Ch. 62

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Optimus Prime POV
I'm pleased everything has turned around. It's been hard to not tell everyone what I have been up to. Soon I should be able to both show and tell the others what I have been working on. Part of this has been secretly planning blueprints for an addition to the house. We're almost ready to tell everyone. Thankfully, the issues here have delayed nothing, but it'll be at least a few weeks before I can say anything.

It's been rough watching the scrap we've been dealing with. Watching Crosshairs struggle with what his sister did, how she's been acting, and watching Jamie as Lightning's Target. Watching my friend whom I've known since she was nine years old. I feel like she's my daughter. We've all become one big family.

"... she'll be ok," I hear Crosshairs, "unfortunately, this happens often. Some days it's worse than this."
I see Crosshairs, Drift, Lightning, and Vivian going downstairs to the kitchen.
What happened? Surely Jamie didn't get upset from being shown she now has her own room here.
I go upstairs to Jamie's room. She's asleep in the bed, but it's clear she's been crying.
What upset you today?
There are a few causes I can think of.

???: You're really going to make us wait?
OP: yes, not everyone can stay here at the moment, and I explained we're dealing with a few things.

Cade, Vivian, and I leave the house to talk about the addition to the house without the others knowing. Cade didn't think he'd be a part of the planning even if he and Vivian are dating. 
"Hopefully, we can plan a vacation or something to get everyone out of the house," Cade suggests.
"And the surprise they'll return to," Vivian smiles, "but this will not be easy."
We know the others will question why we're not joining them. That's something to think about in a few weeks.
"Now, uh.. what do we do about Jamie?" Vivian asks.
I sigh, "there's not much to do. This has been a struggle for years. Even this sudden depression without a cause."
We know Jamie is not liking Lighting found out, but she would eventually; also, Hot Rod, Rangeblade, and Vivian.

Lightning POV
Hearing about what Jamie has been dealing with for years and adding what I put her through hurts. I guess no one had the chance between the distrust with Rangeblade and my scrap with Jamie. 

I sit in my room, uncertain if I'd be allowed to lie by Jamie as she sleeps.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask Crosshairs as he walks into the room.
"Because I was being stupid distrusting Rangeblade, then we went on the trip...."
I don't think what we've by dealing with was more than fear. Now Jamie is relaxed, and her depression has taken over. We probably would have been dealing with this even if we didn't deal with all this shit. 
Drift walks in, and the two tell me about Jamie though they hate talking about her mental struggle. 
".... She's afraid to love...," Drift explains, "it's not because I'm an alien. We have figured out it's partly because of the condition that can kill her, but it's mostly her mental state and how she is treated in her dimension. While she's separated her two appearances, but she can't have two minds."
"Though with what she's been through on these adventures, I wouldn't be surprised if she still would have mental wounds," Crosshairs adds, "she's a delicate little lady, but fierce on the battlefield — or if you piss her off."
There's much more to learn about Jamie, but this is enough for now.

Jamie is awake a little before dinner. It's obvious she's not happy I found out about her mental struggle. She will not like I want Rangeblade to know. Hot Rod doesn't know either. 
"Ok, guys, this is going to be too much for her. Let's go talk to Crosshairs instead," I insist, since Drift is with Jamie.

Like me, Hot Rod and Rangeblade are not liking what they're hearing. Problem is we can't act like we don't know about Jamie's mental struggle. She's still feeling depressed, and we can't avoid her until her current depressed state gets better.

Rangeblade POV
I'm probably going to regret my actions. As Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning are around, I pick Jamie up. I didn't think she'd be so light even though she's small. Jamie isn't trying to get away from me. There's no point trying to get away even though she does not like how Lightning, Hot Rod, and I now know about her mental struggle. 
"You're ok; you know we all love you," I say as I rub her back as I've seen Drift do.
I see Crosshairs looking at me, waiting for him to scold me. This hurts knowing what Jamie has been through.

The others walk in as it's time for our planned T.V. time like we have been doing every night.
"Stay," I hear Drift even though he's trying to whisper.
We take our spots on the couch, Crosshairs next to me, and Drift turns on what we watch every night. I wait a few minutes before moving Jamie onto the couch. Everything is fine for the next two hours as we watch T.V.
Everything is as it should be, so I feel like something else is going to come up.
"Relax, you're safe," Crosshairs says and hugs me.
With everything the way it's supposed to be, Vivian wants to get a nice family photo. It's strange to hear her say 'family'.

Vivian P.O.V.
I know with Jamie's birthday in less than a month, we could have better pictures; but I think a picture that seems last minute is more fitting for this to replace Crosshairs' Photoshop work.
"Now?" Cogman asks, not pleased we're not better dressed.
"Yes," I reply.
The others like the idea to redo what Crosshairs made, but it will show he has the family he wanted all this time. The next thing I know, this has turned into a photoshoot.
"Get in here," Crosshairs smiles as he takes Rangeblade's hand — but it's not to be a part of a group photo as I watch Drift, Lightning, and Jamie walk away. No, this is a photo showing the two are friends. Then the three girls have a photo taken, and last, Cogman insists on a group photo with everyone.
"Did I misunderstand when you told me they are all like family? Not just Cade, Izzy, and Tessa."
"Yes, but—."
"Already taken care of," Cogman explains as Izzy and Tessa walk into the room along with Shane, who is ok with being left out of the photo. Though he's not pleased that Cogman claims Shane is not married into the family while Cade has officially adopted Izzy. Shane doesn't bother pointing out the flaw in Cogman's claim and insists I don't bother as it'll ruin the moment. I can't ignore this. It's a challenge, but we get everyone, including Shane, in the photo.
"Thank you," Lightning smiles as the others leave the room.
"I'll have Cogman print several copies of the pictures. I think everyone is going to want the family photo."
Everything is as it should have been back in October, and things will only get better.

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