Ch. 20

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Hot Rod POV
Four days have passed; Jamie doesn't want to come back, and Crosshairs hates he still can't go to Jamie's dimension. He's off IV pain medication, but both Hound and Prime tell him he's not recovered enough to go, which is scrap. As for Rangeblade, it's a damn waiting game.

Hound POV
I don't know when Rangeblade will wake up, only that she will not be in stasis lock for months. She didn't hurt herself to cause herself to be in a long stasis lock. I am not looking forward to catching her up on what's been happening.

Lightning POV
I will not be able to get Crosshairs to Jamie, but I can go see her. I have an idea.
"No, I don't want her to be furious at you," Hot Rod tells me when I tell him my plan.
"She'll just think you're lying," I reply.
"It's true, at most, she'll think you're lying, Hot Rod," Crosshairs confirms, "be careful with her. I know it might seem like she's acting like a child; it's complicated."
"I can't judge when I know little about her," I tell Crosshairs. Hot Rod nods in agreement.

Twenty minutes pass before Hot Rod hands me his phone, telling me it would be better to show Jamie the video from his phone so I can keep the video call with Crosshairs going.
"You big softie," I tease, seeing he ended up crying, but I don't like this is how unhappy he is with what's been happening.
"Come here, softie," Crosshairs jokes as he stands up to hug Hot Rod, "I don't think Jamie hates you to the point you two are no longer friends; just what you did."
I know Crosshairs would like to come with us, but there's a logical reason Hound and Prime would tell him no. They still want Crosshairs resting, even though Crosshairs' pain is no longer excruciating. I told him I'll video call him when I get to Jamie's dimension.

Crosshairs POV
I need to go with them, but I'd be in trouble if I went. I doubt I can repair the damage done by going.
"Thought you'd go with her," Hound comments as he walks in. I give him a look of disgust as he sits on the chair by the bed. I'm not surprised Hot Rod didn't stay.
Hound is about to say something as my phone goes off. Lightning started a video call before going by Drift and Jamie. I didn't expect Jamie to be scared to see Lightning. She shows Jamie her phone.
"He's ok," Lighting assures her.
"I'm fine," I tell Jamie, "show her the video."
Drift takes Lightning's phone, so Lightning can get the video from Hot Rod's phone before handing Jamie the phone.

"I'm sorry, Jamie; I thought I was protecting Rangeblade, but I did what I was afraid Crosshairs would do."
Tears roll down Hot Rod's face.
"He's ok, just in a bit of pain. I know he could have died."
By now, it's a little hard to know what Hot Rod is saying as Hot Rod started sobbing.
"I know you're furious and don't want to be friends with me."
The video ends.
"Wow, I didn't think he was that upset," Hound comments.
We watch Jamie crush the phone into pieces before going upstairs.
"Go!" Lightning demands. Drift follows Jamie upstairs. I tell Lightning to leave a note for me before coming back. I don't think it'll matter if I send a video message to Drift's phone or not. This is just another issue we'll be dealing with. All I wanted to do was protect my friends and my sister, but look at what I've caused. Hound leaves the room to talk to Prime. I sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for Lightning to return.

I knew she'd be upset. She walks into the room and into my arms. I stand up to hug her.
"This isn't what I wanted to happen," Lighting says in a sad tone.
"I know; everything will be ok."
I might be lying, but I hope not. It's Jamie I'm uncertain about. Hot Rod is already begging for forgiveness. I don't think Rangeblade hates me, but afraid.
I didn't think Hot Rod would come back to my room. He and Lightning talk about wanting Jamie to come back now instead of Christmas. I don't know if it's wise to have Jamie come back, at least for a week. She should have calmed down by then. I think here with me is a good idea. Lightning, Hot Rod, and I talk to Drift when he returns three hours later. He tells us Jamie told him to contact her when Rangeblade wakes up, and while he agrees Jamie being here with me is a good idea, I can video chat with her for now. This should help her. Hot Rod is displeased with this, even though Drift knows Jamie a lot better than he does.
He abruptly leaves the table and walks out of the house.

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