Ch. 10

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Lightning POV
I hate hearing Jamie tell us she is scared Crosshairs will go as far and think Drift has been working undercover for the cons. Drift is crushed hearing Jamie say that, but he says it makes sense. I don't care if her thinking makes sense or not; I don't like she's thinking this way. Even though Drift tells me not to tell Crosshairs, I'm telling him. He needs to know how his actions are affecting his friend.

Rangeblade is displeased with how Jamie is thinking and tells me she's leaving.
"This will not end well," she argues.
"No, Rangeblade, stay. We promise things will get better," Drift jumps in.
"How long before Crosshairs goes too far? From missing his sister to hating you? Turning on Drift; claiming he's been undercover for the Decepticons, or-."
"It's going to be ok," I assure her.

We go for a drive, hoping to get Jamie and Rangeblade to calm down.
Unfortunately, Crosshairs followed us, causing the two to become tenser.
I tell Drift and Rangeblade to keep going before transforming; Crosshairs transforms in front of me, but he watches Drift drive off.
"Damn," he mumbles.

Crosshairs POV
I overheard everything Jamie and Rangeblade said. I hate that's what Jamie is thinking. As for the con, they can say anything to act like they're concerned. I don't know what to say; I know Lightning is mad at me. I walk back to the property, not caring if Lightning follows me or not.

The memorial once for Lighting might as well stay standing. Though it seems silly, this is now for my lost friendship.
"Crosshairs?" Lightning asks as I unfold a picture I printed earlier, "you think she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore?"
"I don't blame her. I can't believe what she's thinking."
If Jamie was just mad at me for not trusting the con, this would be different. It would be easier to deal with. I'd think as I'm thinking with Lightning mad, I will not trust the con; she doesn't get that I'm just trying to protect her. The fact Jamie thinks I'll go as far as accusing Drift of spying on us all these years hurts.

Lighting sees the photo I have. Even though Drift is also in it, it's one of my favorites. Though it might be odd to like a picture of Drift kissing Jamie on the cheek, making her smile, while I'm standing next to them, smiling. I never understood why our friend, Jayce, took this picture, but it's become one of my favorites.

Lighting hugs me before I could put the picture on the pile of rocks.
"Come on, everything will be ok."
She has me leave the area.

We watch the sunset, and the stars appear in the night sky before Drift tells us Cade made dinner.

Drift says Jamie and Rangeblade wanted to eat in Jamie's room. I hate how Drift added 'because Jamie trusts Rangeblade' as much as I hate she's avoiding me.
Wait a minute, when did the con get a holoform?
Neither Hound nor the humans are pissed Jamie is alone with Rangeblade, but I doubt it means they trust her.
"So what's the plan, sir?" Lightning asks.
I know I ruined Prime's original plan.
"I am unsure," Prime replies.
"Now we have to get Jamie to trust Crosshairs," Hound points out.
I hate he said that, knowing it's likely true. I left the house, running back to the pile of rocks to be alone.

Jamie POV
I don't know what to think of this. Crosshairs is supposed to be spending time with Lighting. Lightning and I want to show the others Rangeblade isn't an evil con, aware of the risk we're taking.
"Are you ok?" I hear Prime ask.
"No, this is a disaster. Crosshairs is supposed to be spending time with Lighting, not pissed at her. I-I worry he's going to turn on Drift..."
"It'll be ok, but are you going to be able to be on the same team as him?"
"Its Crosshairs being on the same team as Rangeblade that worries me. I knew my friendship would fall apart one day."
I run off before Prime can say anything.

I run into Crosshairs and Drift. Apparently, Lightning, Prime, and Rangeblade followed me. This will not go well, but Crosshairs won't let me go.

Crosshairs POV
"I'm sorry, you know I worry about you. I know Drift is not an evil undercover con, but I worry this will be different," I explain to Jamie. She says nothing and still isn't break free from my hug. Drift joins in from behind Jamie, which is both nice and awkward.
"Let me join in," Lightning says.
We're in one big group hug until Jamie's phone goes off.

Jamie is needed in another dimension. I hate when she leaves, but this time feels different. I also don't feel like we've, as the humans say, made up. Also, I wanted her and Lightning to become closer to each other. Who knows how long Jamie will be gone. We always wait for the day she will come back, even if she contacts us daily.

Optimus Prime POV
One problem resolved, but I feel another has taken its place now that Jamie can't be a part of this plan.
"Now, what, sir?" Lightning asks.
"We can continue as planned; an equal number of team members in each team isn't important," I tell her.
Still, I think Jamie would have been a big help.

Rangeblade POV
No one likes Jamie has to leave, but now I have one less friend, one less person who believes I'm not a spy working for the cons. Drift seems the most displeased she has to go.

Ok, so this may seem all over the place, but there's a plan. Plus, how can a Decepticon not cause so many problems by being welcomed by a few of the Autobots & humans, even if they aren't intentionally trying to cause problems?

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