Ch. 25

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Rangeblade POV
To my surprise, Vivian insists I have a room in the house. Two months since Optimus let me stay, and I feel like the only reason she's thinking I should have a room is due to it being winter. I don't think she knows our bipedal mode can deal with cold, and Cade has a heating system for the barn. Well, I guess I should count this as a step in the right direction. I doubt Vivian plans on kicking me out come spring since she's spending her money letting me get things for the room. "This is much better than the barn-," Vivian comments.
"What were you thinking?" We hear Crosshairs.
"Me? Why are you defending her? Look what she did to your hand!!" Lightning yells.
Vivian and I stand in the hallway by my room. I see what Lightning is talking about, but there's no way Jamie did that.
"She didn't do it; I accidentally shattered my glass," Crosshairs explains.
Damn, I see why Jamie said she can't stay here.
"Why would you lie to your own sister?!" Lightning rages before going to her room, slamming the door.

I walk towards Crosshairs' room as he Bangs on the door, demanding Lighting open it.
" remember overhearing Janie say she should go home?" I shyly ask.
"Yeah?" He asks, giving up on trying to get Lightning to open the door.
"Maybe she should go home... f-for a little while. Maybe til after Christmas?"
Crosshairs frowns.
"I'm sorry, I-."
"You might be right about Jamie leaving for a while, but she's currently injured," Crosshairs explains before taking my hand and leading me into his room. He closes the door as I sit at the desk. I'm trying to relax, but seeing the guns on the shelf isn't helping.

"Lightning stabbed her after thinking Jamie hurt me," Crosshairs explains, "not as bad as Hot Rod did to me, but the abdomen is a horrible place to get Injured."
I remember Drift telling me there are things I don't need to worry about. Was it medical information? Is now even a good time to ask?
Crosshairs looks at his phone; I know he's waiting for a text from Drift.

Hot Rod POV
Hound injected a small dose of a sedative before taking care of the wound. Drift and I can sit on either side of the bed as he works.
"This isn't serious; she'll be fine," Hound says as he stitches the wound, "but I'm not sure how likely this can get infected. That's why we're not letting her heal herself, Hot Rod."
I don't think she could heal herself with how quickly she became out of it from the shock of what Lightning did.
Crosshairs walks in, worried. He stands next to Drift, and Hound repeats what he told us. "Rangeblade believes we should let Jamie go home for a while," Crosshairs tells us.
"No!" I immediately tell them.
I can't let her leave knowing she hates me.
"Only for three weeks, a month tops," Crosshairs explains, but I can tell he's unsure about this. We need to talk to Prime; it displeases Crosshairs we have to tell Prime about what Lightning did. Crosshairs rushes out of the barn immediately after Hound says her name.

Lightning POV
Crosshairs isn't in his room, but I see he leaves a few of his guns on a shelf.
"What are you thinking of doing?!" Crosshairs yells, causing me to jump.
"Getting rid of a problem!" I yell.
"Calm down; ok, let's say Jamie hurt my hand; you really think that's enough of a reason to kill her?"

Four hours later

Jamie POV
I wake up in pain. It takes a few minutes to realize I'm in bed in Drift's room. I remember what happened; I knew I should have left when I saw Crosshairs is fine. Well, I'm leaving now. Moving hurts as I get out of bed and open a portal.
"Jamie?" I hear Drift ask, but I go through the portal.

It hurts so much walking through the portal towards the couch. I sit on the couch and type a message to Crosshairs and Drift while dealing with the pain. I'm able to send the message before passing out from the pain.

Drift POV
Crosshairs' room is across the hall from mine. He opens the door to his room, holding his phone. "She sent it to you as well?" He asks.
"Yes," I reply in a sad tone.
"Die bitch," we hear Lightning mumble before going into her room.
Crosshairs and I couldn't believe what she said. She went from wanting to be Jamie's friend to hoping she dies from the stab wound she gave Jamie.
"Go get her and bring her back here," Crosshairs insists, even though it's likely Lightning will hurt Jamie again.

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