Ch. 4

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Lightning POV
I woke up chained to the wall in a strange room.
Scrap, I remember what happened now.
I tried my hardest to get free from the chains and panted from using too much power over myself.
"You're wasting your time. No Cybertronian can break free from those chains," a voice said before the person walks into the room. Must be the same human as before since it's the same suite, "I was going to wait for my target to come to rescue you, but I'm impatient. Where is the Autobots' current location?"
"You're hunting Autobots but don't know we would never reveal the location of other Autobots," I sneered.
"I'm not after the Autobots, but I do know how to get you to talk."
The human leaves the room, the doors closing behind them.
Primus, please tell Crosshairs to hurry.

"Argh! I can't wait any longer! I want to hurry and go find Lightning!" Crosshairs punched his fist at the wall of the barn.
"Crosshairs, we know you love her dearly and made a promise to protect her, but you must keep your calm, and we will get her out of there as soon as we form a plan," Optimus says.
Crosshairs glared at the Prime. "And what?! Let her be scraped until we get there, seeing her dead form?!" He yelled
Drift put a servo on his friend's shoulder plate. "Crosshairs, calm your rage. If you don't, the anger consumes you and-"
"Crosshairs! That is enough!" Optimus demanded.
Crosshairs growled and angrily storms out of the barn. The team watched him go off on his own, felt sad for the Paratrooper.

Crosshairs POV
I was filled with rage. I kicked the nearest object and yelled out loud. I was truly mad; we couldn't find Lightning. Is this going to be the second time that I will lose her? It may be! Because we ain't searching anywhere! This is just bullscrap!
"ARGH!!" I yelled, kicked an object away. "THIS IS FRAGGING STUPID!!" I put my servos on my helm in anger.
I looked around in the distance and saw the sun setting.
Lightning, wherever you are, I will get you back home and stay right by your side.
I lost my cool and transformed immediately and drove off to find her.

An Autobot watched Crosshairs drive off to go find his sister, wanting to help him. They transformed and followed Crosshairs, far enough so Crosshairs wouldn't know.

Lightning POV
I was taken to a torture room. The ones beating me are robots but not Cybertronian. Even if this human isn't working with the Decepticons, I'm still worried. Why does this human want to find the Autobots' location? They beat me hard, making me bleed and in lots of pain.
"That's enough!" The human yells as they walk into the room. I panted and coughed out energon as I clench my dentas, "had enough?" They ask.
"Go frag yourself! You'll never get the location from me!!"
They don't seem to have a way to get information from my processor since they've resorted to torcher.
Please find me soon, Crosshairs.
The human growled and slapped my face, "you then again refuse to tell me, continue the torture! I'll get what I want another way," they darkly say and leave the room.
These robots are strong, whipping me with metal whips. I eventually fell to my knees, energon pouring out of me.
Strangely, the robots stopped whipping me and left the room. They returned within minutes, dragged a Cybertronian, who is severely wounded. Telling by the figure and their groans, it was a femme.
"What did you do to her?" I growled, looking at the femme who barely opened her optics.
"Our master thought this was an Autobot but kept her as a subject after they refused to give our master the information they desire. Researching how to torcher your kind. As you can see, she's barely alive. Your choice; watch her die or tell us where the Autobots are."
I had to choose... I shook my helm in defeat. I was truly lost in between all of it. This was a hard decision.
They all looked at me, waiting for my answer. I looked at the ground and smirked before standing up slowly.
"Very well, remove these cuffs, and I will tell you."
The robots did as I asked, foolish them, I revealed my blades and stabbed all of them in the room, including the one who was holding the Cybertronian. Once they were defeated, I retracted my blades and knelt beside the Cybertronian. I realized she's a Decepticon.
"So.. um.. you work with the Autobots.." she said, afraid of what I might do to her.
I nod, "yes, I do, but I will not leave you here to die. We are both Cybertronian, and possibly the last two femmes; we are like sisters now. My name is Lightning Flares."
I helped her up. She looks at me before hugging me.
"Thank you, sister."
I winced in pain but ignored it and hugged her
"What is your designation?"
Well, Rangeblade, we are wounded. We must escape. I'll see if I can contact my brother."
I tried to comm-link him, but no answer, just static.
"Frag, those robots seriously did lots of damage on me.. come on, let's go. We must run away from this base."
"Wait! How are we going to get through them all.?"
I turned to her and revealed my feather blades. "Follow my lead."
That was all I said as she nervously nods.

Crosshairs POV
I continued driving towards Lightning's last known location. I heard engine noises not far behind me. I stopped and moved my rear mirror. A black and red Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S
That is someone I know.
"Drift, why did you follow me?" I growled.
We both transformed into our bipedal forms.
"Why did you follow me!?" I yelled.
Before Drift could answer, our friend, Jamie, appears.
This is a time when both Drift and I don't like her ability to travel anywhere within seconds.
"Jamie, why are you here?" Drift asks. I can tell he's trying to stay calm.
She is afraid to speak, which is unusual. There's only one thing she won't tell us.
"I know you are worried about Lighting, but...what would we do if you got killed, Crosshairs? Or both of you got killed? I can't lose you two."
"Ok, I admit it; I'm a fool for thinking I could save Lightning on my own. The three of us can handle whatever is on that ship, no problem. Let's go."
Drift, and I transformed, Jamie gets into Drift's alt mode, and we drove off towards where we found the ship, aware it might be gone. Jamie can sense the Cybertronian signal Cade previously discovered.
"Hmm, so we couldn't find the signal at the property, but now I can?" Jamie questioned.
This is strange, but we must rescue Lightning.

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