Ch. 22

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Lightning POV
I swear it's like we're meant to have an endless list of problems to deal with. Not even hearing Crosshairs was worried about her is cheering up Rangeblade. We're in the living room with Jamie and Vivian. With Cogman cooking dinner and the mechs talking about the scrap going on, I think this is a good time for time with Jamie and Rangeblade. Not sure if Vivian will stay if Rangeblade is here.
I'm half watching the movie and half thinking, how can we deal with this scrap? Is Jamie blaming herself, and that's why she didn't want to stay?

Optimus Prime POV
Cade is unhappy about what Tessa said and that Jamie heard it. Crosshairs and Drift are concerned about what Jamie has been thinking after that. I think I see why Jamie doesn't want to stay, but why did she tell only Rangeblade?

Tessa POV
I'm not happy Jamie spied on Shane and me, but at the same time, I'm glad she did. Now I don't have to repeat myself. Maybe she'll be gone by Christmas.

Shane POV
I can't believe Tessa is happy Jamie heard her or that she's thinking this way. There's nothing I can do without getting a mouthful from Tessa. I think it might be better to not go back to Vivian's house for Christmas.

Crosshairs POV
Drift, and I go downstairs to the living room. All four femme are happy I'm downstairs but distracted by everything we need to fix. I think I'd rather we have to fix the old castle Vivian inherited along with this house than deal with this scrap.

Rangeblade leaves immediately after I sit between her and Jamie. Drift follows her as Jamie and Lightning watch, worried. I know Lightning told Rangeblade I was worried about her after Rangeblade went into stasis lock. I know that wouldn't be enough to get her to stop being afraid of me, but I thought at least she wouldn't want to avoid me. She still thinks I'm going to try to fight her, damn.

Rangeblade POV
I go to Jamie's room and sit on the bed after closing the door. Sure, I could've gone to one of the many guest rooms, but I wanted to sit in this room. I didn't think Jamie left things behind since she didn't know when she'd come back to stay for a while. At least it seemed she'd come back for Christmas, but uncertain if she could stay.

"If you didn't want to be found, you should have gone to one of the many guest rooms," Drift jokes as he closes the door.
"I'm sure you would have eventually found me," I smile as I sit next to me.
We end up talking about Crosshairs and Jamie, though Drift still won't tell me everything about Jamie; he says it's nothing I have to worry about right now.
"Come on," Drift insists, " you know Crosshairs can't fight you if he wanted to, but I don't think he wants to."

At least I don't have to sit next to Crosshairs as Lighting and Jamie and sitting on either side of him. Both leaning on him as he has his arms around them. Drift leads me to sit with him on the other couch. We watch what's left of the movie. The movie finished in time for dinner. I watch Crosshairs in pain as he stands up.

Hot Rod POV
I am happy Jamie is here, but I should avoid her. It's not like I must eat now. I can wait until everyone goes to bed. I ignore the text messages Crosshairs sends me. Interestingly, Prime doesn't send me any messages.
A half-hour passes before Crosshairs walks into my room.
"Avoiding me now?" He jokes.
"No, it's best I stay away from Jamie. She's furious at me," then it dawned on me, "how likely is she to do the same as I did to you?"
He looks at me, concerned, before we hear someone running down the hall.
I look and see it's Jamie. I walk into the hallway before she unintentionally hurts Crosshairs. Even though all she can do is cause more pain, she'd feel terrible.
I should know by now not to be fooled by her small size, but I was as she tackled me to the ground. I grab her wrists, but I'm struggling to keep her from punching me. I didn't know Crosshairs sat on the floor — which had to have been painful — until he moves Jamie off me and onto his lap. Instead of breaking free, Jamie hugs Crosshairs.
"I'm sorry, I know what I did was a huge mistake," I tell her, not knowing if she's paying attention, before walking away.

Crosshairs POV
Yes, sitting on the floor hurts, but it's better than the injuries Jamie can inflict on Hot Rod. I worry she was having nightmares alone. Was that why Drift went to her dimension? I see why he didn't tell me. Why didn't Prime tell her I was doing much better when I woke up?

Rangeblade and Drift stand beside me for a minute before Drift takes Jamie so Rangeblade can help me up. I clench my side in pain. This worries both Jamie and Rangeblade. I assure them I'm fine before going back to my room to lay on my bed.

Rangeblade walks in and sits on the edge of the bed. Either she's concerned about what Hot Rod did or enjoying this.
Ten minutes pass before Hound walks in. He didn't tell Rangeblade to leave before removing my bandages. He finally takes out the stitches. Good, I can stick to my plan Tuesday after the damn storm passes. Two more days to rest — or deal with Jamie's anger towards Hot Rod. I can do both; my pain isn't too bad. Hound tells me to be careful before leaving. I forgot Rangeblade has been here the whole time.
"I'm not going to yell at you," I assure her.
I know the look on her face too well. I realize not now, in a way, she's like a Cybertronian version of Jamie. The difference being Rangeblade's shyness is likely temporary and due to knowing switching sides isn't easy. We already have an ex-con on our side .... unless something happened to him; damn humans.
Rangeblade rushes out of the room as I sit up. Oh boy, in a way, progress has been made, but...

Rangeblade POV
I don't know what to think at this point. Is Crosshairs beginning to trust me, or is he hoping to trick me?
This is now tricky, but this can't be one-sided. Optimus said he thinks Jamie can be a big help, and I think I see how she can be tonight.
".... you're right, everyone talks about getting Crosshairs to trust you, but forget you have to work on trusting him," Drift explains.
"He's hoping to trick me then fight me."
"He wouldn't do that even if he's still furious, you're here — though I doubt he is."

We join Jamie and Lightning watching their movie, which turns into a marathon — or so that's what Janie wanted.
"So much for watching movies all night," Drift laughs before texting Crosshairs, "ok, go ahead," he tells me.
Did Drift tell Crosshairs I'm coming up with Jamie?

Crosshairs sits on the bed until I walk into the room. He stands up to take Jamie from me. I can't get myself to say anything. This isn't going as I wanted.
I run out of the room, running into Drift. I break down and cry while hugging him.

Drift POV
I take Rangeblade to my room, and we sit on the bed.
"I take it you couldn't say anything?" I ask.
"No," she sobs.
"You need to relax. You know this is going to take time."
I honestly don't think the others, aside from Lightning, trust her enough to go on missions with her, so while we're thinking everyone but Crosshairs trusts her, the others might not fully trust her.

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