Drift asks me to get food for Jamie, since she's in too much pain. I'm glad Cogman makes the food.

I worry Jamie would think I'm a con waiting for the right moment to contact Megatron as I put the tray on the bed. Drift is distracted trying to get Jamie to eat, allowing me to leave.

"Are you ok?" Optimus asks as I go down the stairs.
I tell him I am worried about Jamie and Lightning. I should tell Jamie what I'm thinking, and I don't care if it means she hates me, if she'll stop being afraid of Lightning. Optimus isn't certain if this is a good idea, even though he's been informed about what happened. He suggests we try Crosshairs' idea first. That idea can't last for long. 
We join the others in the kitchen for lunch.
It's clear everyone is worried about Jamie's distrust in Lightning. I don't feel like this is a distraction, and they feel the same way Jamie geeks about Lightning towards me. Though I think we're not at the point where the others will be ok with me joining them on missions. This is so messed up. I'd leave if that fixes everything.

Crosshairs' POV
I've been staying in Lightning's room as she sleeps. Drift tells me Jamie is asleep after eating lunch. He's considering taking Jamie back to her dimension.
"You know she'd still deal with nightmares and worry about everyone," I remind him, "do you remember that's why she had to be sedated?"
"Then we're out of options," Drift sighs.
I hate the only options we have means one or both girls are upset at some point during the day. Watching Jamie deal with nightmares and actually be afraid of someone, and it's my sister. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight or a clear answer.

Optimus Prime POV
I've considered doing the trust exercises now, but Jamie is in too much pain even walking down the hall or to the bathroom. Even if all we had to deal with is Crosshairs' distrust with Rangeblade, the trust exercises would still be a challenge, but still doable. I worry about what Jamie will try to do. I don't think she'll fight, but it's a problem if she'll try to get away. Even if it's to her dimension.

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