Ch. 18

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Bumblebee POV
"...not a word to anyone," Optimus instructs Hound and me before walking through the portal.
I hate we had no choice.
"I'm sorry, Jamie," I mumble.
How can we not keep this a secret? Sure, it's easy for now; don't mention Jamie had to come to heal Crosshairs, but how will she be when she returns?
"Well, the good news is this didn't affect his bipedal mode," Hound tells me, "and he'll likely wake up tomorrow morning. He can recover in his room."
I catch Hot Rod walking away. How long has he been watching us?

Hot Rod POV
I've been acting like Crosshairs, but he hasn't harmed Rangeblade. Though the worst he would have done was knock her out. Come to think of it, he still has his guns; he could have shot and killed Rangeblade, but he hasn't. All he's done is yell at her. Scrap, does Jamie know I harmed Crosshairs? I might not be friends with her or Crosshairs, and Crosshairs thinks his friendship with Jamie is over; I'm such an idiot. I better sleep in my room at the house, but I think Lightning is there.

I hear crying once I walk into the house. Vivian is trying to comfort Lightning in the living room. I can't go to bed knowing Lighting is crying. I walk into the room, not expecting Lighting to get up and slap me.
"YOU KILLED CROSSHAIRS!!" She sobs as Vivian hugs her.
"He'll be ok; he should wake up tomorrow and can recover in his room," I tell the two femmes. Cade walks in and demands I leave. I do as he tells me. Everyone hates me now, and I deserve it. Walking by a bedroom, I hear Drift talking in his sleep. I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I'm not going to let him deal with these Nightmares, whatever it may be. I'll stay here all night if I have to.

The next day

Crosshairs POV
I wake up in the worst pain I've felt in a long time. I hear things being moved before a voice whispers 'sorry'. I don't dare move as the pain will get worse. Whoever is here isn't by my head, so I don't know who's here, but I see I'm by Rangeblade, who is still in stasis lock.
"Move him once he's asleep. It'll be better in terms of his pain."
I can't tell who's talking. I worry I'm going to hear crying again...or was I dreaming? I hope I was; I'd hate it if my two femmes were crying.
Whoever is around must have given me pain medication. I feel tired and unable to stay awake.

Four hours later

I wake up, not in pain, and in a familiar place; my room. Lightning and Drift sit by the bed, happy I'm awake like I've been in a coma. Have I been asleep for days?
"Crosshairs? You'll be ok," Lightning assures me, "can you sit up and drink?"
The two of them help me sit up and drink from a water bottle with a straw. There's a little pain, but I can ignore it. I see they've both been crying. Was I close to dying? Then why am I in my room? Unless....oh scrap. I'm not even going to ask. If Jamie did come by, then I don't think she's coming back.
Lightning asks if I want to eat before she and Drift go downstairs to make food. I look at the bandages on my abdomen; how bad are my injuries that Jamie couldn't heal them completely? Unless I'm wrong, and she didn't come here to heal me. I'll find out in a few weeks.

"How is Rangeblade?" I ask, hoping Drift and Lightning haven't been crying because she died. "Still in stasis lock," Lightning replies in a sad tone.
She sits next to me on the bed as I eat. A few minutes pass before she hands me a note from Hot Rod;
I'm sorry, Crosshairs, I have been a fool. I'm not coming up to your room until you want to see me.

"Did he leave?" I ask.
"No, he's just going to stay away from you."
If Jamie did come by, then he's thinking like me; that he lost a friend — or two if he thinks we're not friends.

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