Ch. 37

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Cade POV
We contacted our friend to help us; they insisted on Hound and I bringing Jamie to their dimension even though Jamie was bleeding heavily. I did my best to control the bleeding for a few minutes before getting Jamie where our friend wanted. They told us to leave; I wish we could have argued about staying. Now we have no idea how Jamie is; only what will happen if she dies — or most of what will happen. No one knows for sure if memories are erased or not. A dangerous decision was made. That friend is more important than us. Prime is also not happy about the decision, but we can't argue about it. All we can tell the others is a friend took over saving Jamie. We will leave out how she died, and we revived her before bringing her to our friend.

Crosshairs, Drift, Lightning, and Rangeblade stay in Drift's room, comforting each other while the others go to their rooms. What can anyone do to comfort each other? A hug can only do so much.
Lightning feels awful, failing to realize Crosshairs wanted her to think of Jamie as a sister even if she's not Cybertronian. They both would have gotten his attention, and Jamie would also be with Drift. She looks at the pictures Drift has on the wall by the desk, feeling so much guilt.

An hour passes before Crosshairs takes Lightning to his room.
No way she's going to bed alone. We all can't fit on one bed, as much as I'd like to make sure Drift goes to bed. He's going to have a rough night. Crosshairs thinks as he gets Lightning to lay in his bed.
"You have no idea how tough Jamie is; she's a fighter, she'll be ok," Crosshairs assures Lightning, knowing full well that he may be lying. Anything to get her to sleep tonight.

Rangeblade tries to get Drift to lie in bed and hopefully fall asleep. Drift wants to be left alone, but he also wants Rangeblade to stay. Even though she still likes him, Rangeblade hates he may lose the one he loves.
The others try to go to sleep, but it's a challenge.

Lightning is up at four in the morning, making her way to the place where her unofficial memorial once stood. Fear that the rock pile Crosshairs made will be put back together filled her. She sits on the hill, watching the sunrise, visualizing the last time she saw Jamie smile.
I'm such an idiot. Even if she survives what I did, she's going to avoid me.
Lightning thought she was alone to cry until she felt arms around her. She looks behind her.
He says nothing as Lightning repositions to hug him and cry in his arms.

The two of them return to the house an hour later, finding everyone but Drift eating breakfast. Crosshairs and Lightning worry about Drift being left alone.

Vivian suggests they go out for a hike, knowing that getting everyone to do this will be challenging. Everyone but grouchy Cogman agrees. No one wants to wake up Drift to ask him if he wants to come.
"You guys go; I'll stay with him," Crosshairs tells the others. Unsure if Drift would hurt himself or worse.
"Let me stay with you," Lightning insists.
"I don't think it's wise for the one who murdered Drift's girl to go near him," Cogman coldly says, resulting in Bee whacking him in the head with an iron skillet since a also wouldn't be effective in his holoform. Cogman is now ready for a fight but quickly stops as soon as Vivian tells him to stop. Which surprises Vivian.
"Aft, but you should go with the others. I doubt I'll be doing anything aside from sitting with Drift, making sure he's not going to hurt himself," Crosshairs explains.
"Scrap, the medical supplies in his room!" Hound exclaims as he runs out of the kitchen. Crosshairs and Lightning follow him.

Drift is still asleep; like humans, depression has made him not want to do anything but sleep. Hound walks into the room quietly; he doesn't find anything near Drift to suggest he's actually dead and not asleep.
Glad we use these capsules. Much easier and quieter to get these from his room. Hound thinks as he gathers the two boxes of capsules. Only issue us the drugs kept in the mini-fridge. Crosshairs gathered those and the two mechs left the room to put the supplies in the barn's makeshift medbay. Lighting stood in the room, out of Crosshairs and Hound's way, seeing the mess of tissues, wondering when did Drift finally fall asleep?
Lightning tries to get Crosshairs to let her stay, but Crosshairs believes Drift will sleep most of the day. The hike shouldn't take long.

An hour passes before Crosshairs watches Drift clearly having a Nightmare. He crouches down by the bed, hoping he doesn't have to wake Drift up. Crosshairs jumps as Drift abruptly sits up, looking around the room before crying.
Damn, I know he's hoping it's just a nightmare, and Jamie is sleeping next to him. Crosshairs dreads as he hugs Drift.

The others return three hours later, not liking Drift, just wants to sleep.
"The irony; he's around a depressed mess of a human, and now he's likely her," Cogman mocks, forgetting the Autobots are behind him in their bipedal mode until Hound kicks him to the ground.
"I can easily offline you right now!!" He rages.
"You remember what I did to Crosshairs' finger?!"
"Enough, though I can't believe you don't understand how he's feeling after Bertin died," Bumblebee says.
Saying nothing more, Cogman goes into the house.

Cade tries to contact the friend but gets nothing. To him, it means Jamie is critical and may still die.
You know this time, we'd rather not hear it. Cade sighs.

"He's still asleep?" Lightning asks as she stands by the chair Crosshairs sits on
"It's been rough," Crosshairs sighs, "yet he still goes back to sleep."
Lighting tells Crosshairs she's going to make food for Drift, hoping he'll eat. Even though they can go without eating or Energon for a few days, she'd rather not let Drift get to that point.
He's at the very least trying to end up in stasis lock from low Energon. Lightning worries as she walks down the hall.

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